Water - What a gift! The source of all life

As our province and the country in general experience the pangs of a severe drought which has resulted in very low levels of water in our dams, the need to actively conserve this precious bounty has become a priority. A lot of water that can be easily saved is wasted through carelessness and negligence.

  • Use the tap wisely. Water should be used sparingly especially when washing hands, making wudu, or taking a bath. We should be conscious each time we open the tap and open it according to need.

  • Take a shorter shower - a shower can use anything between 10 & 45 litres per Minute. Install low flow shower heads as this can save many litres of water per minute. Ideally, try to a water jug for wudu and a bucket for bathing.

  • Turn off the tap when soaping one's hand, brushing teeth, soaping the body or washing hair.

  • Save water outdoors by watering the garden with a watering can rather than a hosepipe. Water the garden in early morning or the evening and only when necessary. A hosepipe uses 1.000 litres of water an hour.

  • Repair faulty taps and fix drips - Ensure that all drips and leaks are repaired. Fixing a dripping tap can save 15 litres of water a day.

Nabi passed by Sa'ad رضی اللہ عنہ who was making wudu. He said: "Why this extravagance, O Sa'ad?" Sa'ad رضی اللہ عنہ asked: "Is there extravagance in wudu also?" Nabi said replied: "Yes, even if you are (making wudu) at the bank of a flowing river."
(Musnad Imam Ahmad)

Nabi made wudu with water equivalent to a mudd - less than a litre, and took a bath with a saa' of water - approximately 3 litres." (Bukhari & Muslim)

"And O my people ask forgiveness of your Lord - and turn to Him in repentance - He will cause the heavens to pour upon you abundant rain ... " (Surah Hud - Verse 52)

- Darul Ihsan Islamic Services Centre