It can be definitely intimidating to try and find a spouse locally, especially if you don't already have connections with other Muslims (if you do, just let people know you're looking to marry, and if Allah wills, someone will get back to you).
As a fallback, realistic option, you can try www.purematrimony.com (don't take this wrong, it's legitimately the most "pure" Muslim marriage site you can find, and I personally found my own spouse there). You'll definitely do a double-take on this option, but keep it around; bookmark it or something. You can find a spouse through any means, given they're Halal, and there's nothing wrong with a controlled (i.e. monitored for misbehavior), meaningful, and sincere search through an online service. P.S. I have no affiliations with them except that I found my own there. But note, it costs money, but that is only a positive, because it ensures only serious people actually register, and there's plenty!
JazakhAllah Khair.If all else fails I will try this.Its a good website Ive heard of it.Thank you

If racism does not concern you and you have curiosity about some things in some countries, why not you try entering the Islamic University
They wouldnt accept me in an islamic university.There were so many people wanting to enter that some friends I had,had to wait for years and were backed by imams to secure a place