Allah saved me from hardest trial in my life


The sister
Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters,

I'm here to share with you short story. I got into huge hardship time that lasted for months and was getting worse and worse, day by day. Everything was happening to me from every side.
I'm finally smiling, alhamdulillah!

I didn't want to share with anyone what I was going through cause Allah said we should be patient and not talk about hardships. I only managed to ask one friend of mine to make dua for me. And she did.

In the end, the main point is that I can't claim anything, no good deed, nothing. All of it belongs to Allah alone! I wouldn't be able to breath without His help all this time.

Whatever you're going through, just turn to Him and no one else. Trust Him. He will never let you down!
I didn't want to share with anyone what I was going through cause Allah said we should be patient and not talk about hardships. I only managed to ask one friend of mine to make dua for me. And she did.
İ'm sorry but İ just wanted to point out that İ think this is not entirely true.
We should not talk about bad dreams...that is true...we should keep bad dreams to ourselves...but we should share our hardships with friends and family...we should ask for their help...there is nothing wrong with asking friends for help...that bonds...make the relationship with friends and family stronger.
We humans help each other.

You are not alone on this you also shouldn't face your problems alone.
You cannot solve everything on your own.
İ'm sorry but İ just wanted to point out that İ think this is not entirely true.
We should not talk about bad dreams...that is true...we should keep bad dreams to ourselves...but we should share our hardships with friends and family...we should ask for their help...there is nothing wrong with asking friends for help...that bonds...make the relationship with friends and family stronger.
We humans help each other.

You are not alone on this you also shouldn't face your problems alone.
You cannot solve everything on your own.

Thank you so much brother. And Jazakallahu Khair for this. You know, the thing is that while you're facing hardships, in my case I'm super anxious and scared of making a single mistake and/or sin. Every time I was going to share it with anyone in this world I had this idea in my head: "are you complaining?" I figured that jamaat is very important, very very important... it's been just difficult.

I'm happy though I could share good stuff like this - getting out from hardships, alhamdulillah. At least I know Allah wants us to talk about His favors.