
Is ad-Dayyooth the one who speaks about what passes between him and his wife when they are alone, or who is ad-Dayyooth, according to the correct view of the true Islaamic religion? May Allaah reward you with goodness.
“Ad-Dayyooth is one who accepts sin on the part of his wife, by approving of her committing adultery and does not prevent her from doing so, nor does he become angry for Allaah’s sake, due to his lack of honour and self-respect, and weakness of faith. As for one who rebuked her and prevented her from sinning, he is not called ad-Dayyooth.”
– Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz [Fataawaa Islaamiyah (vol. 5, p. 188)]
See also:
“A dayyooth will not enter Paradise.”

The Dayyooth: The Most Vile of Allaah’s Creation
Reviving Our Sense of Gheerah
Gheerah: Protective Jealousy