The Blessed Days & Nights of Dhul Hijjah begins!

Hamza Asadullah

Glory be to Allah!!!
It has been announced that the first blessed day of Dhul Hijjah will begun tomorrow (Sunday 12th August), from Fajr & the first blessed night will be tonight from Maghrib.

These blessed days are better than any other day of the year including the days of Ramadan. The nights are better than any other night (except the nights of Ramadan).

Allah swears upon these days and nights in Surah Fajr: "By the Dawn; By the ten Nights". (89:1-2)

*Important Dates:*

8th Dhul Hijjah/Start of Hajj: Sun 19th August.

Day of Arafat - Mon 20th Aug from Fajr to Maghrib

Eid al-Adha/Yaum an-Nahr: Tues 21st Aug

*4 things to do on the Blessed 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah*

May Allah enable us to make the best of these blessed days and nights and accept our worship and Dua's. Ameen
Allah hu akbar.

Everyone should try their best. Fast atleast one day and perhaps increase. Make more dua.

C'mon guys!