Help whoever you can, with whatever you can. Even if it's just a little bit of food. Don't turn anyone away.
وأما السائل فلا تنهر
"As for the beggar, do not repulse him..." [Soorah adh-Dhuhaa.]
I knew a Bangladeshi shopkeeper who never used to turn anyone away who came to his shop to ask. He would give them something even if it was very little. That way, he never repulsed any beggar. Even if he just gave them a 50c, for example, he would give something.
If a person asks from you and you give him, and later on it turns out he was lying or just pretending, you will still get your full reward, In Shaa Allaah. Your duty is only to give. Your duty is not to try and find out what is in his heart. That isn't up to you. Allaah Ta`aalaa knows best who is truly needy.
Just give. Like we mentioned, even if it is something very little, but give something. Don't turn people away who ask from you. If you always give people who ask from you, then In Shaa Allaah whenever you make Du`aa, Allaah Ta`aalaa will give you. When you beg from Allaah Ta`aalaa, He will give you.
Also, remember that Rasoolullaah
صلى الله عليه وسلم told us that Sadaqah (charity) does not decrease wealth. Whatever you give in Sadaqah, you will get your Thawaab in the Aakhirah, and in addition to that, Allaah Ta`aalaa will bless you in your wealth in this Dunyaa and give you an increase in your Rizq, In Shaa Allaah.
Also, Sadaqah (charity) extinguishes the Anger of Allaah Ta`aalaa. We are all sinners. We sin daily. When someone comes to ask from you, it is actually an opportunity Allaah Ta`aalaa is giving you for you to gain Maghfirah (forgiveness) for some of the sins you have committed, as well as to attain Thawaab (reward).
When Sahaabah-e-Kiraam used to get sick, they would give in Sadaqah (charity), because by doing so, Allaah Ta`aalaa cures you of your illnesses.
Look at all the benefits we get from giving in Sadaqah:
- Forgiveness from Allaah Ta`aalaa
- Sadaqah extinguishes the Anger of Allaah Ta`aalaa
- Immense Thawaab for everything given, even if it be very little
- Relief from hardships and difficulties
- Shifaa (cure) from illnesses
- Du`aas are answered more readily by Allaah Ta`aalaa
- Increase in Rizq and Barakah in your earnings
- Acting upon the Command of Allaah Ta`aalaa to not repulse people who ask
If you know for a fact that a certain person is only pretending to be poor but is actually rich, then of course you do not give for this person. What we mean is that, do not assume that a person asking is actually not in need. Have
Husn-uzh-Zhann (good thoughts) about people. Give, because even if it turns out they were actually faking and you didn't know about it, you will still get your Thawaab (reward) In Shaa Allaah.