How do I find the context in which Ayats were revealed? Website suggestions please.


New member
Asalamo Alkaykum WaruhmotoAllah,

I am looking for an authentic website (based on Quran and Authentic Hadith like Bukhari and Muslim) where I can find the context in which certain individual verses from the quran were revealed. For example, when was Chap 2 Verse 255 (Aytul Kursi) revealed and many many other. I want to appreciate what was happening to Muslims when Allah blessed them with verses etc.

I would much much rather the context of individual verses, if thats possible, but anything would be appreciated.

I just want to gain a better understanding of what the Muslims were going through when Allah with his infinite wisdon revealed each verse.

JazakAllah Khairin.

BTW - Amazing online quran website my bro found = (MashAllah its Brilliant! Best I have ever used)
Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

This is a very good question that you've asked.

There is a whole Qur'anic science devoted to this field, and it is called Asbaab an-Nuzool, sometimes written as Asbaab al-Nuzool, which translates roughly as the reasons for revelation, and also as causes, context, and occasion for revelation.

There are many benefits to knowing the Asbaab an-Nuzool for verses. For an introduction, go to PDF page 141 here: (Link for Usool at-Tafseer: The Methodology of Qur'aanic Explanation, by Abu Ameenah Bilal Phlips).

It also lists at the end of that chapter, the books on Asbaab an-Nuzool, the most famous of which is the one by Ali ibn Ahmad al Waahidi (died 468 hijri, 1075 ce), who is considered one of the earliest scholars of Asbaab an-Nuzool (although it is still a mixture of authentic and some weak reports). That book, is available translated into English here, as a PDF document: Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi.pdf

Alternatively, here you can go the exact verses and surah you want, and if there is anything recorded about it's background and reason for revelation in Waahidi's book, it will be there. It has Asbaab an- Nuzool for some of the verses from 83 Surahs, along with chains of narration.

You could also try googling the other ones listed at the end of the chapter and see if they've been translated into English, but I don't think they have. I've heard that Tafseer al-Jalaalayn has some Asbaab an-Nuzool as well. Allahu a3lam.

Hope that helps a bit.

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Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

This is a very good question that you've asked.

There is a whole Qur'anic science devoted to this field, and it is called Asbaab an-Nuzool, sometimes written as Asbaab al-Nuzool, which translates roughly as the reasons for revelation, and also as causes, context, and occasion for revelation.

There are many benefits to knowing the Asbaab an-Nuzool for verses. For an introduction, go to PDF page 141 here: (Link for Usool at-Tafseer: The Methodology of Qur'aanic Explanation, by Abu Ameenah Bilal Phlips).

It also lists at the end of that chapter, the books on Asbaab an-Nuzool, the most famous of which is the one by Ali ibn Ahmad al Waahidi (died 468 hijri, 1075 ce), who is considered one of the earliest scholars of Asbaab an-Nuzool (although it is still a mixture of authentic and some weak reports). That book, is available translated into English here, as a PDF document: Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi.pdf

Alternatively, here you can go the exact verses and surah you want, and if there is anything recorded about it's background and reason for revelation in Waahidi's book, it will be there. It has Asbaab an- Nuzool for some of the verses from 83 Surahs, along with chains of narration.

You could also try googling the other ones listed at the end of the chapter and see if they've been translated into English, but I don't think they have. I've heard that Tafseer al-Jalaalayn has some Asbaab an-Nuzool as well. Allahu a3lam.

Hope that helps a bit.


This was EXACTLY what I was looking for. Its Brilliant!

Especially, this link: (-> For Others just click on 'Quranic Science' tab on the right)

Honestly, it was exactly what I was looking for!

JazakAllah Khairin. Everyone should check out the link.

I just wanted to ask if anyone knows of any other such websites like because it does not provide me with the context of certain ayahs (e.g. 2:255) and others.

Is this just because we dont know the context in which certain verses were revealed?

JazakAllah Khairin

Allah knows best.