please help me sihir


Limited Member
hello english is not my native language so it will be hard to explain,me and my wife are got infected by sihr to get divorced,after long search we found a hoca (al-khawaja) that sent us writings to get rid of this sihr,terrbile things happen to me and my wife all the time,so we are to dring those writings,but i noticed in every corner of writings small pentagram is made,is this of islam? because i am scared now to dring that,maybe its not pentagram maybe its david star,i am unsure,but it look like pentagram to me,is this safe? what do you think about this? can you help me?

i am unsure if i can post picture of writings because it will ruin the purpose of text,as i know,noone should see this writings?

thank you and please help me
what you have described seems similar to amulets and taweez. They often have shirk in them and are not to be used or trusted. Look up on youtube on how to get rid of taweez/amulets.

Typing "sihr" on will give you lot of information on what it is, how to protect yourself from it and what to do after you have been affected.
Contact an Islamic exorcist, someone who gets rid of the sihr by reciting the Qur'an, and you must recite 3 quls and ayat-al-kursi constantly (3 quls is surah al ikhlas, surah al falaq, and surah an nas).....however, if the exorcist asks for your mother's name, do not trust him, as he is likely a magician himself. an imam should be a good exorcist.
Look where the witch puts the sihr items. Once it is found, burn it.

Witches here usually put a paper with an arabic writings written on it and bury it in a soil in front of the victim's house. The writings are their praise and their devotion towards jinns.

Still, the jinns cant give any effect to you unless it is allowed by Allah. Ask for protection and hidayah. Tests are never easy.
hello,i am from europe,european muslim,slavic,we know latin here,not arabic,writings are in arabic he sent me,and there isnt many khawaja here,most of them do not practice taking out of sihr,but i found one in bosnia in europe,he sent me this,today another thing happened,my car was filled with pieces of raw flesh meat,all over my car glass,who carry fresh meat and throw it on people cars?

i did what i could do,recited sura ihlas,sura felek,sura nas but now i am to drink this writings,if i dont drink this what can i do? wait for more eggs to be trown in my window and meat to be thrown on my car?

i am very scared with my family,because bad thigs happen to me and my wife all the time,she cry for no reason sometime and get hysterical,i have impossible car srashes,that i cannot beleive happen,car drive literaly by it self into the wall altough i press break and didnt speeding,it pushed me to right and drove itself to make accident,i am to drink this tommorow but this pentagram bothers me in writings,i have no khawaja here to turn around and speak to,you are only ones that can give me advice,i live in christian country so no help for me here
There is no harm in showing any person the writings which this man has given you. If he has told you that no one should see it, then know that he is lying and has something to hide.

If you can post a picture of it here, we will In Shaa Allaah be able to see what exactly he has written and if it is in line with the Sharee`ah or not, and if it contains Shirk or not.

May Allaah Ta`aalaa grant you and your family relief from all your troubles, Aameen.

Witchcrafts are everywhere. Even in saudi.

I started to think that we should burn the witches again..

Personally i dont recommend you fighting sihr with sihr because it is still shirk. Be sure that Allah will give the hidayah.

When you read al ikhlas, an nas, etc try to focus your mind and be khushu when doing it. The effects are much different when you dont. I heard about people who performed a ruqyah / exorcism with ayats to a possessed person and the jinn even followed to recite it
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