Advice : No dogs are allowed in Islam

Oh I completely agree with you. I personally would not own a dog due to the hadiths provided. As for why someone would, I can only speculate. I know that psychologists recommend pet dogs for soldiers suffering from ptsd or depression. I know plenty of other people, some who are muslims as well, who get dogs for similar situations. That's one reason. They might have others, I really don't know. Why would they be ok with losing good deeds on a daily basis? Well it is possible that they get good deeds back by taking care of their dog, feeding it, walking it, cleaning it, etc. Those are all good deeds too. Perhaps they see it as "balancing things out."
What is there to speculate. The sad reality is that most people r ignorant n not too concerned about their good deeds or the Angel of mercy entering their house. However, if it were financial losses they were suffering, they might be more concerned about 'balancing things out'.

Besides, a person can look after a Dog and feed, walk it etc. without allowing it inside the house.
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What is there to speculate. The sad reality is that most people r ignorant n not too concerned about their good deeds or the Angel of mercy entering their house. However, if it were financial losses they were suffering, they might be more concerned about 'balancing things out'.

Besides, a person can look after a Dog and feed, walk it etc. without allowing it inside the house.
Why would Allah not want us to have dogs in our home. They are kind and loving creatures who have proven time and again that they love us unconditionally and have protected us and our children. Why would Allah forsake such creatures
Why would Allah not want us to have dogs in our home. They are kind and loving creatures who have proven time and again that they love us unconditionally and have protected us and our children. Why would Allah forsake such creatures
Following Allahs commands and the sunnah of the Prophet :saws1: is what protects us and our children. Allah has not forsaken any of his creatures, rather it is us who have forsaken His legislations and the way of our Prophet :saws1:

A dog may bring unconditional love but it also brings unconditional germs. A dog may protect us in this life, but it is our good deeds which will protect us in the next. Why do we accept a decrease in our hardy earned good deeds?

We ask Allah why He doesn't want us to have dogs in our homes, perhaps we should ask ourselves why we don't want the Angel of Mercy in ours!
Well, pigs are also very sweet creatures if you've ever gotten to know one. They serve a wonderful purpose and are a great addition to any farm for those reasons. Howcome we can't keep those cute little micro pigs in the house? They do no harm, they bond with humans wonderfully and they are great with kids! :D see?


We can't keep dogs in the house because they and their saliva are considered impure. Allah did not forsake them in any way, but animals have their place and humans have their place.


This is what happens when a dog licks even a small crack on a human's lip. Dogs are very similar to pigs in that they eat and lick EVERYTHING, including poop. +o( This is just to illustrate the uncleanliness of their saliva. Dogs also have a smell that never goes away, no matter how much you bathe them. It comes from the oil on their skin. Every house with a dog smells this way, and it is not pleasant.

Just because we can't keep them in the house doesn't mean we can't love them and take care of them.
Well, pigs are also very sweet creatures if you've ever gotten to know one. They serve a wonderful purpose and are a great addition to any farm for those reasons. Howcome we can't keep those cute little micro pigs in the house? They do no harm, they bond with humans wonderfully and they are great with kids! :D see?


We can't keep dogs in the house because they and their saliva are considered impure. Allah did not forsake them in any way, but animals have their place and humans have their place.


This is what happens when a dog licks even a small crack on a human's lip. Dogs are very similar to pigs in that they eat and lick EVERYTHING, including poop. +o( This is just to illustrate the uncleanliness of their saliva. Dogs also have a smell that never goes away, no matter how much you bathe them. It comes from the oil on their skin. Every house with a dog smells this way, and it is not pleasant.

Just because we can't keep them in the house doesn't mean we can't love them and take care of them.
Jazaki Allahu Khairan sister for the explanation Good one [emoji108]
Allah will never forbide something that it's good for us . Everything Allah gave us is good .
So it's better to obey what Allah commands us to do and if we don't then you disobeyed Him.
May Allah make us among those that do what HE commanded us . Amiin ya rab Al 'alamiin
Well, pigs are also very sweet creatures if you've ever gotten to know one. They serve a wonderful purpose and are a great addition to any farm for those reasons. Howcome we can't keep those cute little micro pigs in the house? They do no harm, they bond with humans wonderfully and they are great with kids! :D see?


We can't keep dogs in the house because they and their saliva are considered impure. Allah did not forsake them in any way, but animals have their place and humans have their place.


This is what happens when a dog licks even a small crack on a human's lip. Dogs are very similar to pigs in that they eat and lick EVERYTHING, including poop. +o( This is just to illustrate the uncleanliness of their saliva. Dogs also have a smell that never goes away, no matter how much you bathe them. It comes from the oil on their skin. Every house with a dog smells this way, and it is not pleasant.

Just because we can't keep them in the house doesn't mean we can't love them and take care of them.
Subhanallah, that pic of the woman kissing the dog and then the effects of that scared me
Why do you post pictures of women?

Do you want us to commit zina of the eyes?

To be honest seeing that dog lick her face and right next to it a disgusting messed up lip brought me nowhere rather was a kick in my face and shocked with terror. The LAST thing that went through my mind was zina. It is like a woman seeing sitting next to huge pile of human or dog feces. The last thing that would go through my mind is zina and with that I lose all my appetite as well. However I guess there are people who are not bothered by seeing disgusted things.
Well I own a doggie...He protects me, but that's its natural instict anyway. He lives on my screened (covered) porch connected to mah house, he doesnt come inside unless its for emergencys :p Im glad allah made dogs ❤️ Mans best friend and helper in so many things!
Why do you post pictures of women?

Do you want us to commit zina of the eyes?

I guess you don't go outside either? lol Do you drive looking at the road or your gas pedal? You are supposed to control yourself and your urges. Lowering the gaze means DO NOT STARE, it doesn't mean you have to live under a rock. I don't know how good your peripheral vision is, but I can see clearly around me, even when I happen to be looking at my feet. If shirtless man passes by me, I know he is shirtless without staring. That isn't Zina of the eyes by any means. Besides, I don't know how any feelings of arousal can come from a photo with a dog in it and lips filled with infected pus. :o Different strokes for different folks I guess. Get married?

Some people ^o)
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Well I own a doggie...He protects me, but that's its natural instict anyway. He lives on my screened (covered) porch connected to mah house, he doesnt come inside unless its for emergencys :p Im glad allah made dogs ❤️ Mans best friend and helper in so many things!
I hope you read the full thread sis :) Nobody is saying you can't own a dog, but they shouldn't live inside is all.
I guess you don't go outside either? lol Do you drive looking at the road or your gas pedal? You are supposed to control yourself and your urges. Lowering the gaze means DO NOT STARE, it doesn't mean you have to live under a rock. I don't know how good your peripheral vision is, but I can see clearly around me, even when I happen to be looking at my feet. If shirtless man passes by me, I know he is shirtless without staring. That isn't Zina of the eyes by any means. Besides, I don't know how any feelings of arousal can come from a photo with a dog in it and lips filled with infected pus. :o Different strokes for different folks I guess. Get married?

Some people ^o)

For the people who say I did not look or I am not starring. Allah says directly after lowering the gaze.."guard their private parts" me this also looks like of when you have looked away you also not thinking about what you have seen. More see a man/woman look away AND do not analyze in your mind what you have seen in that second. So even having seen somebody but looking away but in your mind analyzing what you have seen and "enjoying" that 1 second in your mind isn't really guarding your private parts as you will still get all turned on.
Why would Allah not want us to have dogs in our home. They are kind and loving creatures who have proven time and again that they love us unconditionally and have protected us and our children. Why would Allah forsake such creatures
we have no right to ask this Q. Allah swt knows what is good or bad for us.
For the people who say I did not look or I am not starring. Allah says directly after lowering the gaze.."guard their private parts" me this also looks like of when you have looked away you also not thinking about what you have seen. More see a man/woman look away AND do not analyze in your mind what you have seen in that second. So even having seen somebody but looking away but in your mind analyzing what you have seen and "enjoying" that 1 second in your mind isn't really guarding your private parts as you will still get all turned on.
Yes, exactly. It is called, taking responsibility :)
the evidence from Quran pertaining to the dog of people of cave doesn't prove any leeway to halalfy keeping the dogs in homes. If such evidences are taken then bowing/prostration before the people will be justified in the light of story of Hz yusuf a.s.

Do you mean quran:12?

Because a wolf and a dog are a little differing in temperament.

Its a beautiful story though. Allah swt give us patience and protect us from the evil of our own selves.
This issue isn't too difficult to understand once you conduct some research into it - coming into close contact with dogs (especially their saliva) can cause a host of problems. However, even if we didn't quiet 'get' why there are restrictions on keeping dogs in one's home, all we need to look at is the evidence given in the hadiths and understand that every decree of Allah swt is filled with wisdom and justice.

If Allah swt does not permit something, there's a very good reason for it.

And there's no reason to take this as somehow discriminating against dogs or that we 'hate' them, they are as deserving as compassion as anything else - Islam has certain guidelines concerning them, as it does with every part of our lives alhamdulillah.

I quite like dogs, but I wouldn't keep one unless there was an extremely good reason. But I'm more of a cat person anyway - those ragdoll cats are just *beautiful*.