Hoor Al Eyn


New member
This is an answer that was given in an legitimate "ask a Imam" sort of website. Talks about the Hoor Al Eyn (May Allah grant us them inshallah :happy: ) And talks about how the earthly woman who is righteous will be 70 times more beautiful than the Hoor Al Eyn .
I think because usually what husband want the most is physical intimacy with wife, but wife want to do shopping, going out, read book, etc.

the Hoor al Ayn are used for entertaining husband when wife isn’t in the mood.

Hoor Al Ayn are robots.

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It does make sense since women want to be most beautiful and do other things than be with husband.
I read that too somewhere --- SUbhanAllah -- which man in their right mind will want a Hoor !!!!!!!!!!!!


Kind advice - the statement you have made is actually boarder line Kufr.

What you are implying there by saying that, is Allah SWT who has unlimited knowledge will create a Hoor that the one with limited knowledge will not want.

You must remember that in Jannah the Nafs will be different. It is not the same as this world.