Rewards for Women in Jannah?


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Like I hear women will be Queen of Hoor al Ayn, so what else? Is there anything special for women or is that it? I know I can have many palaces and clothes, etc.
Like I hear women will be Queen of Hoor al Ayn, so what else? Is there anything special for women or is that it? I know I can have many palaces and clothes, etc.

Allah (Subhanu Wa Talaa) is soooo happy that boys and girls are soooooooooooo different that he asks us to admire in the beauty of the gender differences himself. For that reason (of gender difference) Allah mentions huur al ein for men and does not mention it for the women. Men LOOOOVVEEE it and find comfort. That is why boys excel in school in way you cannot comprehend and do great in jobs and science if they where provided with structure and lots of discipline and competition and challenges and physical activities (learning process completely different for girls). You remove structure from men you end up having a headless chicken flopping it's wings around. And men are simple by nature, they love knowing what they will get and easily satisfied with what they hear or read. If I know I am getting hur Al-ein...I am happy! Women in the other hand if you tell them you will get this reward..she will be like..that is nice..but is that it?...I don't know is there more? Women are not as decisive as men and I am saying it from experience. My granda sits for half an hour deciding whether she wants to buy this or not and when she buys it and brings it home...she wants to return the item to get the other item..and ones she get it...she decides to return it back and get the other item back....under the mercy of Allah (Subhanu Wa Tala) he does not specify to women what they will get in details as he specified to men. However, don't fret. Women will be happy and they will get something great! What you need to do is focus on getting there. Focus on making sure that when you die and death comes to are actually smiling and happy because you know you have done everything that pleases Allah and have done so much good and so little bad that you prepared your luggage for the final trip. So many people are focusing on the surface and not focusing on preparing for the journey and not even worried if they will ever get there. What is the point of talking about what a man will get and what women will get when you end up in eternal hellfire? @_o Isn't that a mood point then? I mean even if you are a mother and you have high degree and you have put so much into this world and when you die you die a disbeliever or end up in eternal end up a loser in the end. Because you will leave this world that you build into and enter another world where you lost in it....and that is the ultimate doom. Know and believe that Allah (Subhanau Wa Talaa) will reward justly and that all the women in paradise will be happy 24/7 for endless eternity!

Allah knows what he created and he knows the nature of his creation!
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Like I hear women will be Queen of Hoor al Ayn, so what else? Is there anything special for women or is that it? I know I can have many palaces and clothes, etc.

Assalamu Alaikum

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah has said: I have prepared for My righteous servants what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no heart has conceived. So recite if you wish: No person knows what is kept hidden for them of delights of the eye as a reward for what they used to do (32:17). And in Paradise there is a tree under whose shade a rider can travel for one hundred years without stopping. Recite if you wish: In shade extended (56:30). And the space in Paradise occupied by a whip is better than the whole world and everything in it. Recite if you wish: Whoever is removed from the Hellfire and entered into Paradise is indeed successful, for the life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception.” (3:185)

Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 3292

Um ‘Umarah al-Ansariyyah said that she went to the Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him) and said to Him: "I feel that everything is for men. Women are not mentioned as having anything. Then was revealed the Verse: (For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women etc), Verse 35, Surat al-Ahzab, or the Confederates. The Hadith is narrated by at-Tirmizi under No. 3211, and is in Sahih at-Tirmizi under No. 2565.

In the collection of Hadiths of Imam Ahmad was narrated the Hadith that Um Salama (May Allah be pleased with her) said: "I said "O Messenger (May peace and blessings be upon him) of Allah. Why aren’t we mentioned in the Quran in an equal footing with men?" Then; I was surprised to hear Him call one day from the pulpit: "O people." As I was combing my hair at the moment, I wrapped it up and came close to the door and stood there listening to Him say: "Allah, Mighty and Sublime be He, revealed that (For Muslim men and women; for believing men and women; for devout men and women, for true men and women; for men and women who are patient and constant; for men and women who humble themselves; for men and women who give in charity; for men and women who fast; for men and women who guard their chastity; and for men and women who engage much in Allah’s remembrance for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward.) Verse 35, Surat al-Ahzab, or the Confederates.​

There are things reserved for the believers that had they been revealed we'd probably never fully comprehend because it is out of our field of understanding and experience. And for those things which we can conceive, Allah has revealed it to us. And Allah knows best. May we all be deserving of His shade blessings and rewards ameen.
Like I hear women will be Queen of Hoor al Ayn, so what else? Is there anything special for women or is that it? I know I can have many palaces and clothes, etc.

Well they are "queens" not in the sense they are from the Hoor because the women are the daughters of Prophet Adam. Hoor Al عyn is another creation. They are superior in the sense they are more virtuous as they use to pray and fast. So in this sense, they have a higher rank then them.
Well they are "queens" not in the sense they are from the Hoor because the women are the daughters of Prophet Adam. Hoor Al عyn is another creation. They are superior in the sense they are more virtuous as they use to pray and fast. So in this sense, they have a higher rank then them.

Hoor Al ayn is also a complete new creation all together and they are created from flowers. Different specie in a sense. However, not all women out there (just like men) do a good job to maintaining their prayers and fasting. Just so you know. This superior rank applies only to women who actually do all their prayers (not miss one), who fast (not miss one, except for valid reason).