The Integrals (or Pillars) of As-Salah


New member
Its basic, essential components which it is composed of; to such an extent that it is not permissible to not perform them in any situation. This means that they are not to be left out intentionally or unintentionally; except when there is a case of incapacity.

1- Intention

2- Standing in obligatory Salat (with ability to do that)

3- Initiating or the first Takbeer

4- Recitation of Al-Fatiha

5- Bowing

6- Rising upright from bowing

7- Prostrating on the seven parts

8- Sitting between the two prostrations

9- Sitting for the final at-Tashahud

10- Reciting the final at-Tashahud

11- Reciting blessings on the Prophet ﷺ during the final at-Tashahud.

12- At-Tasleem (the saying of as-Salaamu’alaykum which marks the end of Salat)

13- Serenity when performing every essential part of Salat.

14- Performing all of the above-mentioned essential parts in sequence
source: islamkingdom

How simple is that?

The rest are sunnah.

So, this is where the slight variation lie. That is in the embellishments and praises. And why not read those praises and the dua as we sit between the sujood? If the best rewards for each letter read of the Qur'an is earned when we recite it in our solat, second best is after solat with wudu', then anytime with wudu, and lastly without wudu. (I stand to be corrected or someone will elaborate the difference).

Coming back to the point, I would feel the magnitude of reward for those embellishments said during solat will be much the same.

Question : the belly of the right toe in effect remains on the floor as some do from start to finish. Or makes no difference?
