Is it permissible to make Dua for impossible things


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Last year my father died in an accident. Any small changes that day would've allowed him to still be here. I know we will all return to Allah one day but is it possible to ask Allah to change that day just slightly to keep my father with us for a while?
Last year my father died in an accident. Any small changes that day would've allowed him to still be here. I know we will all return to Allah one day but is it possible to ask Allah to change that day just slightly to keep my father with us for a while?

As salamu alaikum ahki. I don't entirely understand your question, If you mean asking Allah to return your father to this life then no. Allah has already written our futures and blessed us with Dua or prayer to be able to change that fate, but as your father is already passed then there is nothing that can bring him back to this life.

If you mean to intercede for him in the grave or on the day of judgement that depends on if he was a disbeliever or a Muslim.
Sura At-Tawbah 9:84 Allah SWT says," Therefore, do not ever pray over anyone of them who dies. Nor stand over the grave of such a one, for they have disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were ungodly."

and at Sura At-Tawbah 9:113 Allah SWT says," It is not for the Prophet and those who believe to seek forgiveness for the idolaters- even if they are [their] close relatives- after it has become clear to them that they are the companions of Hellfire."

In regard to someone who had never heard the message of Islam before their death in sura Al-Israa 17:15 Allah SWT says,"Whoever chooses to be guided, it is only for their own good. And whoever chooses to stray, it is only to their own loss. No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. And We would never punish ˹a people˺ until We have sent a messenger ˹to warn them˺."

If you mean after Allah SWT has already entered us into Jannah inshallah
in sura 43:67-71 Allah SWT says," Close friends will be enemies to one another on that Day, except the righteous,
˹who will be told,˺ “O My servants! There is no fear for you Today, nor will you grieve—
˹those˺ who believed in Our signs and ˹fully˺ submitted ˹to Us˺. Enter Paradise, you and your spouses, rejoicing.
Golden trays and cups will be passed around to them. There will be whatever the souls desire and the eyes delight in. And you will be there forever."

And so Inshallah After being entered into Jannah you will be able to Ask Allah SWT to bring your father to you if it is what your soul desires.

I hope this helped. and If anyone sees any mistakes in my quotations of Allah SWTs words, please correct me. Allahu Alam