Question about Wine in Jannah/Paradise/Afterlife ?


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As Salaam Alaikum my question about Wine in Jannah/Paradise/Afterlife is I know the Wine in the Hereafter according to the Quran and the Hadiths and the Scholars the Wine from the Rivers of Wine does not get us drunk or intoxicated or affect our ability to think or our brain or our state of mind what Im asking since Islam says one can have whatever he or she desires in Jannah there is Houris which are Wives and Big Houses/Homes and Gold and Food and so on one can have my question is what if I want Beer or Whisky or Vodka that does not get me intoxicated in Jannah I would drink the Wine in Jannah Im just asking since we can have what we desire also my understanding is that Bible talks about Wine but not Beer or Whisky or Vodka maybe Wine was the only drink that was alcoholic in that time I have heard that a Scholar said if a Muslim drinks Wine or Alcohol in this life this Temporary life they will not drink the Wine in the Eternal Afterlife if they don't repent I am just curious thank you for your time ?

Will anything we desire be given in jannah?[/h]

[h=3]The people of Paradise will remember the life of this world -[/h]

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[TD][h=1]Wine in Paradise is not harmful[/h][/TD]

There is 'sharaban tahoora' and we don't know its howness. Rest what you've asked about vodka or whisky and all types of liquor can be available there or not, I don't know. But I know one thing that only purified souls will be placed in jannah and purified souls strongly dislike all types of drugs even in this life then how they may like disgusting things of this world in jannah when they will be given the best of best things to consume or eat and drink...
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There is 'sharaban tahoora' and we don't know its howness. Rest what you've asked about vodka or whisky and all types of liquor can be available there or not, I don't know. But I know one thing that only purified souls will be placed in jannah and purified souls strongly dislike all types of drugs even in this life then how they may like disgusting things of this world in jannah when they will be given the best of best things to consume or eat and drink...

Allah only made intoxicants in dunya disgusting I herd there are different types of drinks and have different reasons but basically it's not gonna get you drunk ittl make you happy like extremely happy and laughy and just feeling amazing euphoria but no tiredness or anything allah took the rewards of jannah and put them in dunya except divided them by unimaginable times so it's allot less then jannah and he basically says if you ob stain from rewards because of me I will give you the thing you obstained from but allot better I think if you repent that you'll get everything in jannah every soul will be purified not only pure soles go to jannah because they can to hell to purify there hearts of arrogancy for a certain amount of time then go to jannah so not all pure hearts go to jannah also no one is pure only Muhammed saw and any one that is currently living in jannah is pure but that's it also of course allah and the angles are pure but I'm talking about humans
The alcohol and wine in this world gives a drowsy effect.You do not remain the person you are and this can make you unmindful of the rememberance of Allah and you may commit sins but the wine in jannah will not have intoxicating effect.It will be sweet drink without any harmful efeect.And Allah knows best
Also alcohol gives you euphoria but a very small amount of it compared to jannah alcohol also some bad effects come with it in jannah it will be purified of all bad effects and will be just pure euphoria
Assalamu alaykum,

I think an essential point we need to keep in mind is that Jannah cannot be compared in anyway to anything on this earth. As we're told, Jannah contains what no eye has ever seen or no heart has ever experienced subhanAllah.

So the 'wine' of Jannah is nothing at all like the 'wine' of this world. When the Qur'an describes Jannah, it is in terms we will understand because Jannah is simply so unimaginably different from anything we could ever think of.

So while alcohol here has many negative consequences, in Jannah is will have nothing but goodness, as it is a pure, sacred place.