Muslim fanatical Sports Fans


If you can read this please remember me in your du
Some of our dear brothers and sisters become very passionate and fanatical sports fans – be it football, soccer, cricket, baseball, hockey, or Liverpool!

They become ecstatic when their team wins, but in defeat, they sulk and allow it to affect/ruin their whole day/week!

Some can’t wait for the next game to come. Their whole life revolves around sports. It’s like an addictive drug. Their team comes before family, children, and even worshipping Allah!

Such behavior is undoubtedly un-Islamic, wrong and unproductive. If you feel you are of those affected, work towards changing yourself. We may follow sports from afar, but must not become so engrossed that we forget our real purpose of being created.

Our time is precious; we have duties towards our Lord, our families and humanity in general.

Play sports, for that is beneficial and even rewarding – with the right intention, but there is no justification in Islam for being a mad crazy sports fan.

May Allah grant us Tawfiq, Amin.

- Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

Actually quite sad. Our head Imam always says that some Muslims know everything about footballers and sports stars but know nothing about the Holy Prophet or any of the other prophets. Ask them who David Beckhams children are called and they will tell you. Ask them who the Holy Prophet's parents are and they won't know.

He also regularly says people will wake up at 6am to go to a match but can't even be bothered to come to Zohar prayers.

As my teacher at Madressa used to say you won't even get a drop of urine or a piece of their pooh so there is no point going mental if they win, you won't get a thing out of it.

Keep safe and make duas.