He loves it because you're trying


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I wanted to share this

Even if no one is impressed with your efforts: be it tajweed for example than know Allah is impressed because you're trying.

Isn't that befitting mercy of the most merciful?


I am burdened by waswass. Idk why! probably because I ain't getting enough sleep, so I am powerless. I find that the more I seek perfection the more frustrated I get.

And what will frustration do? make you angry, resentful. All Allah wants is progress. If it takes 5 months to learn Surah Al-Fatihah for someone. And he does his best, then Allah will judge him based on what the slave is capable of.

I find that we ourselves burden ourselves more than we can bear - making ourselves our own oppressors!
SubhanAllah, this is true.

We can sometimes be too judgemental of ourselves, or measure ourselves by the success of others, or aim for such a state of perfection in such little time that in the end we feel unfit for the responsibility and give up all together. Everyone has their own journey, and should measure themselves by how they have improved from yesterday, and not by the present of others.

Allah swt is loving and merciful, sometimes we forget that. Of course we must try and never stop aiming for perfection, but just not feel disheartened or inadequete.

Reminds me of this lovely hadith :) :

Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that reward.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
JazakAllah for the reminder.

SubhanAllah Among the names of Allah is AR-Rahman, the most merciful. He is the most beneficent, Who loves His people seventy times more than a mother's love. The strength and expansion of His mercy is beyond our imagination.

Today a lot of people strive for perfectionism, and stress themselves. It's a great sign if you are showing up, trying your best and keeping good intensions. It means you are in competition with no one and on the road to improvement. So, I guess we should be more mindful of people who are making tiny efforts towards recovery and progress. Getting out of our perfectionist heads and undermining others efforts but being more gentle towards our own selves and others.
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Instead of aiming for perfection, of course one should do his best. But what is more important than memorising Qur'an, praying, etc. is having a good relationship with Allah.

Cuz what is all that recitation worth, if in the inside one is rotten? I am not saying to not memorise. But to strengthen one's relationship with Allah. The more closer you get to Allah. The better the connection, fearing none but Him.

Cuz Allah created us with certain capabilities, strengths and weaknesses.

To not make this long: Focus on your relationship with Allah. Clear your intentions, why do you recite the Qur'an, why do you pray?

I remember my first intention was to get closer to Allah. Not because of the rewards, or anything. But because I missed Allah.

So, if one is in good terms with Allah, then know that Allah is not an oppressor, and He has forbidden oppression for Himself, and His slaves. Meaning, Allah knows best your limits, weaknesses, etc. To give up because of those weaknesses, is to lose. And that is not what Allah wants.

So what I am saying is: focus on developing a good relationship with Allah, a good connection. Rather than the goal. Because if you are on good terms with Allah, and your aim is to love Allah, and be loved. Then, in shaa' Allah, Allah Himself, will bring you to the destination.

I feel the destination, is not solely Jannah, rather it is to have this relationship with Allah. Allah is the Master of Jannah, Lord of Jannah, Jahannam (Hellfire), shaytaan/Jinn.

So what is the best option? To develop a relationship with Allah, The Master of All. And to do the Fardh, and more if one is capable.

I think I made this long.. In shaa' Allah, it is understandable.

Allah :swt: knows best.