Gay Mosque To Open In Paris

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The first gay Mosque in Europe:

I didn't even know that "gay Mosques" existed! This is against Islam!
:omg: :(

' "The Unity" mosque will initially operate in a Buddhist temple in a neighborhood in eastern Paris, and will emphasize "accepting everyone as equally God's creation....I hope straight men will pray together with gay men and women, everyone," said Zahed who declines to make public the address of the venue, due to security concerns.'

"Zahed's mosque will honor some Islamic traditions, like Friday prayers (Jumu'ah), and the Muslim marriage contract (Nikah) to bless same-sex marriage. It will also perform funeral rites (Janazah) for those who have been denied a traditional Islamic funeral based on Sharia law because of their sexual orientation."

This line made me wince: :nervous:
"While it would be the first gay mosque in Paris, there are believed to be 21 other gay mosques sprinkled through the U.S., Canada and South Africa."
I live in South Africa...

Is this really what God wants?

The world, especially the WESTERN world is losing its morals... rapidly...

Please pray that "gay Muslims" will understand Islam fully and not try manipulate it...

Similar things are happening with Christianity, also.

Religion is NOT about convenience...

Religion is NOT a game...
Asaalamu Alaikum
Subhanallah, this is utterly nauseating! Allah swt destroyed an entire qawm for this grave sin!
Its not a mosque, and thats not Islam.
May Allah swt guide the misguided!
Asaalamu Alaikum
next thing you know people will be able to "allegedly" kill others and get away with it even though 100% of the evidence proves that they.... -ring ring- Oh hold on I have a call. hello?
Casey Anthony: You were saying??
A voice in the background,
OJ Simpson: Hey who you talking to Casey??
phone slams down.........


(might want to google those names if you have never heard of them)
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People can choose to label themselves 'Muslims' we already have the term defined by the pillars and tenets of Islam!
New people want to come up with new sects, again we shouldn't be bothered because we already know what the terms and tenets of Islam are.
People are going to draw pictures and name it so and so, but so and so aren't the beloved people we know from history- we can't go chasing fools but we can define the terms and conditions of Islam as well openly reject that which opposes it. But it is certainly not something we're going to lose sleep over.
I don't lose sleep over someone saying headaches should be treated with skillets. I find that mildly amusing in fact- we clarify that they're not treated in such fashion and we move. Do we need to justify our beliefs or apologize for them? Well NO we apologize for naught!
you either are or you aren't and that is all there is to it.

yes, because killing each other is a part of natural selection

people CHOOSE to kill

people CHOOSE to lay in bed with a member of the same sex (which is now becoming an accepted norm)

I'm terrified that soon, killing will become an accepted norm.
I even ever spot a group that saying "things that prevent us from killing each other is the law, if there is no law we will definitely doing it" and "murdering someone else should be legal"

maybe someday they will understand.
maybe Allah will put light in their darkness.
maybe they will then see the truth.
we all sin.
who has no worries to meet Allah on Qiyama?
maybe someday, someone from there will be better Muslim than us.
Allah knows better than me.

if Ernest thinks they need to be real Muslim,
what about Ernest?
if Ernest fear gays in Paris,
what about fearing Allah in heaven?
is gay worse than shirk?
if Ernest knew words of Jesus, pbuh,
"judge not lest you be judged"

if Ernest wants crusade, let him call Pope
if Ernest wants what is correct, let him call to Allah,
la ilaha ilallah, muhammadur rasulullah
if religion must be "correct" then it must be Islam!!!

if religion is just game, have 3 gods. worship a man. follow pagan ways.
if not, ONE WAY! ISLAM!

May Allah guide us all to the straight path!

ma salaama
Is it better for gay Muslims (who undoubtedly exist) to have a place where they can worship and pray freely (if - as the article suggests - they don't always feel welcome in other masjids)?
Or should they not worship/pray to Allah at all?
Does Allah listen to their prayers and shows his mercy to them too?

Do any of you know (openly) gay/lesbian Muslims who attend your mosque? (I say 'openly', because there may be some which simply don't make their sexual orientation known). If so, how do feel about them? Are they welcomed into mosque?
they would probably be deader than a doorknob.

if only we could be this outraged at ourselves when we sin.

maybe we would get somewhere then.

now, we are like scum on the water.

maybe some of those people have one good deed that is better than all of mine put together.

maybe they cared enough to give the water to the thirsty dog.

Allah knows best.

i know nothing...
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Is it better for gay Muslims (who undoubtedly exist) to have a place where they can worship and pray freely (if - as the article suggests - they don't always feel welcome in other masjids)?
Or should they not worship/pray to Allah at all?
Does Allah listen to their prayers and shows his mercy to them too?

Do any of you know (openly) gay/lesbian Muslims who attend your mosque? (I say 'openly', because there may be some which simply don't make their sexual orientation known). If so, how do feel about them? Are they welcomed into mosque?

If someone is attracted to members of the same sex, they can still be Muslim. They can still go to the regular mosque, and pray to God knowing he still hears them. If someone goes a step further and engages in sexual activity outside the bounds of marriage, then he can STILL be Muslim, gay or not. He can still go to the mosque and pray. He just does so as a sinner. it's a major sin, but still "just" a sin. If he chooses to be open about his sexual choices and tries to suggest that it's okay for him to have sex with men, then he can expect to hear a lot of people letting him know that what he's doing is wrong, but I don't think they have the right to ban him from a mosque or reject him as a person (which seems to, sadly, be the response towards many homosexuals by religious folks).

The problem with a lot of these "gay mosques" is that they seem to promote the idea that being involved in homosexual activity is accepted in Islam and isn't crossing any boundaries. I'm not sure if they explicitly do this though, since I'm not too familiar with any of them or any gay Muslims. I think it's prudent to also see this as sort of a failure on our part, since we (the religious majority) have vilified the idea of homosexuality so much that people who consider themselves gay feel completely isolated and unwelcome.
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There is only one mosque in Paris despite a grave need for more, and despite efforts to get another one built, but it tends to always get blocked by bureaucratic bigotry. But now, when gay Muslims wanted a mosque, it apparently got the go-ahead. You know me as someone who doesn't lightly call conspiracy, but even I smell one here.

If someone is attracted to members of the same sex, they can still be Muslim. They can still go to the regular mosque, and pray to God knowing he still hears them. If someone goes a step further and engages in sexual activity outside the bounds of marriage, then he can STILL be Muslim, gay or not. He can still go to the mosque and pray. He just does so as a sinner. it's a major sin, but still "just" a sin. If he chooses to be open about his sexual choices and tries to suggest that it's okay for him to have sex with men, then he can expect to hear a lot of people letting him know that what he's doing is wrong, but I don't think they have the right to ban him from a mosque or reject him as a person (which seems to, sadly, be the response towards many homosexuals by religious folks).

The problem with a lot of these "gay mosques" is that they seem to promote the idea that being involved in homosexual activity is accepted in Islam and isn't crossing any boundaries. I'm not sure if they explicitly do this though, since I'm not too familiar with any of them or any gay Muslims. I think it's prudent to also see this as sort of a failure on our part, since we (the religious majority) have vilified the idea of homosexuality so much that people who consider themselves gay feel completely isolated and unwelcome.

What Tyrion said. It is better to be a gay Muslim than not be a Muslim at all. Faggotry may be sinful, but it's hardly kufr.
The problem with a lot of these "gay mosques" is that they seem to promote the idea that being involved in homosexual activity is accepted in Islam and isn't crossing any boundaries.
A fair point from a very good post. It does give that impression.

Being homosexual, and a Muslim, is a tough option.
The issue is mainly people making halal(permissible) what has been made haram(forbidden).It's also important to first define what is meant by gay, though in the case of the post I think it's obviously means those who practice homosexuality. I mean if a muslim does that and still practices Islam, and he acknowledges that those acts are haram then at the end of the day is a muslim though he might be disobedient. But when you do a sin and say that it is halal then that is an even greater sin.

It is a major sin to make halal what is haram, and to make haram what is halal.
A 'gay Mosque' is probably nothing more than a meeting place for lewdness - A 'leftist/Marxist/imam' gave a khutba to the atheist opposition in Egypt yesterday- some terms together are oxymorons. as stated repeatedly having feelings isn't a sin acting on them whether homicide/ homosexuality/kleptomania is!
Allah swt creates us on fitrah- folks make their choices afterwards just what kind of human beings they wish to be. The 'Mosque' is nothing more than schemes of the west and their allies inside the Muslim world to reform Islam, and as I said in my original post the terms & conditions of being a worshiping/practicing Muslim are already defined and not subject to amending!

looks like some people said it's better to be gay muslim rather than not become a muslim, I wonder what muslim response when they see a group of people that call themselve muslims and kill many innocent non-muslim in the name of Allah, isn't it's better become muslim terrorist rather than become non muslim?
It's better to be a muslim than a kaffir no matter what you do. Of course it doesn't mean that if I were to encounter a muslim being oppressive to a non-muslim I wouldn't stop him, as what he is doing is wrong.
I'd have to know the details of said 'terrorism' Hamas was considered a terrorist group yesterday and today by concensus they're freedom fighters. The terms are meant to be deragatory by an opposition - as they say one country's freedom fighter is another country's terrorist!
I don't think one can identitfy themselves as gay and Muslim. The term already expresses action- one can have gay feelings or inclinations and not act on them and I don't know in such a case what they'd be called but if they're not practicing then why would they so want to be defined? why would they want a meeting place of worship? it automatically denotes that it is ok to be openly gay and Muslim- and it isn't!
It is nothing to be proud of frankly nor something to advertise and especially not something to flash in the face of God openly!

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