"So where are you going?" - (Quran 81:26)

So, where are you going with your Islam?

  • What will your Islam look 10 years from now?
  • Will your practice level of your deen be the same 5 years from now?
  • How would you ensure that your practice of Islam grows over time and does not stagnate (or even decline!)?

So, where are you going with your Nafs/Manners/Akhlaq?

  • What negative character traits would you drop in 1 year's time?
  • What positive character traits would you pick up in 1 year's time?
  • How close is your manners/akhlaq aligned to how Allah SWT and His Messenger want you to be.. and how would you train yourself to get there?

So, where are you going as a Family?

  • Are you actively planning your family's well-being in dunya and akhira?
  • Do you have regular discussions with your parents, siblings, spouse, children about where are you going as a family in terms of this world and the next?
  • How can you ensure that you plan as a family without being "too controlling"?

So, where are you going with your Work?

  • Will you be in the same role/position that you're in now at work 5 years down the line?
  • Are you upgrading your skills/knowledge to acquire higher positions or deserve the promotion by next year?
  • Is this the work/career that you want to be in for the next 10-15 years and will it be meaningful enough for you in the end?
  • What are you planning to do after retirement?

So, where are you going as a Community?

  • Are you connected to your neighbors & local-community - both Muslim and non-Muslim?
  • Are you actively involved in helping improve the community both in small things, e.g. ensure a safe clean neighbourhood. Or big things, e.g. helping your community members be successful in dunya and akhira?
  • How are you planning, interacting, and working with your community so that you all improve?

So, where are you going as an Ummah?

  • What's your role in the Ummah's growth?
  • Are you a reason for the Ummah's success or its failures?
  • What are you contributing towards your Ummah?

These six questions should keep coming to our minds whenever we remember the verse "So where are you going?"..

Is it a lot to think about it?..It is..

However, what's the alternative?..

Continue to blindly stumble upon life..hoping things work out?..
