My Natural Alarm Clock and an additional miracle


New member
In my life, I was not perfect to pray since I started praying. I would then stop after a few days, then back again after a long time. Now, I am limp, and before I was, I would pray. I had an accident. I was high in Marijuana. I already quit all my vices. Inhsaallah, I can still move my feet and legs, except for some of the feets parts, and it looks different from the normal way it should be like before, so I will still walk, if not naturally, then with prosthetic legs.

When I was praying before, and waking up for Fajr or Subu prayer, I would wake up without alarm clock naturally before 5 close to that. Now, sometimes, I would wake a little late than that, but still, it's close. Mostly, I would wake up before that, and it's still 30 minutes or more, so I would still sleep, and so I would wake up late, but still it's close to 5. Maybe God wants me to read Quran or something. I am thankful. It's like a miracle.

Do you also know that cats do not step on the Quran, and would step on other books? Here is a video:

Cats stepping on other books except Quran

Do you also wake up naturally before 5 close to it?
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That is somehow correct. I think that is alright as long as the animal don't defecate on it or urinate on it. What these people are doing is showing to the world that Islam is the real religion. That is a good deed, right? Allah understands. He is most merciful. Also, we should be careful in handling the Quran and it's okay because in the video the Quran is safe until the end. What they did increased my iman. I understand how holy the Quran is. We should repent if ever we had done something wrong with it.
That is somehow correct. I think that is alright as long as the animal don't defecate on it or urinate on it. What these people are doing is showing to the world that Islam is the real religion. That is a good deed, right? Allah understands. He is most merciful. Also, we should be careful in handling the Quran and it's okay because in the video the Quran is safe until the end. What they did increased my iman. I understand how holy the Quran is. We should repent if ever we had done something wrong with it.
لا حول ولا قوة
Dear one quran is the word of god.
Would this be good act to check by putting infront of animals to see would it stump on it or not..??
What If cat did then what would u say
This book musy be respected rather than putting it on ground to see animals stomp on it or not.
لا حول ولا قوة
Dear one quran is the word of god.
It will be good to check by putting infront of animals to see would it stump on it or not..
If cat did what would u say then.
This book musy be respected rather than putting it on ground to see animals stomp on it or not.

I understand. There are lots of videos that show the same thing though. That's why I was interested in it.
I understand. There are lots of videos that show the same thing though. That's why I was interested in it.
Dear one first i prefer to reaf books instead watching videos but still if u see the video then kindly see which increase eman but in such matter tht the video is not making blasphemous act.
I still remember tht someone snt me video in it was girl semi nude coverd with arabic flag written allah on it.
And girl saying tht i love allah so look i wearing tht allah flag. And showing her semi naked body.
These were nothing but insults
Dear one first i prefer to reaf books instead watching videos but still if u see the video then kindly see which increase eman but in such matter tht the video is not making blasphemous act.
I still remember tht someone snt me video in it was girl semi nude coverd with arabic flag written allah on it.
And girl saying tht i love allah so look i wearing tht allah flag. And showing her semi naked body.
These were nothing but insults

I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Thank you for helping me think better. May Allah bless us all.
Ameen . May my words contradicts as i am not english man. Or as making other understand in English is difficult for us due to lack of vocabulary and grammer differences

Are you sure of the word contradict to be used in your sentence? Contradict means to argue against, deny, be in conflict with, challenge, etc. It's alright brother. I still understand somehow what you are saying. I too want to learn Arabic. I have a few words memorized. Inshaallah, just put all your trust in Allah.