Importance of giving dawah

Maryam Gold

New member
If you give your heart solely to Allah swt and to no-one / nothing else, then you will not regret it, and you will be amongst the winners in this life and the next.
Remember Allah swt tests a person according to their imaan, and Allah swt does not burden a person more than their ability.
Invite your Muslim and Non - Muslim brothers and sisters towards Islam. If you were crossing the road and saw someone at risk of being killed by a car, you would try to save them. So why not save your non practising Muslim / Non - Muslim brothers and sisters from the gates of Jahanum by giving dawah?
Simply smiling at your non-muslim brothers and sisters is not enough, you need to give dawah in the way Prophet Muhammed pbuh taught us. Why do we place all the blame on the media for negative stereotyping of Islam, when we can't even be bothered to give dawah using the means Allah swt has blessed us with?
There are over a billion Muslims worldwide, because Prophet Muhammed pbuh gave dawah. Believe in yourself, you can give dawah to those around you for a start!
Practice makes perfect! wink emoticon

If you give your heart solely to Allah swt and to no-one / nothing else, then you will not regret it, and you will be amongst the winners in this life and the next.
Remember Allah swt tests a person according to their imaan, and Allah swt does not burden a person more than their ability.
Invite your Muslim and Non - Muslim brothers and sisters towards Islam. If you were crossing the road and saw someone at risk of being killed by a car, you would try to save them. So why not save your non practising Muslim / Non - Muslim brothers and sisters from the gates of Jahanum by giving dawah?
Simply smiling at your non-muslim brothers and sisters is not enough, you need to give dawah in the way Prophet Muhammed pbuh taught us. Why do we place all the blame on the media for negative stereotyping of Islam, when we can't even be bothered to give dawah using the means Allah swt has blessed us with?
There are over a billion Muslims worldwide, because Prophet Muhammed pbuh gave dawah. Believe in yourself, you can give dawah to those around you for a start!
Practice makes perfect! wink emoti