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Its basic, essential components which it is composed of; to such an extent that it is not permissible to not perform them in any situation. This means that they are not to be left out intentionally or unintentionally; except when there is a case of incapacity.
1- Intention
2- Standing in obligatory Salat (with ability to do that)
3- Initiating or the first Takbeer
4- Recitation of Al-Fatiha
5- Bowing
6- Rising upright from bowing
7- Prostrating on the seven parts
8- Sitting between the two prostrations
9- Sitting for the final at-Tashahud
10- Reciting the final at-Tashahud
11- Reciting blessings on the Prophet ﷺ during the final at-Tashahud.
12- At-Tasleem (the saying of as-Salaamu’alaykum which marks the end of Salat)
13- Serenity when performing every essential part of Salat.
14- Performing all of the above-mentioned essential parts in sequence
source: islamkingdom
1- Intention
2- Standing in obligatory Salat (with ability to do that)
3- Initiating or the first Takbeer
4- Recitation of Al-Fatiha
5- Bowing
6- Rising upright from bowing
7- Prostrating on the seven parts
8- Sitting between the two prostrations
9- Sitting for the final at-Tashahud
10- Reciting the final at-Tashahud
11- Reciting blessings on the Prophet ﷺ during the final at-Tashahud.
12- At-Tasleem (the saying of as-Salaamu’alaykum which marks the end of Salat)
13- Serenity when performing every essential part of Salat.
14- Performing all of the above-mentioned essential parts in sequence
source: islamkingdom