Why do we not beat ourselves?


Slave of Allah
Often we are guilty of sinning and we want Allah to forgive us...yet we still do not know if he has forgiven us...like how do we even know if our own repentance was sincere? Why do we not beat our selves and punish us so we can show Allah we are ashamed and deserved to be punished? Please answer and do not think I'm trying to cause fitnah. It's an honest question because I do not know...why do nonmuslims beat them selves and why do the shia muslims beat themselves too?

the action of making amends for a wrong or injury.
"he submitted his resignation as an act of atonement"
(in religious contexts) reparation or expiation for sin.
"an annual ceremony of confession and atonement for sin"
synonyms: reparation, compensation, recompense, payment, repayment, redress, restitution, indemnity, indemnification, expiation, penance, redemption; More

Faults are normally rectified by tipping the balance with good deeds.
Pulling at your hair and screaming "i'm so evil" , "i'm so unjust" , doesn't really fix things - unless stated in past tense with intentions and/or measures to do better in future.

Khaalid ibn al waleed could have struck himself with his own sword out of zeal and ignominy for what he had done to Muslims with it in the past - but he used his skills to serve Allah :swt: and to atone for his past evil actions.
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Often we are guilty of sinning and we want Allah to forgive us...yet we still do not know if he has forgiven us...like how do we even know if our own repentance was sincere? Why do we not beat our selves and punish us so we can show Allah we are ashamed and deserved to be punished? Please answer and do not think I'm trying to cause fitnah. It's an honest question because I do not know...why do nonmuslims beat them selves and why do the shia muslims beat themselves too?

Does Allah want atonement? Where do you see it in Quran?
Non Muslims and shias do not have any sound guidance like Muslims/sunnis do, so they can easily get it wrong as to the best way to live one's life. The shias have deviated from the sunnah path thus they too are subject to the falacy of personal human opinion

Allah (swt) has given us tawbah and informed us He is the most Merciful and the forgiver thus all we need to do is repent sincerely, not thrash ourselves
Ah gotxha..why do nonmuslims and the shias hit themselves then?

It is actually Allah that make them beat themselves to punish them even in this world. People who have sins irreparable (related to false belief specially), or whom Allah SWT does not want to repent, are subjected to beat themselves (Remember beating oneself is haraam in Islam). While people whom Allah SWT wants to forgive and to correct them before leaving this world, are given the weapon of repentance and "Dua".
Stay blessed.
Often we are guilty of sinning and we want Allah to forgive us...yet we still do not know if he has forgiven us...like how do we even know if our own repentance was sincere? Why do we not beat our selves and punish us so we can show Allah we are ashamed and deserved to be punished? Please answer and do not think I'm trying to cause fitnah. It's an honest question because I do not know...why do nonmuslims beat them selves and why do the shia muslims beat themselves too?

Wouldn't you know if something you did was sincere or not? We show Allah we're ashamed by quitting whatever habits we have and asking for forgiveness. It's a simple concept.