Why is sinning alone worse than sinning in public?


New member
It seems that sins done alone are more easily covered as they are between us and Allah (swt) only, whereas public sins aren't. We are at the mercy of others Human(s).
It seems that sins done alone are more easily covered as they are between us and Allah (swt) only, whereas public sins aren't. We are at the mercy of others Human(s).

More than that. One should avoid sinning altogether, however there are more implications to sinning in public. When you are sinning in public you are an open fasiq (sinner). One who sins openly lacks the shame for the sin they are committing. They becomes a fitnah for others because it may tempt others to do the same or be involved somehow, or as we see when large groups of society are committing the sin, it becomes normal or people become desensitized towards it. Lastly, the more eyes that see you sinning, the more witness against you on the day of judgement.

Sinning in private however, indicates that one is ashamed of his sins, does not want to spread fitnah, and understands that he alone is accountable for what he is doing, and it builds a sense of guilt that one can use to fully repent so that he never commits this sin again.

Both are sins but the topic , Q here is against the guidelines of Islam and confusing. Sinning in public is a greater sin than sinning in privacy though both are sins. Imagine when a guy does something illegal (against the land's law) thing right in open public means he is nor afraid of the law or the police. similarly sining openly means you are defying proudly & arrogantly against Allah's laws an act of Kufr of Iblis , Azazeel who openly rebelled against the Almighty for which he became the cursed one for ever.

As the above post says it would have a Domino affect on the society and you will get those sins who also come forward or get dare to adopt the open sinner's style who's not afraid or shy of anything and that's a triple sin imo.

1) doing sin
2) acting as a bad example to others which will bring more sins into the society and ACCUMULATED sins for the leader
3) arrogance

This post # 55 here has more related info


its very sorrowful disgustable to see our Muslims following Western styles of living by open fondling etc which will have disastrous effect for Muslim Society. Try to show your disapproval on such things if seen in public from such rather than saying that its his style.
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I'll add one more point of why sinning in public is worse than sinning alone

if a sin is only between Allah and the sinner, I.e. no one else saw, then Allah out of his Mercy could forgive the sinner but if there are witnesses to the sin and Allah decides to punish one sinner and forgive another (who happens to be that public sinner) on day of judgement, than the witnesses can step forward and say Allah how comes you're sending that sinner to hell and this guy to heaven when we saw him do this and that sin? (I.e. the witnesses will be demanding justice) then since the witnesses are demanding justice Allah will send the public sinner to hell too!

Sorry no ref guys just heard it from a preacher in the mosque one day