For those intending to fast the day of ‘aashuraa in anticipation of a years’ worth of forgiveness whilst hiding an intention of return to previous sins afterwards, then the words of Yahya Ibnu Mu’aadh apply when he said,

"من استغفر بلسانه وقلبه على المعصية معقود , وعزمه أن يرجع إلى المعصية ويعود , فصومه عليه مردود , وباب القبول في وجهه مسدود"

“Whoever asks for forgiveness with his words whilst his heart remains resolute on sin, determined to return to it afterwards, then his fasting is rejected and the door to Allah’s acceptance is closed.”

As for those intending to fast the day of ‘aashuraa in anticipation of a years’ worth of forgiveness whilst intending a genuine boycotting of previous sins, then my hope is that the words of the Prophet (PBUH) to Ka’b Ibnu Maalik apply, where he said to him upon being forgiven by Allah,

أبْشِرْ بِخَيْرِ يَومٍ مَرَّ عَلَيْكَ مُذْ وَلَدَتْكَ أُمُّكَ

“I give you good news of the *happiest day* of your life since the day you emerged from the womb of your mother!”

Let us approach the day of ‘Aashuraa having expelled all future plans to sin.

Our backs are already burdened. Let us make the most of this day.

- Ali Hammuda