Tarawih for Deaf Ramadhan 2017 - Please Donate


New member
Assalaamualaikum brothers and sisters
This will be one of the first Tarawih in British Sign Language (BSL) this Ramadhan Insha'Allah. The target is £8500.

Please donate generously so that the deaf muslim community can also benefit from the many blessings of Ramadhan. Here is the donation link.

May Allah grant an abundance of success to this cause, Ameen.

For more information about this amazing charity organisation and the work they do (based in London, Birmingham and Scotland) please go onto their website at http://islamfordeaf.co.uk/

JazakAllah Khair

Tarawih for Deaf will be held at London Central Mosque, Regents Park Road.

Please support the first and the only Tarawih prayer for Deaf muslims in the UK and benefit the Deaf throughout the world. This Tarawih in sign language will be live streamed & recorded so we will have our first Qur'an for the Deaf.
Many Deaf have left islam because there are no facilities for them in Sign language, Please Donate to support the first and only Tarawih prayer in Sign Language to be done in the UK and islamic education for our Deaf brothers & Sisters.
Your Donations will not only be a Sadaqah Jariyah but will help the Deaf and hearing pray together earning the reward and pleaser of Allah. On behalf of the Deaf Community we ask Allah to reward and accept the efforts of the donors.


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This is an excellent initiative.

I've heard many deaf people leave Islam due to their being hardly any study materials and support available for them.

What this initiative hopes to achieve in sha Allah, is nothing short of much needed right now - well, yesterday even.

I'll be spreading the word in sha Allah. And I encourage all others to do the same - and contribute something of your pocket change to this effort.

JazakAllah Khair Scimi, your words and support mean alot to me and most importantly, to the Deaf Muslim Community. It is our duty/responsibility to provide and support our dear brothers and sisters of all conditions and needs. And wallahi it deeply saddens me that such needs are so overlooked.

Bumping this thread.

A month to go til Ramadhan. Please donate brothers and sisters.

JazakAllah Khair

Tune in now to www.unityfm.net for live fundraising.

Did you know, many deaf muslims self harm due to lack of support and isolation? And many convert to other religions that are able to provide the resources they need. SubhanAllah please donate towards this unique cause.

Alhamdulillah a few interpreters involved in this project have reverted to islam. And this will open up many doors such as accompanying deaf muslims on Hajj/Umrah.

Please donate. This has never been done before by any other organisation in the world. Be part of something amazing. All your donations will be spent during the month of Ramadhan so imagine the rewards. SubhanAllah.

JazakAllah Khair.