Dr. Ali Shehata - Islam and Western Medicine

'abd al-hakeem

IB Oldtimer
A'udhu billahi mina shaythan ihr rajeem; Bismillah ihr Rahman ihr Raheem;
alhamdulillah wa salaatu wa salaam ala Rasul Allah sulla Allahu aleihi wa Salaam;

Salaamu aleykum warahmatullah ikhwan and warm greetings to interfaith members and guests.

I wanted to post something for my brothers and sisters who may be suffering distress or hardship. I've recently been in touch with Dr Ali Shehata, by way of New Muslim Academy. May Allah swt bless him and his family, and increase his rank, status, and his ability and effectiveness in treating his patients, ameen.

I've found that his expertise utilises 'western' medicine whilst maintaining Islamic discipline. Speaking from experience, Dr Shehata is nothing short of a blessing. He has enduringly enabled a rebuild in self-confidence, bridged a gap between the two worlds of Islamic faith and Western medicine, and proved to be pivotal to medical treatment and Islamic improvement. A sunni Muslim from the USA now working in Saudi Arabia, Dr Shehata works as an Emergency Med physician with a passion for medical education.

Salaamu aleykum wa Rahmat Allahi wabaraakatuhu.


Dr. Ali Shehata
Muslim Matters
[email protected]
