Dua request


New member
Salam all
First and foremost , I would like to take this opportunity to wish that you are all in good health.
Ive just had an ear operation yesterday and would request everyone to make Dua for me Insha Allah , this is my sixth operation. I know help comes from Allah but we can all still make Dua in Allah making the process a lot less painful.
Alongside this , I ask you all to make Dua for me in that my Results for examinations will be released so I ask you all to make Dua for those to be of a high standard in allowing me to pursue my career of choice.
May allah grant us sabr for the pain we endeavour and grant us the means of gaining taqwah and to be amongst the best of Muslims.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

May Allaah Ta`aalaa grant you a complete and swift Shifaa (cure) and make everything easy for you,

آمين يا رب العالمين
Wa alaykum assalam,

May Allah swt ease your pain and give you full shifaa, and may He also give you success in your examinations. Ameen.

Are you getting your results on the 18th?
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

I hope you feel better inshaAllah. Get lots of rest and cut down on the sugary snacks.