Help me please

i need help

Limited Member
Please can someone help me I am continuously getting. A feeling that I don’t believe and when I talk about the afterlife I get a feeling that I don’t believe and I am being fake. I read my dua before I eat and I cant think of another way the world was created withoutAllah. I keep getting bad thoughts about the Quran.I haven’t read namaz in a while but I do make intentions.please help me if,I read namaz do I do shirk and if i read my dua before I eat and sometimes think about allah am I still a Muslim
brother, what you are experiencing is normal, it is known as wiswas or waswasa. shaytaan is merely whispering doubts to you about terrible things, to fool you into thinking you actually believe in them! thus making you get stressed out and give up and believe you are a kaafir, God forbid, but trust me, we all get these thoughts, try making dua to Allah to make these thoughts go away, try increasing your ibadah but if that doesn't work just ignore it and above all DON'T treat it as a big problem. this once happened to the companions (ra) and Muhammad (saws) said, "Blessed be to Allah, who has reduced shaytaan's plots to mere whispers," and "do you hate having these thoughts?" to which they said yes, to which he said, "it is a sign of faith" if you treat it as a big problem it will only get bigger. also try reciting surat al muminoon (chapter 23) verses 97-98
I have requested you previously that please ask any doubts which you have about Islam and we will help you in answering your questions to remove these doubts for ever inshallah. With that said, it is good that you clearly stated your doubts about day of judgement.

Let's reflect together.
Humans naturally seek justice in all aspects of their lives. When a person works, they expect to receive an appropriate salary. When an individual is harmed, they seek compensation. When someone helps another, they anticipate appreciation for their effort. Even though humans strive hard to establish justice, the reality is that this world will never be perfectly just. Many criminals go unpunished while the oppressed are denied basic rights. Do their lives simply dissolve without any accountability or fair dealing?

Allah proclaims in the Quran:
Do those who commit evil deeds really think that We will deal with them in the same way as those who believe and do righteous deeds, that they will be alike in their living and their dying? How badly they judge!(45:21)

If our man-made judicial systems punish people for committing injustices against other people, it is even more understandable that God would punish those who deny Him His rights and commit injustices against His creation. God says in the Quran:

“We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least, and if there be (no more than) the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it (to account): and enough are We to take account” (21:47).

Do you really think Hitler is going to have same end as you will have after death? Does it makes any sense to you?
If a person kills hundreds of innocent people and lets say we succeed to arrest him, what is the max. punishment we can give him? Life sentence right? What if he has a family who only depends on this person, will not this be unjust to the family who did not commit that crime? Second how you justify taking his life for killing of hundreds of innocent people? Should not he has an eternal punishment for such a crime?

I hope that you find these examples helpful. If you need more logical evidences for day of Judgement then let me know.
I have requested you previously that please ask any doubts which you have about Islam and we will help you in answering your questions to remove these doubts for ever inshallah. With that said, it is good that you clearly stated your doubts about day of judgement.

Let's reflect together.
Humans naturally seek justice in all aspects of their lives. When a person works, they expect to receive an appropriate salary. When an individual is harmed, they seek compensation. When someone helps another, they anticipate appreciation for their effort. Even though humans strive hard to establish justice, the reality is that this world will never be perfectly just. Many criminals go unpunished while the oppressed are denied basic rights. Do their lives simply dissolve without any accountability or fair dealing?

Allah proclaims in the Quran:
Do those who commit evil deeds really think that We will deal with them in the same way as those who believe and do righteous deeds, that they will be alike in their living and their dying? How badly they judge!(45:21)

If our man-made judicial systems punish people for committing injustices against other people, it is even more understandable that God would punish those who deny Him His rights and commit injustices against His creation. God says in the Quran:

“We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least, and if there be (no more than) the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it (to account): and enough are We to take account” (21:47).

Do you really think Hitler is going to have same end as you will have after death? Does it makes any sense to you?
If a person kills hundreds of innocent people and lets say we succeed to arrest him, what is the max. punishment we can give him? Life sentence right? What if he has a family who only depends on this person, will not this be unjust to the family who did not commit that crime? Second how you justify taking his life for killing of hundreds of innocent people? Should not he has an eternal punishment for such a crime?

I hope that you find these examples helpful. If you need more logical evidences for day of Judgement then let me know.
more like millions of innocent people, at that