Too soon to wear hijab?


New member
Salaam aleikum!
I'm a new muslim, and I've been looking into Islam for about 5 months now. I converted a couple weeks ago, and I'm not sure if it's too soon to wear hijab. Some days I feel really ready and excited, and other days, I just want to wait. Any advice?
Salaam aleikum!
I'm a new muslim, and I've been looking into Islam for about 5 months now. I converted a couple weeks ago, and I'm not sure if it's too soon to wear hijab. Some days I feel really ready and excited, and other days, I just want to wait. Any advice?

Walakum salaam dear sister :)

Wear it when you feel like it.

Don't forget to smile.

:wa:welcome to IB. Glad to know that your our sister in Islam.Sooner you wear hijab is better for you but first be prepared for indecent comments from any hater of hijab. You may take your time till your accustomed.May Allah swt bless you with happiness and comforts in both the worlds. Ameen