al-Salamu `Aleykum,

In this piece we show that the history of the revolutions carried out by the children and descendants of `Ali ibn abi Talib contradict the belief in the divine Imamah and exclusive leadership of the twelve infallible ones preached by some.

For the less informed readers, `Alawite is a term that refers to the descendants of `Ali ibn abi Talib may Allah be pleased with him.

During our research we discovered something interesting, which is that the `Alawites while clinging to their right to ascend the throne, yet their revolutions did not seem to be in harmony with the views of the “Twelver” sect of Imamiyyah. Rather it appears that these Hashemite revolutionaries did not share the beliefs of the Twelvers nor did they take them into consideration.

This can be concluded easily after observing their behavior as revolutionaries:

A- They did not claim to receive orders from any of the 12 Imams permitting them to revolt or encouraging them to carry arms, nor was it reported from any of the 12 Imams that they instructed any of these men to revolt.
B- These revolutionaries openly called for themselves and received allegiance for themselves not for the 12 Imams of the Twelver sect. In fact, when these revolutions succeeded these revolutionaries ruled and did not transfer authority to the 11 Imams or the hidden Imam of that sect.
C- None of the Twelver Imams of that sect have actually risen up to aid and support any of these revolutions. Rather, the Twelver Imams have been quite peaceful as they never declared any armed revolutions with the exception of al-Husayn ibn `Ali.

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