Please provide examples as motivation for others


Slave of Allah
Provide an example where you gave something up for Allah and you got something better....or give an example where allah tested you with a loss or hardship but you got something better after it
Jazakallah khayran
I had grown up being addicted to music, listening to it 24/7. On top of that, I played the violin and joined a symphony. I was going to make a career out of it and I surrounded myself around musicians to take them as friends and motivate me to complete my goal. But one day I woke up, and that was the day I had become a true Muslim. I gave it all up and turned to something else instead(also put on the hijab and started salah). I decided not to wait until I preform my future recital that year. People had asked me if I could teach them to play, but I rejected. No one understood why, but I did. And that was the day my whole life turned around, and things would only get harder and harder.

Oh yeah. I also realized how dangerous music can be
Alhamdullah. May Allah make it easy for you sister and keep you on the right path. What did Allah replace and give you better if you dont mind me asking?
Oh yes.
Allah has replaced many of my evil desires that give me temporary satisfaction in this Western society and given me the ability to feel the sweetness in iman and realize my purpose on earth!
Provide an example where you gave something up for Allah and you got something better....or give an example where allah tested you with a loss or hardship but you got something better after it
Jazakallah khayran

Start us off.

What have you given up or been tested with and Allah replaced it with something better?
I have been tested with bad companies, and alhamdullah allah gave me better friends and righteous who care for me. I got akhira life friends as opposed to the old dunya ones.

Same as the sister, I left music and Allah gave me knowledge of islam.

Avoid women and more careful with dealings with them and have gotten respect and tawqa of Allah alhamdullah.

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But besides my examples , I want to see others as well.
I have given up the right to be angry.

I believe I was unfairly sacked in 2011 from a job I had been doing for ten years. I never had a day of sick, I did a lot of the jobs other people seemed afraid to do, caring for people with challenging behaviour.

Since being sacked; I have done about two thousand hours of voluntary work for the people who sacked me. On occasions, I come into contact with the people responsible for my sacking, I pray that God will bless them and give them peace.

It has been easier for me to do two thousand hours of voluntary work, rather than to hold onto any anger and hate I could have for them. I know this to be true; because in the past I have lived with real anger; I know how it has made me feel; it eats away at the soul and makes you feel miserable. I am determined that I will not be controlled by anger; I just don’t have the time or energy for those emotions any more.

In the spirit of praying for a peace that surpasses all understanding,
