I broke a promise to Allah


Slave of Allah
I'm trying to stop sinning....I told Allah if I sinned again I would pray 20 rakat nail and pay sadqa of a specific amount. I prayed 20 nail but realized I cant pay sadqa as I dnt have the amount. I feel ashamed and hypocritical as I broke a promise to Allah. What can i do? I told Allah if I get chance I will pay the amount but for now what can I do? Is there an expiation of this sin? I heard something about kafrah yameen. Can that apply in this case? If I fast for 3 consecutive days for breaking my oath to Allah, will that remove this sin of breaking this promise...and I would I still have to pay the sadqa later on?
Jazakallah khayran
Yes just do the 3 nafl fasts and that would expiate. It if expiates for it not sure whether u still have to pay it

Doing oaths (swearing by Allah you will do this and that, or meaning your words as an oath) is discouraged in Islam for this very reason as if we fail to do it then it's major hypocrysy
Okay jazakallah khayran...I asked my imam about this but he said if I cant pay then Allah does not burden a man beyond his capabilities...what does that mean?
What you really need is to repent sincerely and try to not repeat same mistake.
Allah is not like some greedy banker, which would demand you to pay what was written in the contract, whether you have that money or not. Allah doesn't need it, Allah is Most Merciful.

Consider this as a lesson of responsibility and don't make oaths which you can't guarantee to fulfill.
Ask yourself:
Why did you make this oath?
Why did you fail to fulfill it?
Not because of money, because of sin you promised not to commit.
You see, there is so much you need to learn about yourself, to admit your own flaws, to be steady.
However, this matter is between you and Allah, no one has a right to decide for you.
Just remember, you were created by Allah as you are and Allah is Most Mercifull, just do your best to become better.
I'm trying to stop sinning....I told Allah if I sinned again I would pray 20 rakat nail and pay sadqa of a specific amount. I prayed 20 nail but realized I cant pay sadqa as I dnt have the amount. I feel ashamed and hypocritical as I broke a promise to Allah. What can i do? I told Allah if I get chance I will pay the amount but for now what can I do? Is there an expiation of this sin? I heard something about kafrah yameen. Can that apply in this case? If I fast for 3 consecutive days for breaking my oath to Allah, will that remove this sin of breaking this promise...and I would I still have to pay the sadqa later on?
Jazakallah khayran
Assalamoalikum it might be strange for you but. Your oath is not broken.

First kindly understand oath is different thing vow is different and promise is different

Oath is done by bringing word of allah like i swear on allah or by allah's swear i do this and that etc etc. If its not completed. Then its kaffarah of 3 days fast or sadqah to 10 poor people about 2 times a day food etc.

One is promising like i promise i wont do or this etc etc. Breaking promise makes nothing on person. But a grave sin

One is wow. Like you did. as if you already said the exact words you wrote above . Now when vow is broken by not completing it then what you said like i do this and that. Its fine of the wow.

Now one fine is with bound in time like if i did sin i will keep 3 days fast from next week from monday. If vow broken and fine is not paid in the bound time then fine will be of oath as giving food or clothes to 10 people or 3 days fast etc.

One vow fine is boundless like you did. So till you not die there is no fine of oath but your vow's fine which is exact amount of sadqah. Like a person said if i not did sin today i will go to hajj. So that not means that after breaking vow person go to hajj immediately but on the contrary he do have a time to pay his vow fine till death.
So someday you might have some money to pay it. And like you i also did. i did vow on my friend marriage that if he gets married in this year then I will slaughter a goat. And amazingly he did in the same year on LAST DAY oF THE YEAR. So i have to pay vow fine too though 3 years passed to my vow. so don't worry...

Hope this things helps and clear your mind literally