I was speaking to a Dada of mine who mentioned he wrote a dissertation whilst doing an M.A (he was doing it for fun). It is currently in Warwick university for research purposes as they advised him not to publish it. They gave him Merits and a Lucrative role in the Uni as compensation which he rejected. But he did respect their wishes as they mentioned it was "Critically Critical of their system" which could have bring to light many problems that lead to more problems.

In it he wrote about:

- How Mohammad(SAW) and Shariah bought cohesion to Humanity and the rights given to Humans
- How the Magna Carta was derived from Sharia Law but words changed here and there. Magna Carta I believe is the foundation upon which Human rights in Europe
and UK are developed.
- He then wrote how the UK does not live up to it's claim of "Equal human rights for everyone".

More on this:

Also I believe the first written constitution was the treaty of Hudaybiah? Someone correct me if I am wrong.