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Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

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    lavikor201's Avatar Full Member
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    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

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    Shalom (Peace), and welcome to the "Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!" thread. I am sorry to inform you that not many Jews post on this forum so we are very tied up in trying to reveal what Judaism is to Muslims, so we can establish a bond of common understanding. Below is a list of commonly asked questions which we have answered:

    Heaven and Hell
    Do only Jews go to heaven?
    What is the logic behind why non-Jews can go to heaven?

    What is "Kashruit"?
    Can a Jew eat "Halal" meat?
    How do you know something is Kosher?

    The Torah
    How do we know the Torah has not been corrupted?

    Other Religions
    How can Judaism say that our "prophet" performed miracles, but still reject us!?!
    Does Judaism believe in Jesus? (NO.)

    If you wish to find something that has not been answered as much please feel free to use the search button for this thread:


    Have a great day!
    Last edited by Woodrow; 04-23-2007 at 03:38 AM. Reason: Topic Starter's request, added index and links

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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    What are the fundamental beliefs?
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    The Ummah

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    lavikor201's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Palestinian-israeli Conflict - By Lamaggad & lavikor201 :)

    if you think that Judaism is my way to heaven.. why don't you invite me and convince me to join your religion?!?!
    Unlike many of our fellow religion, we don't go out and mass convert people. It is not our duty. If you want to Join my amazing religion than it would be a great thing for you to do. But unlike many religions follow the seven laws of Noah and you will be in heaven.

    I beg you to follow these laws because even though we have conflicting opinions about everything political I think you are a good person. I can see through the politics and I can see why you are angry at my country (your father) I respect you can seperate politics and religion like I can.

    I beg you to follow these seven laws and garuntee your place in Heaven. Any non-Jew who follows these laws are given a place in heaven.

    -To behave justly in all relationships, and to establish courts of justice.
    -To refrain from blaspheming Gods name.
    -To refrain from practicing idolatry.
    -To avoid immoral practices, specifically incest and adultery.
    -To avoid shedding the blood of ones fellow man.
    -To refrain from robbing ones fellow man.
    -To refrain from eating a limb torn from a live animal.
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    Thank You Lavikor201,

    Because of our close relationship and similarities of our beliefs, this is a much needed topic.

    I'm somewhat aware of your beliefs, so I am going to keep my questions strictly in line with what I truly do not understand.

    Many of my Jewish friends here in the USA attatch a small brass replica of the Torah in the door way of their homes. What is this called? What is it's purpose?
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    Herman 1 - Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

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    lavikor201's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    The fundamental beliefs of Judaism are:

    What are the fundamental beliefs?
    • There is a single, all-powerful God, who created the universe and everything in it.
    • The Jewish people have the honor and binding law of following all 613 of his commandments stated in the Torah, cemented by the covenant that G-d made with Moses on Mount Sinai, 3500 years ago.

    Many of my Jewish friends here in the USA attatch a small brass replica of the Torah in the door way of their homes. What is this called? What is it's purpose?
    The Torah (first five books) contains all 613 laws we must follow as Jews. Some keep it as a reminder to follow G-d's law, other buy it purley for decoration.
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    Ghazi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    What are the concepts of heaven and hell?
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    The Ummah

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    lavikor201's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    What are the concepts of heaven and hell?
    This is a great article I read on this topic....

    Jews will go to heaven if they are good people, and follow G-d's law.
    Non-Jews will go to heaven if they follow the 7 Laws of Noah. (Just 7 laws guys... you can do it!)

    The afterlife is a fundamental of Jewish belief!

    The creation of man testifies to the eternal life of the soul. The Torah says, "And the Almighty formed the man of dust from the ground, and He blew into his nostrils the SOUL of life" (Genesis 2:7). On this verse, the Zohar
    states that "one who blows, blows from within himself," indicating that the soul is actually part of G-d's essence. Since G-d's essence is completely spiritual and non-physical, it is impossible that the soul should die. (The commentator Chizkuni says this why the verse calls it "soul of LIFE.")

    That's what King Solomon meant when he wrote, "The dust will return to the ground as it was, and the spirit will return to G-d who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:17)

    For anyone who believes in a just and caring G-d, the existence of an afterlife makes logical sense. Could it be this world is just a playground without consequences? Did Hitler get away with killing 6,000,000 Jews? No. There is obviously a place where good people receive reward and bad people get punished. (see Maimonides' 13 Principles of Faith) The question of "why do bad things happen to good people" has a lot to do with how we look at existence. The way we usually perceive things is like
    this: A "good life" means that I make a comfortable living, I enjoy good health, and then I die peacefully at age 80. That's a good life. Anything else is "bad."

    In a limited sense, that's true. But if we have a soul and there is such a thing as eternity, then that changes the picture entirely. Eighty years in the face of eternity is not such a big deal.

    From Judaism's perspective, our eternal soul is as real as our thumb. This is the world of doing, and the "world to come" is where we experience the eternal reality of whatever we've become. Do you think after being responsible for the torture and deaths of millions of people, that Hitler could really "end it all" by just swallowing some poison? No. Ultimate justice is found in another dimension.

    But the concept goes much deeper. From an eternal view, if the ultimate pleasure we're going after is transcendence - the eternal relationship with the Almighty Himself, then who would be luckier: Someone who lives an easy life with little connection to G-d, or someone who is born handicapped, and despite the challenges, develops a connection with G-d. Who would be
    "luckier" in terms of eternal existence? All I'm trying to point out is that the rules of life start to look different from the point of view of eternity, as opposed to just the 70 or 80 years we have on earth.

    So what is the afterlife exactly?

    When a person dies and goes to heaven, the judgment is not arbitrary and externally imposed. Rather, the soul is shown two videotapes. The first video is called "This is Your Life!" Every decision and every thought, all the good deeds, and the embarrassing things a person did in private is all replayed without any embellishments. It's fully bared for all to see. That's why the next world is called Olam HaEmet - "the World of Truth," because
    there we clearly recognize our personal strengths and shortcomings, and the true purpose of life. In short, Hell is not the Devil with a pitchfork stoking the fires.

    The second video depicts how a person's life "could have been..." if the right choices had been made, if the opportunities were seized, if the potential was actualized. This video - the pain of squandered potential - is much more difficult to bear. But at the same time it purifies the soul as well. The pain creates regret which removes the barriers and enables the soul to completely connect to G-d.

    Not all souls merit Gehenom. It is for people who have done good but need to be purified. A handful of people are too evil for Gehenom, and they are punished eternally. Pharaoh is one example.

    So what about "heaven?"

    Heaven is where the soul experiences the greatest possible pleasure - the feeling of closeness to G-d. Of course not all souls experience that to the same degree. It's like going to a symphony concert. Some tickets are front-row center; others are back in the bleachers. Where your seat is located is based on the merit of your good deeds - e.g. giving charity, caring for others, prayer.

    A second factor in heaven is your understanding of the environment. Just like at the concert, a person can have great seats but no appreciation of what's going on. If a person spends their lifetime elevating the soul and becoming sensitive to spiritual realities (through Torah study), then that will translate into unimaginable pleasure in heaven. On the other hand, if
    life was all about pizza and football, well, that can get pretty boring for eternity.

    The existence of the afterlife is not stated explicitly in the Torah itself, because as human beings we have to focus on our task in this world. Though awareness of an eternal reward can also be an effective motivator.

    For further study, see Maimonides' Foundations of the Torah, "The Way of G-d" by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzatto, and the commentary of Nachmanides to Leviticus 18:29.


    Does one have to be born a Jew, or can people convert?
    To be born a Jew, your mother must be Jewish. If your father is Jewish and your Mother is not than your not a Jew. You can convert of course if you want to.

    Many Tradtionlist Rabbi's will turn you away three times to see if this is something you really want. It takes an interview process and some time. It is a big thing to accept the covenent we made and follow a very hard line of laws.

    Converts are honored more than regular Jews.

    We are Jews because our ancestors saw G-d's might and might have been scared... Converts are Jews on full faith, not fear.
    Last edited by lavikor201; 06-18-2006 at 01:54 PM.
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    How do jews view jesus?
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    The Ummah

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    lavikor201's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude View Post
    Thanks Lav
    What about non-jews, are they destined for hell? Also how does Judaism view Christianity?

    Jews believe that any non-Jew who follows these laws will be in heaven!

    These are the 7 laws of Noah:
    To behave justly in all relationships, and to establish courts of justice.
    To refrain from blaspheming Gods name.
    To refrain from practicing idolatry.
    To avoid immoral practices, specifically incest and adultery.
    To avoid shedding the blood of ones fellow man.
    To refrain from robbing ones fellow man.
    To refrain from eating a limb torn from a live animal.

    If you look at the third law which is to not practice idoltry... some Jews believe Christians violate this law by worshiping Jesus, Holy Ghost. ect... Muslims don't practice idoltry though!

    How do jews view jesus?
    Jews believe that Jesus was not a prophet and basically a fellow Jew. We believe he has no connection to G-d as being his "son" or "prophet".
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    wwwislamicboardcom - Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

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    Ghazi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    These are the 7 laws of Noah:
    To behave justly in all relationships, and to establish courts of justice.
    To refrain from blaspheming Gods name.
    To refrain from practicing idolatry.
    To avoid immoral practices, specifically incest and adultery.
    To avoid shedding the blood of ones fellow man.
    To refrain from robbing ones fellow man.
    To refrain from eating a limb torn from a live animal.
    So on that note then is it save to say most muslims won't be in hell?
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    The Ummah

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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    The Christians believe during pre-Jesus time, sins were atoned through the blood sacrifices of animals. How does Judaism view atonement? Through sacrifice or asking forgiveness and trusting a merciful God?
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!


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    Ghazi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    How do jews veiw the two revealed books which came after the torah which Christians and Muslims hold dear and how do you view their mention of the Prophet Moses?
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    The Ummah

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    lavikor201's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    So on that note then is it save to say most muslims won't be in hell?
    Basically! That is why we hold such respect for your religion!

    To behave justly in all relationships, and to establish courts of justice.
    To refrain from blaspheming Gods name.
    To refrain from practicing idolatry.
    To avoid immoral practices, specifically incest and adultery.
    To avoid shedding the blood of ones fellow man.
    To refrain from robbing ones fellow man.
    To refrain from eating a limb torn from a live animal.

    I think Islamic Law covers all these laws. You guys don't eat limbs torn from live animals? That is Haram correct?

    You don't have to be a Jew to go to heaven. To be a Jew means more responsibility in following G-d's laws. It is a mitzvah(good deed) for me to not try and convert you... but just tell you that you can keep your religion and just follow these laws and be granted access to heaven.

    How do jews veiw the two revealed books which came after the torah which Christians and Muslims hold dear and how do you view their mention of the Prophet Moses?
    We call the Old Testement the Tanakh... We don't believe it is old... we believe it the only Testement. I'm sorry to insult Muslims and Christians because the Quran and New Testement encourage peace and living a good life, with honor and good judgement... but they hold now binding law over me.
    Last edited by lavikor201; 06-18-2006 at 02:20 PM.
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    Something that is so beautiful about Islam is how if you follow Islamic law then you are basically garunteeing yourself in heaven by Jewish standards as well! That is how similar our belifs are on everything. Even our diatary laws are similar.
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    wwwislamicboardcom - Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    cool thread
    i've always wanted to aks a jew so many questions but somehow they seem so secretive about their religion ,any reason for this? or maybe it's just the people I know.

    oh and another thing . You know theres this thing about 'jews and gentiles' ,
    somebody told me that they deem the gentiles inferior creatures . is this true?

    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!


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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    Hi, and jus a couple of points, to clerefy what was stated in some of your replies:

    With regards to:

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    The creation of man testifies to the eternal life of the soul. The Torah says, "And the Almighty formed the man of dust from the ground, and He blew into his nostrils the SOUL of life" (Genesis 2:7). On this verse, the Zohar states that "one who blows, blows from within himself," indicating that the soul is actually part of G-d's essence.
    Does this then mean we are partly G-d or have G-d dwelling in us?

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    Since G-d's essence is completely spiritual and non-physical, it is impossible that the soul should die.
    Just wondering how this was established in the Jewish faith, out of curiosity, jus for the fact that G-d seems to be dipicted as having a physical part in some of the scripture I can recall.

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    To be born a Jew, your mother must be Jewish. If your father is Jewish and your Mother is not than your not a Jew. You can convert of course if you want to.
    So I could become a Jew, or is it that I could jus be a follower of Judaism, would I be able to call myself a Jew?

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    Non-Jews will go to heaven if they follow the 7 Laws of Noah. (Just 7 laws guys... you can do it!)
    From this is seems like I cant be a Jew but be a non-Jew who follows Judaisms teachings? would that mean I am a gentile, so I would be suceptable to the laws of the Torah which talk about gentiles?

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    Converts are honored more than regular Jews.
    Jus wondering in what way?

    Also a question I have at the moment:

    1. Does Judaism as a faith have anything which makes it unique so that people who are truly seeking G-d can tell whether it is the right path or not?

    2. I have come to know about the oral tradition or something in which many laws from Rabbis and so forth are stated, do Jews have to follow them religiously, and you know of any place where I can get my hands on em to have a look through?

    Please take your time as you probably have alot to answer lol, be patient with my ignorance please, and thank you for taking your time out.

    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    The path is long but I hope we meet,
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    Something that is so beautiful about Islam is how if you follow Islamic law then you are basically garunteeing yourself in heaven by Jewish standards as well! That is how similar our belifs are on everything. Even our diatary laws are similar.

    This might seem a bit personel but I admire your respect for our religion we also admire yours aswell since your "People of the Book" but my question what harm would it do for you to revert to islam since you said.

    if you follow Islamic law then you are basically garunteeing yourself in heaven
    Think about it Anyways back to the question, does your scriptures relate any of the rewards in heaven in detail?
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    The Ummah

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    Re: Palestinian-israeli Conflict - By Lamaggad & lavikor201 :)

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    Do all Muslims not drink any alcohol... because my Muslim friends don't... but is that a persaonal descion or does it actually say somewhere in the quran don't drink beer.

    Sorry if it is a dumb question. [/B]
    first of all your questions are never dumb.. so please keep asking.

    second... no it's not a personal decision, we are forbidden by prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) not to drink alcohol.
    here are four verses in the Qura'an that advice us to stay away from alcohol bcz their great sin are much more than their benefit..

    البقرة (آية:219): يسالونك عن الخمر والميسر قل فيهما اثم كبير ومنافع للناس واثمهما اكبر من نفعهما ويسالونك ماذا ينفقون قل العفو كذلك يبين الله لكم الايات لعلكم تتفكرون

    [2-219] They ask you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they ought to spend. Say: "That which is beyond your needs." Thus Allâh makes clear to you His Laws in order that you may give thought."
    النساء (آية:43): يا ايها الذين امنوا لا تقربوا الصلاه وانتم سكارى حتى تعلموا ما تقولون ولا جنبا الا عابري سبيل حتى تغتسلوا وان كنتم مرضى او على سفر او جاء احد منكم من الغائط او لامستم النساء فلم تجدوا ماء فتيمموا صعيدا طيبا فامسحوا بوجوهكم وايديكم ان الله كان عفوا غفورا

    [4-43] O you who believe! Approach not As-Salât (the prayer) when you are in a drunken state until you know (the meaning) of what you utter, nor when you are in a state of Janâba, (i.e. in a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath) except when travelling on the road (without enough water, or just passing through a mosque), till you wash your whole body. And if you are ill, or on a journey, or one of you comes after answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (by sexual relations) and you find no water, perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands (Tayammum). Truly, Allâh is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

    المائدة (آية:90): يا ايها الذين امنوا انما الخمر والميسر والانصاب والازلام رجس من عمل الشيطان فاجتنبوه لعلكم تفلحون

    [5-90] O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansâb, and Al-Azlâm (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaitân's (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.
    المائدة (آية:91): انما يريد الشيطان ان يوقع بينكم العداوه والبغضاء في الخمر والميسر ويصدكم عن ذكر الله وعن الصلاه فهل انتم منتهون
    [5-91] Shaitân (Satan) wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allâh and from As-Salât (the prayer). So, will you not then abstain?
    we can use alcohol in medicine only if the doctor required it for the sick person, but we are forbidden to use it for fun.. that is why there is no verse from God that says it's allowed or forbidden, bcz we can still use alcohol for a good thing which is CURE, and God doesn't forbidden us from any thing that can save us from any disease even if the benefit of it was very less. he is asking us to be wise in using it... which i find it very reasonable..

    Muslims who are drinking thinking they are allowed to drink alcohol bcz it was never forbidden in the Qura'an, they are not basically following and they are taking advantage of thing in a ridiculous way.

    I'm sorry if i wasn't able to explain this point clear enough.. but i hope it does make sense to you bcz we both know what alcohol drive to bad things... it will harm our health more than benefiting it, specially you will Lose consciousness if you drink too much and you can basically be drunk without knowing that... and that is very bad and dangerous thing.
    besides it smells bad.. lol
    Last edited by Lamaggad; 06-20-2006 at 04:09 AM.
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    Think about it Anyways back to the question, does your scriptures relate any of the rewards in heaven in detail?
    Well the thing is that, when you are born as a Jew, you have a covanent with G-d. You can't break that covanenet and follow the Seven laws of Noah.

    Can you give a brief outline of the events that are to unfold towards the end of time according to the Jewish faith? <If it is'nt too much bother>
    We believe the Messiah will come and unite the world in peace! But we do not focus on end time events. Judaism is a religion which is suppose to help you in this world. We are meant to be here to help the earth and help our fellow man. Not worry about the future.

    Does this then mean we are partly G-d or have G-d dwelling in us?
    We do not have G-d dwelling within us... we are not G-d. We were made in his image. It is a complicated subject on different beliefs, but he is our creater. But we aren't like related to him. He created our souls which are eternal just like he is.

    So I could become a Jew, or is it that I could jus be a follower of Judaism, would I be able to call myself a Jew?
    When you convert to Judaism, you are basically saying I could go to heaven by following 7 laws as a non-jew... but I wish to follow all of G-ds laws. Converts are not treated differently. Jews believe that when we recieved the Torah all Jews were there on Mt. Sinai in spirit, including converts.

    When you convert to Judaism, you are a Jew. There is no special word for a converted Jew. He becomes a memeber of our people.

    From this is seems like I cant be a Jew but be a non-Jew who follows Judaisms teachings? would that mean I am a gentile, so I would be suceptable to the laws of the Torah which talk about gentiles?
    To be a Jew means you want to follow all of G-d's laws... not just the seven he made for people who did not make a covenent with him. When you convert to Judaism you are a Jew, and now must follow all of G-d's laws. If you are a non-Jew you just have to follow 7 basic laws which you should follow anyway because they are morally right.

    1. Does Judaism as a faith have anything which makes it unique so that people who are truly seeking G-d can tell whether it is the right path or not?
    many people say that the Torah and Old Testement have fortold many future events... but just look at the Jewish people... People have tried to kill us everywhere country we have been in.., We have been persecuted so much,a dnw e are so few in numbers... but we are still here! Against all odds.

    2. I have come to know about the oral tradition or something in which many laws from Rabbis and so forth are stated, do Jews have to follow them religiously, and you know of any place where I can get my hands on em to have a look through?
    Yes, the Oral Tradition is followed religiously. Not as much as the Torah, but the Oral Tradition has been passed down for centuries... I will go look for a web site that accuratley states the oral tradition for you.

    oh and another thing . You know theres this thing about 'jews and gentiles' ,
    somebody told me that they deem the gentiles inferior creatures . is this true?
    Completley wrong. Jews believe that all people are G-d's children. Our enemies are our fellow man who were created by G-d. In no way is a non-Jew inferior to a Jew.
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    Next question: Does Judaism have different sects?

    (my sect)Orthodox Judaism- Strictly follows every law. Study Torah, do good deeds, and pray three times a day... ect... Traditionalists. (inner sects of Orthodoxy are Hasidic jews (blackhats)

    Conservative Judaism- Follow all the Laws but a lot less strict. They believe that Some laws are no longer binding because we are in modern day now.

    Reform Judaism- Less actual studying and more doing good deeds sponsering charity projects ect. They say less praying, and more doing.

    There really is no war between Jews. Orthodox Jews believe that some of the Conservative and Reform Jews are lost. But they are still fellow Jews.

    Can I ask, why do you write God as G-d, is it out of respect?
    Correct. We will only write the "o" in G-d when it has to do with prayer. We do not use his name in common discussion like that.

    Hashem is another way of saying G-d.

    When a Jew yells "Hashem is our King", "Hashem was always our King", "Hashem will be our King forever!"

    It is the equivolent of you saying... "Allah is great!" :-)

    i've always wanted to aks a jew so many questions but somehow they seem so secretive about their religion ,any reason for this? or maybe it's just the people I know.
    Judaism is in no way secretive. :-) Only a few traditions we do not yell to the outiside world. Any time a non-Jew comes into a temple it is completley okay!

    The only thing is that if they see a new member and ask you to recite a blessing on the Torah, kindly say "I am not comftorable" if you don't want to, because it is a big honor if they do... and as a Non-Jew you most likley do not know the blessing and cant read hebrew.
    Last edited by lavikor201; 06-18-2006 at 02:52 PM.
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