
Abdullah bin Masood رضي الله عنه said :

“A man from among the humans went out and was met by a man from among the Jinn, who said: Will you wrestle with me? If you throw me to the ground, I will teach you an Aayah which, if you recite it when you enter your house, no devil will enter.' So, he wrestled with him and threw him to the ground. He said: 'I see that you are very small and your forearms are like the front paws of a dog. Are all the Jinn like this, or only you?' He said: 'I am strong amongst them. Let us wrestle again.' So, they wrestled again and the human threw him to the ground. So, the Jinn said: 'Recite Ayaat al-Kursi, for no one recites it when he enters his house except that Shaytaan leaves, passing wind like a donkey.'" It was said to Ibn Masood: “Was that man Umar?” He said: “Who else could it have been, other than Umar?”

{ Imam Al Haithami in his Majma az Zawaa’id 9/71 and it is Saheeh }

Many lessons can be derived from this incident.

[ 1 ] It shows the knowledge Allaahعزوجل bestowed on some of the Jinns.

[ 2 ] This incident indicated that Umarرضي الله عنه actually saw the Jinn in his true form. On the other hand, it isn't a licenses or evidence for anyone to going around making challenges to the other creations of Allaah عزوجل. This could very well be something special to Umar رضي الله عنه.

*** And Allaah,عزوجل knows best ***