Halal video games


Limited Member
Assalamu alaikum everyone,

I study at university and also study the deen yet I still find myself with spare time. I need a hobby so I'm thinking of getting into the gaming scene but I have noticed there are loads of games that are haram and I'm finding it difficult to find games which are halal. Could you guys suggest any halal games for me? I have just bought a PS4 btw so PS4 games would be preferred

My requirements are:

No sexual content/ sexual references
No profanity
Must not have music or you should be able to mute it and still be able to play the game
Must not have extreme violence, like cannibalism for example
No shirk, must not encourage any sins or have others commiting any sins in the game

Jazak Allah khayran
Wa alaykum salam

Check out Ratchet and Clank. I am thoroughly enjoying it. It's got awesome gameplay and gorgeous cutscenes. If you want something you can play online, then check out Rocket League. It's a soccer game with cars; it's very addictive. :D

This life is rapidly passing before us.
Every breathe brings us one step closer to our return to our Creator and accounting for our deeds.

Of what benefit would video games be to our imaan and our closeness to Allah?

Spend your time is that which will benefit your aakhirah -
Learn Arabic, hifz, deen.
Contribute to your community.
Spend time with the orphans, sick and needy.

"We only have a lifetime to prepare for eternity."

Make the most of it.
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This life is rapidly passing before us.
Every breathe brings us one step closer to our return to our Creator and accounting for our deeds.

Of what benefit would video games be to our imaan and our closeness to Allah?

Spend your time is that which will benefit your aakhirah -
Learn Arabic, hifz, deen.
Contribute to your community.
Spend time with the orphans, sick and needy.

"We only have a lifetime to prepare for eternity."

Make the most of it.

I do try and do beneficial things when I can but I am interested in playing video games just a little. You should realise not everyone is able to do ibadah and study the deen 24/7 and it's very unfair to expect them to do so, I don't recall the prophet SAW ever saying we should never enjoy ourselves sometimes or have some halal entertainment. Most people need some time to relax doing something they find enjoyable.

And unless you spend every waking moment in ibadah and study of the deen, you really don't have a right to tell others to simply do religious things. There has to be moderation in everything.

Barakallahu feekum.

Yeah, I'd want to know too.........

Games sometimes motivate you, and activate your imagination.. Which makes you think.... Jannah is way better, which excites you even more.

I'd soo want destructive power with the shirk removed, obv.

Like sometimes, I find fire fascinating.. To become fire, to be fire, or water........ or to play mind games................

Allahu alam.
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Well brother I'm kind of in the gaming scene as you say, Try FIFA 16, It's a good football game,I play that a lot,you got Minecraft which is a challenging survival game,might be for kids but it actually challenges the player,you can try car games like need for speed,I find these games really cool but I never really find time to play with.

there is no harm in playing video games that are decent. We all need R&R from time to time and playing and relaxing is part of sunnah. There are many forms of relaxing activities and games happen to be just one of them. The old class games are pretty good. check out these ones:

Ninja Gaiden
Mega Man series
Super mario series
racing games like Drive club

Sorry for ruining the thread. But, rather than play video game, why don't you play the real game?.

I was active in sport when I was young, in level of competition. And I could feel the difference between play real football on the field and play virtual football in video game. Play the real game will makes you feel alive. Something that you will not get from video game.
I do try and do beneficial things when I can but I am interested in playing video games just a little. You should realise not everyone is able to do ibadah and study the deen 24/7 and it's very unfair to expect them to do so, I don't recall the prophet SAW ever saying we should never enjoy ourselves sometimes or have some halal entertainment. Most people need some time to relax doing something they find enjoyable.

And unless you spend every waking moment in ibadah and study of the deen, you really don't have a right to tell others to simply do religious things. There has to be moderation in everything.

Barakallahu feekum.


It was not suggested to engage in ibaadat 24/7.

Indeed, from the life of our Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasalam, this was not the case.

I just want to know islamically where we stand when it comes to video games. I have just played a game called god of war 3 which is based on greek mythology. Although i dont believe in any aspect of the game and its story line a thought had hit me that islamically where do we stand when it comes to these games.
Basically the character is someone that kills greek gods in the game based on greek mythology. I would greatly appreciate it if you could clear this up for me as i want to eliminate as many haram things from my life as i can.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Verily, Allah has created us for the purpose of His worship[1]. One should adopt only those actions that lead us to the recognition, pleasure and nearness of Allah. Likewise, all futile and useless activities which result in no good in both the worlds should be abandoned[2].

Allah says, “And from among the people, there is he who buys the distracting amusement of things, so that he, being devoid of knowledge, may mislead (people) from the Way of Allah and make a mockery of it. Such people are the ones for whom there is a disgraceful punishment”[3]

Video games generally fall in the category of amusement (lahw) and is thus detested and should be avoided[4].

The perfection of a person`s faith and obedience is in his abstinence from that which is useless and brings forth no goodness[5].

The playing of video games not only prevents a person from using time effectively but generally involves listening to music and vulgar language, viewing indecent material and is also responsible for serious social and psychological implications too[6].

It will be impermissible to play any video game which either:

(1) brings forth no good in this world or the Hereafter;
(2) Entails anything contrary to Islamic law;
(3) Comprises more harm and evil than benefit and good;
(4) Or is simply undertaken for amusement purposes and is a hindrance from total servitude to Allah[7].

The video game in question, `God of War`, nevertheless comprises of no goodness, involves violence and brutality against the creation, forms an addiction, and moreover, fundamentally many of the aspects contradict the tenets of Islamic faith. Amongst many factors, the game depicts `God` as deceiving, cunning, helpless, prone to err and defeated. Allah, in reality, is pure from any defect or weakness and from similarity to any creation[8].

This game may have a detrimental effect to a person`s faith and spiritual wellbeing. To attribute such characteristics to Allah even in play and joke will constitute kufr [9]and disbelief[10].

The specific video game in reference, God of War 3, is clearly prohibited.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Hanif Yusuf Patel
Student, Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


Kindly suggest a video game that would fulfill criteria 1-4: specifically to this post - a game that would bring forth goodness for our Hereafter, not distract one from the remembrance of Allah, and is not undertaken purely for amusement ?

Moreover, these games have an addictive nature by their design. What is often intended for a few minutes of amusement,quickly turns into hours of life spent in futility.

How is it possible that our ummah is in such crisis around the globe - from Syria to Rohingya and beyond, yet we can consider spending time on games?

If our beloved Rasulullah sallalahu alaihi wasalam was with us today - can we imagine him wasting away his time in video games? (Na'udoobillah)

As suggested earlier - there are permissible and healthier ways of entertainment in Islam.
Consider joining an active sport - swimming, horseback riding, archery are from the advises and Sunnah of Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasalam - so not only does one gain in fitness, skill and enjoyment, but with the correct intention, can achieve rewards for holding fast to any of his teachings.


It was not suggested to engage in ibaadat 24/7.

Indeed, from the life of our Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasalam, this was not the case.

Kindly suggest a video game that would fulfill criteria 1-4: specifically to this post - a game that would bring forth goodness for our Hereafter, not distract one from the remembrance of Allah, and is not undertaken purely for amusement ?

Moreover, these games have an addictive nature by their design. What is often intended for a few minutes of amusement,quickly turns into hours of life spent in futility.

How is it possible that our ummah is in such crisis around the globe - from Syria to Rohingya and beyond, yet we can consider spending time on games?

If our beloved Rasulullah sallalahu alaihi wasalam was with us today - can we imagine him wasting away his time in video games? (Na'udoobillah)

As suggested earlier - there are permissible and healthier ways of entertainment in Islam.
Consider joining an active sport - swimming, horseback riding, archery are from the advises and Sunnah of Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasalam - so not only does one gain in fitness, skill and enjoyment, but with the correct intention, can achieve rewards for holding fast to any of his teachings.


Firstly, I don't follow (Mufti) Ebrahim desai and his reasoning in this fatwa is flawed. If a person is only allowed to play games/ entertain himself if it brings benefit for them in this life and the afterlife then that would mean that it's now impermissible to chat or joke with friends, go out to a halal restaurant, wear or eat something that you like and many more.We would be extremely restricted in our everyday lives and that is not what our religion is.

I can't link fatwas here, but IslamQA and Islamweb have stated clearly that video games are halal to play as long as the content conforms to Sharia.

The scholars have clearly mentioned the requirements for playing games and nowhere do they say that the games must bring either worldly or hereafter benefits.

Also, there are games that don't contain anything haram which have been suggested above by other brothers and sisters.

And yes, I agree the Prophet Pbuh would not be playing video games, but at the same time he would not be on this forum either....

Video games aren't necessarily an addiction, many people are able to successfully balance their gaming and work, granted some do fall into an addiction. But that is not due to games per say, a person can also become addicted to many things, lets say someone is addicted to chocolate, does chocolate now become haram as a whole for everyone? If a person is weak willed then he can become addicted to anything.

Our ummah is in crisis, because people have become astray from the deen. It's important to bring them back to it, and even more important to keep the people who are practising, close to the deen and not drive them away from it with our approach. By imposing so many imaginary restrictions in Islam, you will simply cause the deeni people to drift away from Islam, since they may become frustrated that they have been denied their outlet of relaxation and so turn to haram as you can see by looking around. You should be happy, we are only playing games which are halal. Look around, you will find many youth astray and in serious haram.

There's no doubt that sports are beneficial and there's no reason why you can't do sports and play video games. You should really not infer/imply that video games are haram and try to stop others from playing them. Everyone has a right to enjoy themselves in whatever lawful manner they wish and this stance is supported by Islam.
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It was not suggested to engage in ibaadat 24/7.

Indeed, from the life of our Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasalam, this was not the case.

Kindly suggest a video game that would fulfill criteria 1-4: specifically to this post - a game that would bring forth goodness for our Hereafter, not distract one from the remembrance of Allah, and is not undertaken purely for amusement ?

Moreover, these games have an addictive nature by their design. What is often intended for a few minutes of amusement,quickly turns into hours of life spent in futility.

How is it possible that our ummah is in such crisis around the globe - from Syria to Rohingya and beyond, yet we can consider spending time on games?

If our beloved Rasulullah sallalahu alaihi wasalam was with us today - can we imagine him wasting away his time in video games? (Na'udoobillah)

As suggested earlier - there are permissible and healthier ways of entertainment in Islam.
Consider joining an active sport - swimming, horseback riding, archery are from the advises and Sunnah of Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasalam - so not only does one gain in fitness, skill and enjoyment, but with the correct intention, can achieve rewards for holding fast to any of his teachings.


Furthermore, every Mu'min is enjoined to help and support the Muslims in need, whatever way he can. That's a given, it's not really a case of either we help our brothers and sisters or play some games, alhamdulilah we have enough time to be able to help the ummah as well as do lots of ibadah and righteous deeds and for our halal hobbies (video games, sports etc).
And yes, I agree the Prophet Pbuh would not be playing video games....

^ Jazakallahu khair, that is all that needs to be said.

This is sufficient reason not to be engaging in fruitless activities that distract our ummah from the remembrance of Allah.

but at the same time he would not be on this forum either....

If ones intention to be on IslamicBoard is to increase in beneficial knowledge, that will draw one closer to Allah - whilst not transgressing shariah - why would this be impermissible?
^ Jazakallahu khair, that is all that needs to be said.

This is sufficient reason not to be engaging in fruitless activities that distract our ummah from the remembrance of Allah.

Hmm and the prophet would also not be doing many things that Muslims are doing nowadays-like wearing nice clothes, spending on oneself since as you know the prophet was a very self less person who pretty much gave his money away.

So would the above things now be haram, since the prophet would not be doing them?

Many things don't bring benefit, that doesn't mean they become haram.

Video games don't distract oneself from worship if a person does not spend hours on end playing them. Believe it or not, people are able to do things in moderation.

It is just your opinion, that video games are a waste of time which is not shared by most people on this thread. Ultimately you have no islamic basis for advising against halal video games played in moderation.

Sorry for ruining the thread. But, rather than play video game, why don't you play the real game?.

I was active in sport when I was young, in level of competition. And I could feel the difference between play real football on the field and play virtual football in video game. Play the real game will makes you feel alive. Something that you will not get from video game.

That's why I said "I play that a lot" (FIFA 16) because I play it in real life, I love football a lot and I always learn about it and watch football matches (if I am free) and of course it's good to play sports it's sunnah, I agree with you on playing the real thing, I believe the prophet PBUH practiced archery and running ?
Hmm and the prophet would also not be doing many things that Muslims are doing nowadays-like wearing nice clothes, spending on oneself since as you know the prophet was a very self less person who pretty much gave his money away.

So would the above things now be haram, since the prophet would not be doing them?

Many things don't bring benefit, that doesn't mean they become haram.

Video games don't distract oneself from worship if a person does not spend hours on end playing them. Believe it or not, people are able to do things in moderation.

It is just your opinion, that video games are a waste of time which is not shared by most people on this thread. Ultimately you have no islamic basis for advising against halal video games played in moderation.

It is part of good manners to be respectful of advice that is given. Being rude doesn't help anyone. Sister Zaria won't be affected if you play video games or not. It's clear that the advice is coming from a good place, the least you can do is be courteous, even if you don't agree.

I must also stress the important of respecting scholars. Again, this has nothing to do with agreeing with them. If you're qualified enough to decide which scholar is right and which one isn't, there are far more productive things you should be doing.

Let's leave it here. You've all stated your points and suggestions of suitable games have been given.
It is part of good manners to be respectful of advice that is given. Being rude doesn't help anyone. Sister Zaria won't be affected if you play video games or not. It's clear that the advice is coming from a good place, the least you can do is be courteous, even if you don't agree.

I must also stress the important of respecting scholars. Again, this has nothing to do with agreeing with them. If you're qualified enough to decide which scholar is right and which one isn't, there are far more productive things you should be doing.

Let's leave it here. You've all stated your points and suggestions of suitable games have been given.

Show me where I disrespected the scholar, I simply said his reasoning is flawed. Everyone has the right to do that.

I have no problem with taking genuine advice, but I dislike when others try to thrust their views on others. I made this thread to discuss and receive suggestions on halal games, not to be dissuaded from doing a halal act.

Islam clearly states that no one has the right to make the halal into haram. If you and Sister Zaria don't like playing video games then that is your perogative but you shouldn't try to force this view onto others.