By Poga Humayun Dundiwala

AL MUDHILL The dishonorer
He who lowers and puts one in abasement and despair
AL MUDHILL is the one who blackens
A diamond with the dark
AL MUDHILL is the one who qua kens
Clear tranquility with befouling mark

AL MUDHILL the dis honorer
He who lowers and puts one in abasement and despair
AL MUDHILL one who debase the basic surety
AL MUDHILL the creator of disgrace and deformity

Poga Say's in a foolington maze
In the name of ALLAH
The most merciful most forgiving
In the name of ALLAH
The most lovable most loving
He who in love wisheth to reveal his hidden beauty
Created devotional aspiration and aspirant devotee
He who was the secret jewel
Secrets he wanted to tell
THE TALE for all listening ear
That his name is AL MUDHILL the dishonorer

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