I find much culture conflict in what I hear about Islam from Gulenist Turks, from regular Turks, and from mainstream Muslims.....for instance, many of you know that I long to get married......with Gulenists, the answer varies between total gender segregation and getting married the way muslims do, to befriending girls in university and then getting married after college with the parents permission, and within the bounds of modesty (not being alone, not touching, etc.) but they often delay marriage, and make marriage a taboo subject for youth, especially students
with mainstream/secular turkish Muslims, the attitude is often the same as Americans, except for the rule of not committing zina, although they do not avoid that which leads to
with mainstream muslims,there is variation between moderate and extreme gender segregation, a taboo on dating, but a general openness about marriage, to the point that youth are even advised to get married in college (with financial support from parents!!!! unlike the materialist gulenists) but the number one issue is not money or worldy affais, but piety and maturity......17 year olds and 18 year olds and 19 year olds and so on on this forum and in real life, are told "go ask the girl's father for her hand in marriage" when someone like me ( a gulenist) thinks of marriage as far off, and distant, and in another world......and is afraid to approach HIS OWN parents....am i wrong? and the other issue is that of islam itself.....such things as shaving the beard, listening to music, believing christians and jews may be able to go to heaven, etc. are believed by gulenists.....and i often have trouble with this cultural conflict.....advice?