Guidelines of Joking


New member
I’ve heard that you can’t terrify another person. But what if you tap someone on the back and surprise them? Is there a degree to this kind of act? Also what about a group of friends telling scary stories to each other? Since the story is completely fiction and not scaring them in the reality it’s just the story on its own.

Jazzakallahu Khair

I think it depends on the individual. Some people love getting scared and suprised and others don't. I know if my sister jumps out when i am not expected her i shout at her because i personally don't find it funny. I know the joke is on me so i wouldn't find it funny but even if if i did that to someone i don't find it funny. You just have to assess or judge the person i guess.

When you are young and amongst peers you don't always let on you are scared so if someone is telling a scary story someone in that group may well be scared but are too afraid to share this. Everyone has different capabilities again it's your call. We think we know but we don't really know. If you know what i mean lol.

Allah swt knows best.
I’ve heard that you can’t terrify another person. But what if you tap someone on the back and surprise them? Is there a degree to this kind of act? Also what about a group of friends telling scary stories to each other? Since the story is completely fiction and not scaring them in the reality it’s just the story on its own.

Jazzakallahu Khair
lying or just telling something untrue...even if it is meant as a joke, that is not OK. I do not know whether it is haraam or makrooh. there should be a hadeeth about this.
so, the stories that are untrue are not OK.
Jumping up and scaring people I do not know.