That caliphate


New member
Salam brothers and Sisters,

I have a question about the situationele the world is now in.
All over the news you hear about that there is a caliphate now in Syria and iraq.
The khalif seems this Abu bark al bagdadi to be.

Do we recognize this as a caliphate and this guy as the khalif?
And what if these people will be succesfull in obtaining great amounts of land...
Do we have to swear Alliance to this man?

Iam against Isis but i als start doubting alot in the news...
When i think about the hadith that tells US that in the end of times alot of moslims will rebel against other moslims in the ummah i start feeling this is happening now.

How true is it there are So many moslims killed by them and mosques bloem up by them? Isnt this part of propaganda?

I myself witness of the thousands of refugees here in europe that they are not that
Muslim as the europians fear...

Iam curious to your points of view on this subject and what you think should be the way such a system should be established.

Peace be upon you.
He is not the only one who claimed to be the Caliphat. We dont need the western propoganda we see with our own eyes how brutal they are. They kill muslims in the name of Islam. Those refugees in Europe are fleeing from them also. They cant be true followers of the Prophet so no I think this guy is not the Caliphat.
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