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Please brothers and sisters I need help

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    Maria_786's Avatar Limited Member
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    Please brothers and sisters I need help

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    Asalamu alykum brothers and sisters

    When I was teenager my life was just so depressing I used to cry all the time basically I wasn’t doing ma best in school, always listening to music, swearing and disrespecting my parents (never realised the importance of parents then) and I just wanted to be like the kaffirs (ASTIGFURILLAH), I was into my looks, hair, boys (Astafuriallah, Astafuriallah, Astafuriallah, Astafuriallah) just months before I turned 18 my life changed dramatically and I really mean dramatically something happened to me and then I had this urge to offer salat and read up on Islam and it got to the point where I realised the beauty of ISLAM the truth, all the angels, prophets our holy QU'RAN everything especially the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth who is ALLAH (swt)....ALLAH (swt) did everything for me made me into a strong and confident muslimah, my parents trust me soooo much, i love my brothers and sisters, i learn new lessons everyday, I stopped listening to music and now listen to naats and nasheeds, learned to control my mouth and stopped swearing and I have realised the significance of my parents and I love them dearly MASHALLAH......my life is so beautiful with ALLAH (swt), I feel happy, satisfied, I don’t take things for granted, I feel beautiful in my hijab, jalbab and niqab I feel strong, confident, the list is endless......I try to be the best Muslim I can.....I have dedicated my life to ALLAH (swt) and my life is just fantastic.......of course there are time where I feel down but I remember ALLAH (swt) and I smile and I forget my troubles…truly my troubles are gone but when I think of ALLAH (swt) they jus blow away, seriously I was sooo happy

    ALHUMDULLILAH im at university at the moment in my first year, I was reading namaz and it helped me SOO much seriously, I thought I was never going to get in there if I didn’t read, I would have never thought that I be going university and doing medicine Alhumdullilah. I am also engaged, he is really pious mashallah, he has a beard and soo much light on his face and I feel soo happy, anyway I ask ALLAH (swt) for things and MASHALLAH they are granted I truly love ALLAH (swt) and the PROPHET MUHAMMED (pbuh)......I read about his life and he is truly just AMAZING MASHALLAH he truly is inspirational everything he has done for us......just amazing...he is my role model.

    I was encouraging others to offer salat because reading truly changed my life, the way I think, the way I act, the way I dress etc, I am sooooooooo happy and never wan to change….NEVER

    My life was Alhumdullilah fantastic, truly it was, but then whilst I was reading 1 day a thought came into my head, and said 'Why are you praying, Who are you praying to, there’s no-one there', I tried to forget about the thoughts but I kept on thinking about it and thinking about it and thinking about it, and thinking about it, seriously I jus couldn’t stop for some reason, I couldn’t sleep, was crying :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( all the time because I couldn’t think straight, I jus wanted ALLAH (swt), but when I said that in my mind, the questions would cum and say ‘Who’s ALLAH (swt), ALLAH (swt) is not real, there no point reading namaz’ I wanted to stop but the thoughts wouldn’t leave me, they would just circle in ma mind and I would go mad :grumbling :grumbling :grumbling :grumbling and jus pray that I would turn back to the way I was, I jus wanted ALLAH (swt) every time I said 'Ya ALLAH (swt) please help me, please help me, a thought would come into my head and say to me 'Who are you saying that to there’s no-one there' I got soo angry and tried to forget about it but I wasn’t successful. I kept on pondering over it sooooo much, it was like it was printed in my mind, it felt like there was a jinn controlling my head, I kept thinking about it and I stopped believing in ALLAH (swt), I became into an Atheist, I was scared I wanted to go back but I couldn’t because of my lack of imaan, I tried to build it, every time I offered salat, my mind would constantly be fighting saying 'Maria that’s good your offering salat, then another thing would come and say Who are you praying to, ALLAH (swt) is not real' I got depressed and wasn’t happy at all, I was turning back to my ways, I lied and didn’t care about my work, I REALLI REALLI did want to go back but I couldn’t because I couldn’t concentrate and in the end I gave up, now i just think that when somthings happens i dont say ALLAH (swt) did this for me, life is like that, i cannot stop thinking like this, :grumbling it has been a year since I have been doing this and truly I jus cant take it, I really want go back, I have read in many places that ALLAH (swt) is only tests us, He is testing me, I keep saying that to myself, this is just a test, because I pondered on it so much that this is how it is now, I cant think about anything else, times went past and I gradually started saying to myself, that we were put on this earth for a reason, then I read some more and managed myself back but I cant dedicate myself like the way it was before, my head is soo messed that these thoughts are printed in my head, I try to ignore it but it is always there, please advise me brothers and sisters what’s happened to me, what did I do wrong, what shall I do

    Why did this happen to me, my life was sooo mashallah good, did I do this myself, I felt that ALLAH (swt) was telling me that your going thru a test, I found numerous poems and stories and quotes in the Qu'ran saying that it is a test, but I don’t get why my head does not accept it, it accepts it for a while then im back to the way I was, I really don’t want to be like this, because my time is running out and we can die at anytime, please help me brothers and sisters please, my head is not accepting even the words of ALLAH (swt), the Qu’ran, for some reason every time I listen to it or read the translation I just say it’s a book, please I don’t want to think like this, I want to go back the way it was, please tell me what I should do, is there some form of du'a i can say to purify my mind, becuase it is filled with such nonsense, seriously, tell me what has happened to me, ma mind is messed up :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

    Jazakahllah brothers and sisters for your help, truly, TRULY, seriously family thank you sooooooooo much, thank you TRULY

    Asalamu alykum
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    chacha_jalebi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    salaam sis

    u no dat air exists but we cant see it? and Allah (swt) is 2 great 2 b seen by us, we r jus his slaves, we r so low n he so high man! but sis Allah (swt) did show himself 2 u, lik u sed u discovered u was doin rong, den u changed & felt happier, who changed u & guided u Allah (swt), so dat proves he existed i.e wen u prayed, u sed u felt happy cos u woz doin sumfin islamic - so again proves Allah (swt) because he helps d good doers!!

    basically sis, shaytaan is messin bout wit ur head, bcos d more closer u cum 2 Allah (swt) da more he will mislead u, try 2 read more bout d religion & start prayin again, and weneva u tink dem forts jus say "audhu billahi minash shaytan nirajeem" den if u still tink dem forts den il jump of a cliff lol,

    but dnt b depressed cos u hav a chance 2 change & woteva u do sis, dnt doubt Allah (swt) because think bout it, u wasnt dooing gud b4 & u started 2 & u feel happy & u stopped prayin now & ur un happy again, now ders a link!! so get bk 2 salah & pray 4 Allah (swt) 2 guide u & ameen he will & u hav noticed dat doubtin ALLAH (swt) is bad & u hav felt unhappy 4 it, so remem Allah (swt) says in surash Nasr "Inna hu Kaana Tawwabaa" - verily he is d most forgivin, so INSHALLAH ALLAH (SWT) will 4giv u and inshallah make u happy again, ameen
    Please brothers and sisters I need help


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214

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    glo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    Hello Maria

    I am not a Muslim, so please choose for yourself whether my advice is useful to you or not.
    I am not a Muslim, but I do believe in God.
    I know for myself and from conversations with others that sometimes God seems distant, and despite prayer and pleading he does not seem to come closer.

    But it may be that God is guiding you through a time of hardship. Often, when you make it through a spiritual desert, you will come out at the other end and enter an oasis of blessings!

    Our walks with God have ups and downs. I can't imagine that there are many people whose faith does not waver at times. How many will admit this, may be a different matter!

    As a Christian I believe that God is all-present. He is always there, he knows your every thought before you have even thought it yourself! He also knows (and understands) your struggles, doubts and problems.
    If God is always there and yet he seems far away, perhaps it is you who have distanced yourself?

    My advice is to trust yourself into God's hands. Wait for him, patiently ... he will reveil himself to you again.
    Continue in your prayer, hang in there, trust ... as best as you feel you can right now.

    Peace and Blessings.
    Please brothers and sisters I need help

    glocandle ani 1 - Please brothers and sisters I need help

    Here I stand.
    I can do no other.
    May God help me.

    Come, let us worship and bow down •
    and kneel before the Lord our Maker

    [Psalm 95]

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  5. #4
    - Qatada -'s Avatar
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    This is from another post, so some things might not relate to you. But its referring to the waswasa (satanic whispers) so it might be of some help insha'Allaah.

    jazak Allaah khayr for explaining your situation, because the cure to ignorance is asking, as our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his beloved family) said.

    I just want you to know that what you are experiencing now is quite common to happen to the believer (the mu'min) and it is a sign of faith. In islam, its called waswasa (the whisperings of satan) and it is one of the ways shaytan will try to put someone off the right path.

    Its also important to remember that one of the main reasons you feel weak is because you believe in Allaah, but you don't have any evidence in your mind to prove those satanic thoughts wrong. And the only cure to that is by reading more and more from the Qur'an and Sunnah to clear the misconceptions that satan puts in your mind. This way, the more evidence you have - the more stronger a believer you will become insha'Allaah, and the more evidence you will have to drive away them satanic thoughts insha'Allaah.

    We advise you not to pay any attention to these whispers, and to ignore them, and to do the opposite of what they are calling you to do. For these whispers (waswaas) come from the Shaytaan to cause grief to those who believe. The best way to deal with them is to remember Allaah a great deal (dhikr), to seek refuge with Allaah from the accursed Shaytaan [by saying: a`udhu billahi mina ash-shaytani ar-rajim; I seek refuge and protection in Allah from Satan, the accursed).], to keep away from sins and wrong actions which are the means by which Iblees gains control over the sons of Adam. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “Verily, he [the Shaytaan] has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord (Allaah)”

    [al-Nahl 16:99]
    It is worth quoting here what Ibn Hajar al-Haythami (may Allaah have mercy on him) said about dealing with waswasah in his book al-Fataawa al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kubra, 1/149. This is what he said:

    “He was asked about the problem of waswasah (insinuating whispers from the Shaytaan), and whether there is a remedy for it.

    He replied by saying that there is an effective remedy for it, which is to ignore them completely, no matter how frequently they may come to mind. When these whispers are ignored, they do not become established, rather they go away after a short time, as many people have experienced. But for those who pay attention to them and act upon them, they increase until they make him like one who is insane or even worse, as we see among many of those who have suffered from them and paid attention to them and to the devil whose task it is to insinuate these whispers, whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned us against when he said, “Beware the whispers with regard to water (i.e., wudoo’) which is caused by a devil called al-Walhaan” – because that causes a person to go to extremes with regard to doing wudoo’, as was explained in Sharh Mishkaat al-Anwaar.

    In al-Saheehayn there is a report which supports what has been mentioned above, which is that whoever suffers from waswaas should seek refuge with Allaah and turn away from the waswaas. So think about this effective remedy which was taught by the one who does not speak of his own whims and desires to his ummah, and understand that whoever is deprived of this is deprived of all goodness, because waswasah comes from the Shaytaan, according to scholarly consensus, and the accursed one (the Shaytaan) has no other desire than to make the believers go astray, make them confused, make their life a misery, cause them distress to the extent that they leave Islam without realizing it.

    “Surely, Shaytaan (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy”

    [Faatir 35:6 – interpretation of the meaning]
    According to another hadeeth, the one who suffers from waswasah should say, “Aamantu Billaahi wa bi rusulihi (I believe in Allaah and in His Messengers).” Undoubtedly, whoever thinks of the paths of the Messengers of Allaah, especially our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) will find that his path and his law is easy and clear, with no hardship in it.

    “… and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship”

    [al-Hajj 22:78 – interpretation of the meaning]

    Whoever ponders this and believes in it sincerely, the problem of waswasah and listening to the Shaytaan will go away. In the book of Ibn al-Sunni it is narrated via ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her), “Whoever suffers from this waswaas, let him say ‘Aamantu Billaahi wa bi rusulihi (I believe in Allaah and in His Messengers)’, three times, and it will go away from him.”

    Al-‘Izz ibn ‘Abd al-Salaam and others mentioned something similar to the above. They said: the treatment for waswasah is to believe that this is an idea from the Shaytaan and that Iblees is the one who is bringing these thoughts to his mind, and he should strive to fight him. Then he will have the reward of the mujaahid, because he is fighting the enemy of Allaah. If he does that, then the Shaytaan will flee from him. This is what mankind has been tested with from the beginning of time, and Allaah has given him (Iblees) some power over man as a test for him, so that Allaah may show the truth to be true and falsehood to be false, even though the disbelievers may hate that.

    In Muslim, hadeeth no. 2203, it is narrated that ‘Uthmaan ibn Abi’l-‘Aas said: “The Shaytaan was interfering with my prayer and recitation of Qur’aan. He [the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ] said: ‘That is a devil called Khanzab, so seek refuge with Allaah from him and spit drily to your left three times.’ I did that, and Allaah took him away from me.”

    This hadeeth proves the point we are making, which is that waswasah can only overpower the one who is ignorant and confused and does not know what’s what. But the one who has knowledge and understanding will the Sunnah and keep away from bid’ah. The worst of the innovators are those who follow waswaas, hence Maalik (may Allaah have mercy on him) narrated that his shaykh al-Rabee’ – who was the imam of the people of his time – was the fastest of the people in relieving himself and doing wudoo’.

    Ibn Hurmuz used to be slow in relieving himself and in doing wudoo’, and he used to say “I have a problem, do not follow my example.”

    Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said that one of the scholars thought it was mustahabb for the one who was affected by waswasah with regard to his wudoo or prayer to say Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, for when the Shaytaan hears dhikr (remembrance of Allaah) he slinks away, and Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah is the best of dhikr, and the most effective remedy for warding off waswasah is to remember Allaah a great deal.

    We ask Allaah to take away the waswasah that you are suffering and to increase us and you in faith, righteousness and piety. Ameen.

    And Allaah knows best.

    Islam Q&A (www.islam-qa.com)

    I strongly encourage you to read the following threads too:

    Soul Selling


    Satanic Whispers: Meaning & Remedy

    You may feel afraid that you're sinful for this act, even though its not your fault. But alhamdulillah (praise be to Allaah Almighty) - our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

    “Allaah has forgiven for my ummah that which is whispered to them and which crosses their minds, so long as they do not act upon it or speak of it.”

    (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6664; Muslim, 127)

    Allaah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

    We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss. (17:82)

    So listening and reciting to the Qur'an (especially surah falaq (113) and surah nas (114)) may help insha'Allaah:

    http://quran.jalisi.com (beautiful Qur'an recitations - Sa'ad al ghamdi)

    All of them are authentic and enjoyable masha'Allaah, and it may make it easier to get a deeper understanding of islam so you can beat those evil thoughts because the cure to ignorance is knowledge.

    Allaahu ta'aala a'lam. (Allaah Almighty knows best.)

    If you got any questions, please do ask insha'Allaah. jazak Allaah khayr.

    When a person has faith, then shaytan will keep whispering to the person to try to distract them from the siraat-ul mustaqeem (the straight path) . So keep remembering Allaah, and keep praising Allaah (i.e. subhan Allaah, alhamdulillah, Allaahu akbar, La illaah illallaah etc.)

    Whenever you pray 5 daily prayers, then concentrate on what you say, because within surah fatiha - you recite 'ikhdinas-siraat-al mustaqeem' (guide us to the straight path.) - and if you're sincere in this, Allaah Almighty will keep you on the straight path insha'Allaah, because you pray this surah about 17times a day [minimum] (when you pray your 5 daily salaah/prayers.)

    If you remember Allaah Almighty at times of ease, Allaah will remember you at times of hardship insha'Allaah.

    We will keep you in our dua's insha'Allaah.

    Last edited by - Qatada -; 07-30-2006 at 12:21 PM.
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    Qurratul Ayn's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Oh, My Dear Sister stay strong and read these posts Inshallah Ta'ala they shall help.

    This always happens whenever a Muslim turns his/herself into the right path and the Shaytaan will always feel angry and try to make one go upon the wrong path because when someone bad turns into good and folows Islam with his/her whole heart and mind the Shaytaan feels a burn and goes away as he knows that the person is too strong in his/her Imaan to go back to the wrong ways.

    My Mother said that when Iblis-Shaytaan-was thrown into the world by Allah Ta'ala, Allah Ta'ala had said that whoever is strongin their Imaan and follows Islam correctly will not be taken to the wrong path by Iblis's ways.

    My Dear Sister stay strong and read the Qur'an and always read Salah on time, listen to your parents and elders, care for the young and always think that this is a test and Allah Ta'ala will question all of us won what we have done in this life.

    Stay strong and keep faith in Allah Ta'ala and in Islam.

    Assalamu Alaikum
    Last edited by Qurratul Ayn; 05-19-2006 at 09:51 AM.
    Please brothers and sisters I need help

    فَبِأَيِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
    "Then which of the favours of Your Lord will ye deny?"
    Al-Qur'aan; Surah Ar-Rahman

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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    maria-the prophet (saw) said that when such thoughts come to mind-they are from shaytan to try and mislead you from the straight path!
    you should seek refuge in Allah from them and pray to him-read 2 nafl prayer and ask him for help against shaytan! read 'a3oothu billahi min ashaytan arrajeemi min nafkhihi wa nafthihi wa min hamzih'

    read ''allahummah innaa na3oothubika min hamazaat -ishayaateeni wa na3oothubikka rabbi ayyn yah duroon'' (oh Allah we seek refuge from the shaytans and we seek refuge lord, that they approach)
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    wow..jazakallah bro fi_sabililah
    Maria I too had the same problem of evil thoughts (Alhamdulilah they've decreased)..whenever I feel my imaan is at a high place I get the sickest thoughts just like you described... at one point I thought I was mad or possessed...
    they always popped up in salah, whenever I was alone or simply idle.. and even in the middle of the night when I would wake up...I remember one particular night I couldnt sleep and my head became filled with awful thoughts, subhanallah and I did what I usually did at such times..I took wudhu and prayed
    this night however the thoughts werent relenting and I was crying begging Allah for forgiveness asking him not to punish me for my sins and I became so dizzy I blacked out for a moment or two..
    (I like to think I was overcome by khusu' to such an extent that I fell to teh ground)

    however now ive noticed the weaker my imaan is the less thoughts I get.. therefore I think its safe to say the closer we get to Allah the more shaytaan is threatened and resolves to do his dirty work in our minds..
    I was so ashamed to speak of this to anyone for sometime..finally when I did confess to a friend, and alhamdulilah she explained to me about 'waswas' ....couldnt help thinking if I had tried to learn my deen it wouldve saved me alot of sleepless nights and even more guilt-filled days..

    worry not dear..take strong hold of your life..shaytaan is merely a whisperer and nothing more..and to Allah is our return
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    sis sis sis

    when i read the first part of your story i was jus like WOW this girls amazin! U sound about my age and U really did inspire me there the way u jus changed ya life like dat...MashaAllah! U will get rewarded inshAllah....but then readin on sis its such a shame to hear that but rememebr its all a test- LIFE is a test, its jus the shaitan messin wid ya mind- I mean im not all dat practisin(Tauba
    May Allah(swt) guide us all Ameen) but not once in my entire lfe have i had such a thought ALHAMDULILLAH never...So if i was you sis, id go bak to the way i was cos U had it all sis! Id kill to be th way u were sis honestly, u literally had it all....so why throw it all away because of the whispers of the shaitaan....cos thats all they are...I mean without Allah(swt) how else can we explain the purpose of our existence???

    May allah(swt) guide u always keep ur imaan strong inshaAllah and make u a gud muslim always inshaaLLAH


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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    but when I said that in my mind, the questions would cum and say ‘Who’s ALLAH (swt), ALLAH (swt) is not real, there no point reading namaz’ I wanted to stop but the thoughts wouldn’t leave me, they would just circle in ma mind and I would go mad
    Sis thats the shaytaan - say "Aaootho billah hi mina shaytan nirrajeem" to tell him to get lost!!!
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    i would recommend u read the three quls, read the meanings also.
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  14. #11
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    its very difficult to keep staying on el sirat el mustaqeem when you are surrounded by non-muslims... my advice is try to surround yourselves with more muslims, maybe go to workshops, talk with your husband about it. allah has mercy on you and knows your thoughts and struggles, do not worry =)
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  15. #12
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    InshaaAllah, u can win over these waswassa(whispers) of the Shayateen
    Your imaan has to win over it
    Laa ilaha illallahu
    Muhammadur Rassolullah
    Please ponder over these questions
    Who created the Heavens and the Earth?and that of which we know not?
    Who assembled the Energy of the Big Bang(or whatever spurred the creation of these elements) for the Creation of the universe?
    Did it all happen by coincidence?
    Look at the bird flying, its aerodynamic wings and inspire urself of the Science of the All-knowing.
    SubhaanAllah!Allahu Akbar!truly Allah is great.
    Say;Ya Allah, I ask You of Your bounty to find true guidance, to reach salvation.aghithnee,innaka 'ala kulli shayin quadeer.
    Listen to my supplication. U hav power over all things
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  16. #13
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    Look at the bird flying, its aerodynamic wings and inspire urself of the Science of the All-knowing.
    SubhaanAllah!Allahu Akbar!truly Allah is great.
    Say;"Ya Allah, I ask You of Your bounty to find true guidance, to reach salvation.aghithnee,innaka 'ala kulli shayin quadeer.
    Listen to my supplication. U(Allah) hav power over all things"
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  17. #14
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    Asalamu alykum my brothers and sisters

    O thank you soooo much for taking time and readin my thread, truly i love u alll, thank you soooo much for ur advice, i think i needed assurance and u gave it to me, everything u all sed is rite and INSHALLAH i will do exactly do as u say, truly i will do it, i wil stop listning to the shaytaan, o thank you soooo much family, thank you thank you, THNAK YOU i love you all, i will get bac INSHALLAH, i will, as u all hav sed i jus need to build my imaam make it like a brick wall so wen the thoughts cum i can beat them, i have been readin all ur posts, and since then i have tried my best to block them, i say to myself its the shaytaan, the shaytaan hates me and he wants to hurt ALLAH (swt), and then i get angry and start saying i will neva follow u, u stupid shaytaan, i will always follow ALLAH (swt), i say this in ma mind, its like i have a convo, but i wont let these stupid thoughts chnage my life and make me a disobediant servant, i have dun enuf harmful acts since this started, i will go bac, INSHALLAH, o THANK YOU BROTHERS AND SISTERS again for ur help, u gave me assurance, thnak you for all the links as well, i truly appreicate it, i truly do, i love you all

    Also i kept on thinkin about wat glo sed and i made sense to me and i neva thought of this, she sed:

    If God is always there and yet he seems far away, perhaps it is you who have distanced yourself?

    i kept on pondering ova this and it is very tru, since i have put all these thoughts in ma head, i moved away from ALLAH (swt), thats y i wasnt happy, that line helps me wen the thoughts cum, thank you glo, thank you sooo much, and also sis Aalimah i will tel the shaytaan to get lost i will INSHALLAH i will, im strong Alhmdullilah, i will

    Again thank you all so much, every one of you, EVERY ONE OF YOU, truly thank you, thank you

    Asalamu alykum my family, thank you again
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    happy to hear ur cured
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    Allah help you sister
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  21. #17
    Muhammad Waqqas's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    format_quote Originally Posted by Maria_786 View Post
    Asalamu alykum brothers and sisters

    When I was teenager my life ...
    Asalam o Alikum Maria Baji, I hope you are fine. Your problem is very very common. I have found many people worried about this problem.

    Another brother/sister said something like Since we can't see air, but air is there etc. Such things cannot convience us. We need something else.

    First of all, the question, that why do such thoughts come in our mind? A brief answer to that would be: A robber robs that place where he expects to find something to rob.

    The Shaitaan only attacks those minds with such doubts who he thinks is going on the right track. Believe it or not, but this is a sign of a Good Imaan!! You should have got happy about it! You know, when I was in the university, I had way much more worst life than the one you discribed. Alhamdulilah, Allah gave me Hidaya'h and I found the right direction. And when I started to pray, Alahamdulilah all my tension and problems were solved, but at the same time, these doubtful thoughts started comming in my mind. Allah (swt) has done so many many super-special favours on me that I can never even count them. Alahmdulilah, and the best of all is the Ilam he has given me, though it is nothing. But Alhamdulilah, its enough for me to fight the satan. Its my "Nuclear Weapon" against Satan.

    And well, I won't have problems shairing it with you.

    How to Fight Shaitan back if he tries to misslead us by putting douts in our hearts:

    Ask your self:
    • Who created you? Your eyes have Billions of eye receptors. Look at the brain, what is it? Nothing! How dose it start thinking then? How dose it start feeling? Where dose the love come from? The hate, the happiness the sadness? HOW IS THIS ALL HAPPENING?

      You're heart will reply: Its Allah. (Refer to my the post on refutation of darwins theory in the "Athiesm" thread if you want more details)
    • Allah says in the Qur'an that who ever will follow him, and keep his thought in his mind, Allah will give him a peacefull life here, as well as a great reward in the hereafter, the main thing to ask our selves is, that "If we will get a good life here, and a great life in the hereafter, what exactly do we want then?" Shaitan may say: "Who has seen the hereafter?" so you say "I have alteast seen this world, and I know I am really tensed when I forget my Allah. So I want a peacefull life here as well, now scram!"

      And by here, another miracle of Qur'an can be witnessed (since such thoughts really run away when miracles are witnessed), Allah promised us that Allah gives statisfaction only to those harts who are filled with his zikar (Ar-Raad, 13:28). And we see that in praticle today.
    • Next, the Qur'an is so miraculous that its "IMPOSSIBLE" to write a Qur'an, even by the most advanced computer. Its wordings, I can write another book only describing how miraculus and strange its wordings are. The reson some of us cannot witness this miracle is because we cannot understand Arabic as a language. Therefore lets talk about its miracles understandable by us in brief:

      And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Surah like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true. “But if ye cannot – and of a surety you cannot –
      then fear the Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones – which is prepared for those who reject Faith.”
      [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:23-24]

      Nobody has been able to make a single surah like the Qur'an, and nobody InshaALlah will ever be able to do it till eternity.

      1. Qur'an speaks about the Big Bang Theory 1400 Years ago (Surah Al-Ambia, 21:30)
      2. It tells us that every living thing is created from water (Surah Al-Ambia 21:33)
      3. Mountains were created as tent pegs (with deep roots inside)which we came to know recently with the help of modren geology. (78:6-7)
      4. The Expanding universe: 51:47. (American astronomer Edwin Hubble, provided observational evidence in 1925 that all galaxies
      are moving away from one another, which implies that the universe is expanding.)

      And so on so forth, you can list hundreds of such things which are simply miraculous about the Qur'an.
    • Allah listens to Dua's. This is yet a great tool to fight shaitan back. You know, personally speaking, Allah has shown me some great signs of His existance. I mean such strange duas of mine come true that I cannot imagin. When its hot, I ask Allah to bring clouds, and they come. When I want to eat something special, I just offer 2 raka'hs of Salat-e-Hajat, and Voila! I get it Alahmdulilah. So First of all, we need to get the connection to Allah, once we are connected, nothing can divert us away.
    • Another doubt he may put in you is that "Ok, fine, I agree Allah exists, but what if Islam is not the way to reach Allah? What if Christianity or Hinduism is the right way to do it?"

      Ok fine, if he says this, no problem we can discuss it with him. But we should ask wht dose he has got to say about the fifty thousand errors of the Bible? And hundreds of Contradictions?

      The Qur'an says in Surah-An Nisa, Ch 4, Verse 82, that: "Had this been from anyone besides Allah, there would have been many contradictions!" Alhamdulilah, till today, no one has been able to find a single contradiction in the whole Qur'an.
    • Ask your self: "If Allah didn't exist, no problem, I'll die just like everybody else dies and will become sand. But what if Allah existed? where will I go then if I have not prepared anythign?!?"
    These are just a few points I could re-call that I use to reply to Shaitan's attacks, but they are not worth relieying on. I heard from somebody that once the Satan tried to misguide an Aalim, and he started asking him for a "Daleel" or "Logic" for accepting Allah (swt), and that Aalim gave 99 logics, and he refuted every single one of them, and another Aalim was there with him, he said why don't you just say: "I believe in Allah with out a logic?" << This one really helps alot.

    Some companions of the Prophet also came and asked for a solution to such problems. The Prophet said that such thoughts of My Ummah are forgiven, "IF" they are not pondered over. When a thought comes, dont give it any attension, and InshaAllah Allah will fogive. The companions used to say (when such thoughts came in their minds) "Radiatubillahi Rabbao'n wa bil Islaam-e-Deenaon wa biMuhammadin Nabiya", "We are satisfied (I cannot find a better word than this) with Allah being our Lord, Islam being my religion and Muhammad Being my Leader." Such things are good. Secondly Emaan is built when you sit among the company of those with stronger belief. Change your company, try and pass time with those who are Good in faith. InshaAllah, you will over come this problem. And yes, remember, its not that much of a serious problem. I mean its quite normal and InshaAllah you will not be punished just on "thinking" of such doubts. Provided you don't start pondering over them.

    Last, but not least, we should do taubah one what ever we did and about all the doubts we kept thinking about. InshaAllah, Allah will guide is to the streight path. InshaAllah.

    Assalam o Alikum Warahmatullah.
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    format_quote Originally Posted by Maria_786 View Post
    Asalamu alykum my brothers and sisters

    O thank you soooo much for taking time and readin my thread, truly i love u alll, thank you soooo much for ur advice, i think i needed assurance and u gave it to me, everything u all sed is rite and INSHALLAH i will do exactly do as u say, truly i will do it, i wil stop listning to the shaytaan, o thank you soooo much family, thank you thank you, THNAK YOU i love you all, i will get bac INSHALLAH, i will, as u all hav sed i jus need to build my imaam make it like a brick wall so wen the thoughts cum i can beat them, i have been readin all ur posts, and since then i have tried my best to block them, i say to myself its the shaytaan, the shaytaan hates me and he wants to hurt ALLAH (swt), and then i get angry and start saying i will neva follow u, u stupid shaytaan, i will always follow ALLAH (swt), i say this in ma mind, its like i have a convo, but i wont let these stupid thoughts chnage my life and make me a disobediant servant, i have dun enuf harmful acts since this started, i will go bac, INSHALLAH, o THANK YOU BROTHERS AND SISTERS again for ur help, u gave me assurance, thnak you for all the links as well, i truly appreicate it, i truly do, i love you all

    Also i kept on thinkin about wat glo sed and i made sense to me and i neva thought of this, she sed:

    If God is always there and yet he seems far away, perhaps it is you who have distanced yourself?

    i kept on pondering ova this and it is very tru, since i have put all these thoughts in ma head, i moved away from ALLAH (swt), thats y i wasnt happy, that line helps me wen the thoughts cum, thank you glo, thank you sooo much, and also sis Aalimah i will tel the shaytaan to get lost i will INSHALLAH i will, im strong Alhmdullilah, i will

    Again thank you all so much, every one of you, EVERY ONE OF YOU, truly thank you, thank you

    Asalamu alykum my family, thank you again
    Alhamdulillah, U found the Light.
    May Allah always inspire you and all of us too good thoughts and actions. Ameen
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  23. #19
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Right now.. im experiencing these waswasa too.. ive been going through this for a month now.. and alhamdulillah Allah helps at some times.. then the test starts again.. Remember:

    The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “If Allah loves a servant, He sends them tests.”

    This is when im experiencing the whispers:

    In prayer
    Everytime i want to get closer to Allah
    When going to the mosque
    When i kiss/hug my wife etc
    During Dua (supplication)
    ETC ETC ETC..... Dont you notice that these are ALL acts of obedience and Shaytan wants me to get away from them, (I.e make my life misserable)

    why would you even come to this site if you are not a beliver? why would you cry? why would you BEG ALLAH and submitt your soul and everything to him?

    Sister.. ponder.. and see if you have something to repent for.. because we all have sins that are not forgiven.. but they can get too heavy, and Allah wants to make us know that we have to repent, so that we get higher up in Jannah.. my dear sister Maria, Allah doesnt allways answer Duas directly... he loves to delay the answer so that you can ask more and more and more and more bcs he loves the servant who Nags him (Nags: asks too many times) and Allah does this because you are rising in Jannah and he wants you to be closer to him.. but if you doubt.. or go into big kuffr.. like you become a kaffer.. then sencierly repent to Allah aza wa djall.. because Allah doesnt guide the one that doesnt repent from Kufr... its in the Quran 3:86-89.. but if you repent from Kufr Allah will guide you and forgive you! The doors of repentance are opened untill sunrise from west, or untill you die! Remember Allah often.. I.e make dhikr, pray more often..and dont care about the whispers in prayer because shaytan LOVES to distract you so by concentrating on the words, Shaytan will stop for a while, then start again, then stop again.. AND MOVE YOUR FINGER DURING LA ILAHA ILA ALLAH IN PRAYER, ALL THE WAY TO THE "SALAAM" because THIS helps me alot, and Shaytan HATES it its like a iron bar against him...

    You know what helps also,,,,, PRostrate to Allah several times a day while reading the prostration verses

    Say Audhubillah......etc!

    If shaytan comes to you and says "There is no Allah" then say "You are lieing" he will get sooo angry !

    If he says "who are you talking to there is no A,,,,, BREAK HIM RIGHT THERE and say "Im talking to ALLAH AZA WA DJALL" Remember while saying Allah , add something like aza wa djall or Subhana Wa Taala..

    Say amantubillahi wa rasolihi 3 times and spit to your left (mostly air)

    When you realise that you are thinking something bad, just say "Oh Allah this is indeed a great lie" And seek refuge in Allah

    And if Shaytan jumps in and says "Who are you talking to" break him and say ALLAH Aza wa djall... This is all mind controll.. you are taking over slowly but NICELY =)

    If you get a thought "What if this isnt from Shaytan" then know 100% that this is shaytans aim when he realises that you have realised that its him in the corner of your heart... Seek refuge in Allah directly.. Then shaytan will get pissed HAHA this is what we aim for right? to make him cry..

    How to make him cry?
    Answer....: PRostrate while reading a prostration vers.. Search "Prostration verses In Quran" in yahoo or something..

    Read Ayat al kursi... AND READ SURA 113 AND 114


    If he still tried to take your iman down.. then dont let him.. bcs you KNOW 100% its him.. there is no other explanation.. go to the doctor and ask him.. is there anything wrong.. he will say "Nope, go home" or give you drugs (<-- Also shaytans aim) but if you go to a imam.. he will help you Alhamdulillah and give you Du3as and explanations.. Alhamdulillah, this is why Islam is LIFE

    Turn away from ALL bad deeds, sins.. turn away from EVERY SINGLE little bad thing you can possibly think of... and do EVERY possible good deed you can think of.. and there is alots of them.. search "Good deeds"


    Take care sister, i feel you, know that you are not alone in this struggle, we are a whole army fighting shaytans whispers.. lets make Du3a for eachother.. and lets break shaytan untill he weeps blood lol! im serioud hahah

    JAzakum Allah khair for reading!

    Remember... its 100% shaytan playing with your mind and heart!
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    Re: Please brothers and sisters I need help


    Watch "Quran vs bible in the light of science" in youtube!

    Watch "Quran miracles by harun yahya" in youtube

    visit "www.quranmiracles.com" and go to the "MAthematical miracles"

    Sister.. there are 12029326304640921634098234624 proofs.. but the BEST thing is.. when we know there is so many proofs.. we stop thinking about them bcs we dont need them anymore! but we need simple reminders now and then to rise our iman!
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