Among the Sahaabah, there were some who fought using one sword and some who fought using two swords. Sayyid-ush-Shuhadaa, Hadhrat Hamza ibn `Abdil Muttalib رضي الله عنه, for example, used to fight in the battles using two swords while on horseback. That requires a lot of skill and strength.
Among the Arabs during the time of Sahaabah, you had certain clans that were known as "Warrior Clans". The most prominent of these clans was the legendary "Banu Makhzoom": The clan of Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed رضي الله عنه, the greatest military general of all time. This clan was special. From the moment a son was born into this clan, he would be trained how to fight. He would not grow up at home, with his parents, and go with his "mom" to coffee shops and maybe eat some chocolate cake and cookies. They didn't know a life like that. They were taken into the desert while children and left to fend for themselves. Hunt animals for food. Survival of the fittest.
They were trained, from childhood, in the arts of fighting. Wrestling, empty-handed fighting, sword fighting, swimming, archery, spear fighting, etc. They were trained in the use of each and every weapon available to the Arabs at the time. They were moulded to become the "Perfect Soldiers". They were a feared and well-respected clan among the Quraysh, this clan of Banu Makhzoom. And the prodigy of that clan, the greatest member, the "Hero" of that clan, was Hadhrat Khaalid ibn al-Waleed رضي الله عنه, who, along with Sahaabah-e-Kiraam, crushed the Roman Empire, the so-called "Superpower of the World". The "Invincible" Roman Army. The Spartans.