Thanks for all the unanswered questions, they taught me what I needed to know.
I should have known.
How can I understand an answer that is not from this world?
You don't need to understand, you only need to know it.
That is what I learned.
It doesn't matter how awkward it is.
It doesn't matter how illogical it is.
It doesn't matter how senseless it is.
Just know it, know it all without thinking it through.
Thinking is not part of it.
It is what it is, not what you think it should be.
Only when you're ready to not thinking it thru you'll be ready.
That's what it is.I don't know if I'll ever be ready to Islam.
I have to confess, I have never got convincing answers.
Is it me?
Is it the culture I grew up within?
Is it the education I was given?
Why is it Islam doesn't make sense?
Does it have to make sense?
Does it make sense to you?
Do you just accept even without understanding?
Is that what you're supposed to do?
Or you do understand?
Are you afraid of understanding?
Is it haram to understand?
Please tell me.