What is Yaqeen?


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Salaam brothers/sisters
I just wanted to ask, what is yaqeen? How does it differ to imaan? How do you attain it?
Yaqeen is being certain that Allah Almighty is in control of everything. Certainty is one of the main principles of Islam. It is knowing that nothing is beyond Allah’s control, whatsoever, even if we don’t understand the underlying wisdom is the bedrock of Islam.

Nothing should shake your certainty of Him. The moment you feel your yaqeen has been shaken, then there’s something wrong in you – something wrong between you and Allah, something wrong in your action, something wrong in your understanding. I have come across this many times, especially in the last 7 years after the so-called Arab spring. Many people’s imaan just collapsed with uncertainty. Their imaan plummeted and they left Islam
How do you attain it?

To keep things short, for now:
Keeping oneself well acquainted with the clear signs and evidences that conclusively support the Truth make it hard for any confusion to cloud your judgement.
2)--Constantly warding off the doubts that Shaitan will always try to arouse within you.
Spreading doubts and confusion amongst the people is one of Shaitan's main preoccupations. Warding this off will protect and preserve your Yaqeen and allow your heart and mind to reflect deeply upon the Truth and realities that are clearly evident all around us which in turn increases your conviction and certainty.

These are just a couple of things. Yaqeen does have levels and there are many more things that one could do to increase one's conviction and certainty in Allah, His Books, His Messengers, etc.
Salaam brothers/sisters
I just wanted to ask, what is yaqeen? How does it differ to imaan? How do you attain it?

Walaikum Salaam.

What is yakeen?, there are three types to acknowledge:

The word يَقِينِ ‘yaqeen’ means solid conviction. It is the kind of knowledge which is more than just knowing something. Yaqeen is even stronger than emaan. It is something you are absolutely convinced about or you are fully sure about it.

There are 3 types of Yaqeen, we come to know about this from the tafseer Surah at-Takathur and Surah Waqia.

1. Ilm al Yaqeen – yaqeen based on knowledge.
2. Ayn al Yaqeen – yaqeen based on seeing
3. Haq al Yaqeen – yaqeen based on feeling.

For example, seeing smoke signifies fire even if we can’t see the fire. This is ilm ul yaqeen . We know that smoke signifies fire through our knowledge. Now we know something is burning when we actually see the fire, it is called Ayn al Yaqeen and we will be convinced there is fire when we feel its burning or warmth. This is called Haq al Yaqeen.

Maybe you already attained yakeen... You just need the recognition of 'yakeen' when it naturally occurs as a mental and / or sensory reflex.
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