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Company of the people affects

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    Company of the people affects (OP)

    Faqih Abu Layth As Samarqandi (rahimahullah) has cited this statement in his famous book, Tambihul Ghafilin.

    (Tambihul Ghafilin, pg. 416/417)

    Whomsoever sits and spends time in the company of eight types of people, Allah Ta’ala will increase him in certain qualities:

    Whoever spends time in the company of the wealthy, Allah Ta’ala will increase his love and inclination for this world.

    Whoever sits with the poor, Allah Ta’ala will increase his gratitude and his happiness with the decree of Allah.

    Whoever spends time with the king [people of authority], Allah Ta’ala will increase his pride and the hardness of his heart.

    Whoever spends time in the company of women, Allah Ta’ala will increase his ignorance and desires.

    Whoever sits with children, Allah Ta’ala will increase in him the qualities of amusement and joking.

    Whoever spends time in the company of [open] sinners, Allah Ta’ala will increase his audacity to carry out and perpetrate sins and will allow him to procrastinate repenting.

    Whoever sits with the pious and righteous, Allah Ta’ala will increase his desire to do good deeds.

    Whoever sits in the company of the Scholars, Allah Ta’ala will increase his knowledge and piety.
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    Company of the people affects

    Allah (swt) knows best

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    Re: Company of the people affects

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    Greetings, Abz,

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    I wonder if that's the result of people obeying Satan instead of God.

    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government….Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.

    .....Or maybe it's just the baby albert effect - and can be restored via mutual respect for truth and justice.

    And what is truth?

    I like the Jefferson quote. Beyond that, I'm afraid I have no idea what you're on about.

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    Re: Company of the people affects

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    Greetings, Abz,

    I like the Jefferson quote. Beyond that, I'm afraid I have no idea what you're on about.


    At least you were able to see sense in the comment - but you can sit and wonder how a person feels when utter illogical and perverse nonsense is regularly presented for one to judge, and how difficult it is to not grab the nearest object and throw it in the face of the slimy plotters......
    Last edited by Abz2000; 05-25-2018 at 07:24 PM.
    Company of the people affects

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  5. #23
    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Company of the people affects

    Social comparison theory

    Social comparison theory, initially proposed by social psychologist Leon Festinger in 1954,[1] centers on the belief that there is a drive within individuals to gain accurate self-evaluations. The theory explains how individuals evaluate their own opinions and abilities by comparing themselves to others in order to reduce uncertainty in these domains, and learn how to define the self.

    Following the initial theory, research began to focus on social comparison as a way of self-enhancement,[2][3] introducing the concepts of downward and upward comparisons and expanding the motivations of social comparisons........

    ......The media has been found to play a large role in social comparisons.
    Researchers examining the social effects of the media have used social comparison theory have found that in most cases women tend to engage in upward social comparisons with a target other, which results in more negative feelings about the self.
    The majority of women have a daily opportunity to make upward comparison by measuring themselves against some form of societal ideal.
    Social comparisons have become a relevant mechanism for learning about the appearance-related social expectations among peers and for evaluating the self in terms of those standards" (Jones, 2001, P. 647).

    Although men do make upward comparisons, research finds that more women make upward comparisons and are comparing themselves with unrealistically high standards presented in the media.[26]
    As women are shown more mainstream media images of powerful, successful and thin women, they perceive the "ideal" to be the norm for societal views of attractive. In recent years, social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have made this more widespread, since social media makes it easier to compare yourself to the "ideal". Some women have reported making upward comparisons in a positive manner for the purposes of self-motivation, but the majority of upward comparisons are made when the individual is feeling lesser and therefore evoke a negative connotation.

    Self-perceived similarities with role models on social media can also affect self-esteem for both men and women. Having more self-perceived similarities with a role model can help increase self-esteem, while having less can decrease self-esteem.[27]Social comparison with peers on social media can also lead to feelings of self-pity or satisfaction. The desire for social comparison can cause FoMO and compulsive checking of social media sites.......

    ......(i believe that those exploiting human source code vulnerabilities with the rebel feminism hack deploy malicious programming based on the following points)....

    In the initial theory, Festinger provided nine main hypotheses. First, he stated that humans have a basic drive to evaluate their opinions and abilities and that people evaluate themselves through objective, nonsocial means (Hypothesis I).[1]

    Second, Festinger stated that if objective, nonsocial means were not available, that people evaluate their opinions and abilities by comparison to other people (Hypothesis II).[1]

    Next, he hypothesized that the tendency to compare oneself to another person decreases as the difference between their opinions and abilities becomes more divergent.[1] In other words, if someone is much different from you, you are less likely to compare yourself to that person (Hypothesis III).

    He next hypothesized that there is a unidirectional drive upward in the case of abilities, which is largely absent in opinions.[1] This drive refers to the value that is placed on doing better and better.[5] (Hypothesis IV).

    Next, Festinger hypothesizes that there are non-social restraints that make it difficult or even impossible to change one's ability and these restraints are largely absent for opinions.[1] In other words, people can change their opinions when they want to but no matter how motivated individuals may be to improve their ability, there may be other elements that make this impossible[5] (Hypothesis V).

    Festinger goes on to hypothesize that the cessation of comparison with others is accompanied by hostility or derogation to the extent that continued comparison with those persons implies unpleasant consequences (Hypothesis VI).

    Next, any factors which increase the importance of some particular group as a comparison group from some particular opinion or ability will increase the pressure toward uniformity concerning that ability or opinion within that group. If discrepancies arise between the evaluator and comparison group there is a tendency to reduce the divergence by either attempting to persuade others, or changing their personal views to attain uniformity. However, the importance, relevance and attraction to a comparison group that affects the original motivation for comparison, mediates the pressures towards uniformity (Hypothesis VII).

    His next hypothesis states that if persons who are very divergent from one's own opinion or ability are perceived as different from oneself on attributes consistent with the divergence, the tendency to narrow the range of comparability becomes stronger (Hypothesis VIII).

    Lastly, Festinger hypothesized that when there is a range of opinion or ability in a group, the relative strength of the three manifestations of pressures toward uniformity will be different for those who are close to the mode of the group than for those who are distant from the mode. Those close to the mode will have stronger tendencies to change the positions of others, weaker tendencies to narrow the range of comparison, and even weaker tendencies to change their own opinions (Hypothesis IX).


    Basically, the evaluation plumbline used by feminist PUSHERS is distorted by holding it AGAINST a false OTHER mode - thereby creating an imaginary and frivolous "us vs them" scenario. A false and destructive matrix. Whereas, if the measure was made in CONFORMITY to a genuine baseline - the result would be positive - competition and rivalry in worldly goods is another example - no need to frown at me - just play back in your own brains and see where the frivolous bragging over transcient goods and feet aches due to long actual and window shopping trips is at.
    It is however a fact that more men are doing it these days primarily due to the urge to score with women. MTV's sleazy sally soccermom and pervy joe sixpack role modelling is also a part of the equation.

    But that's for those who are frivolous enough to fall for such banal programming when such momentous world changing events are taking place.

    There is a reason why Allah addresses the mode more than the mean, although He values all who are true and sincere in seeking to establish justice regardless of gender.
    I know it sounds a little cruel to the secular media programmed crowd, and it would have sounded so to me 20 or so years ago - but deep pondering on life and experience is a treasure not to be found in the programming of those gaga types who push baphomet worship with a very manipulative and greedy purpose in mind.......

    54. On that Day, no soul will be wronged in the least, and you will be recompensed only for what you used to do.
    55. The inhabitants of Paradise, on that Day, will be happily busy.
    56. They and their spouses, in shades, reclining on couches.
    57. They will have therein fruits. They will have whatever they call for.
    58. Peace—a saying from a Most Merciful Lord.
    59. But step aside today, you criminals.
    60. Did I not covenant with you, O Children of Adam, that you shall not serve the devil? That he is your sworn enemy?
    61. And that you shall serve Me? This is a straight path.
    62. He has misled a great multitude of you. Did you not understand?
    63. This is Hellfire, which you were promised.
    64. Roast in it today, because you persistently disbelieved.
    65. On this Day, We will seal their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify to everything they had done.
    66. If We will, We can blind their eyes as they rush towards the path—but how will they see?
    67. And if We will, We can cripple them in their place; so they can neither move forward, nor go back.
    68. Whomever We grant old age, We reverse his development. Do they not understand?
    69. We did not teach him poetry, nor is it proper for him. It is only a reminder, and a Clear Quran.

    From Quran Chapter 36

    A few of the Companions did not like the Prophet's action and opposed him very strongly, and Umar ibn al-Khattab came and said to him, "Are you not truly the Prophet of Allah?" He answered, “Yes, I am." Umar asked, "Are we not right and our enemy wrong?" The Prophet answered, "Yes." Umar asked, "Why do we then disgrace our religion?"

    The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "I am the Messenger of Allah and I will never disobey Him and He is my support." Umar asked, "Did you not tell us that we would come to the House of Allah and go around it?" The Prophet answered, "Yes, and did I tell you that we were coming this year?" Umar answered, "No." The Prophet said, "Then you are coming to it and going around it." Umar later went to Abu Bakr and asked him, "O Abu Bakr, is he not truly the Prophet of Allah?" He answered, "Yes." Umar then asked him the same questions he had asked the Messenger of Allah, and Abu Bakr answered him with the same answers and added, "O Umar he is the Messenger of Allah, and he will not disobey his God, Who is his support, so hold on to him."

    [link removed]

    New link


    Criteria of truth

    In epistemology, criteria of truth (or tests of truth) are standards and rules used to judge the accuracy of statements and claims. They are tools of verification. Understanding a philosophy's criteria of truth is fundamental to a clear evaluation of that philosophy. This necessity is driven by the varying, and conflicting, claims of different philosophies. The rules of logic have no ability to distinguish truth on their own(???????).
    An individual must determine what standards distinguish truth from falsehood. Not all criteria are equally valid. Some standards are sufficient, while others are questionable.[1]

    The criteria listed represent those most commonly used by scholars and the general public.[2] Jonathan Dolhenty states there seem to be only three functional, effective tests of truth. He lists these as the correspondence, coherence and pragmatic theories of truth.


    Many people allow feelings to determine judgment, often in the face of contrary evidence or without even attempting to collect evidence and facts. They are implicitly accepting emotions as a criterion of truth. Most people will admit that feelings are not an adequate test for truth. For example, a seasoned businessman will put aside his emotions and search for the best available facts when making an investment. Similarly, scholars are trained to put aside such subjective judgments when evaluating knowledge.[10] Emotions are real, however, and thus must be considered within any social scientific system of coherence.

    (Allow me to behead this hypocryte
    Would you like that people say: Muhammad kills his followers?)


    Majority rule is a statistical method of accepting assertions and proposals. In democratic systems, majority rule is used to determine group decisions, particularly those relating to personal morality and social behavior. Some systems divided into several oppositional factions may depend on mere plurality. While majority rule may make for a good democratic system, it is a poor determinant of truth, subject to the criticisms of the broad version of consensus gentium.[6]


    Universal truth cannot be measured by mass appeal.


    وَإِن تُطِعْ أَكْثَرَ مَن فِي الْأَرْضِ يُضِلُّوكَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ إِن يَتَّبِعُونَ إِلَّا الظَّنَّ وَإِنْ هُمْ إِلَّا يَخْرُصُونَ


    Wa-in tutiAA akthara man fee al-ardi yudillooka AAan sabeeli Allahi in yattabiAAoona illa alththanna wa-in hum illa yakhrusoona

    (Word by Word)

    And if you obey most of (those) in the earth they will mislead you from (the) way (of) Allah. Not they follow except [the] assumption, and not they (do) except guess.

    Muhammad Asad
    Now if thou pay heed unto the majority of those [who live] on earth, they will but lead thee astray from the path of God: they follow but [other people's] conjectures, and they themselves do nothing but guess.

    M. M. Pickthall
    If thou obeyedst most of those on earth they would mislead thee far from Allah's way. They follow naught but an opinion, and they do but guess.

    Yusuf Ali (Saudi Rev. 1985)
    Wert thou to follow the common run of those on earth, they will lead thee away from the way of Allah. They follow nothing but conjecture: they do nothing but lie.

    Yusuf Ali (Orig. 1938)
    Wert thou to follow the common run of those on earth, they will lead thee away from the way of God. They follow nothing but conjecture: they do nothing but lie.

    And if you obey most of those in the earth, they will lead you astray from Allah's way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie.

    Wahiduddin Khan
    If you obey the majority of those on earth, they will lead you astray from God's way. They follow nothing but conjecture. They are only guessing.

    Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar
    And if thou hast obeyed most of who are on the earth, they will cause thee to go astray from the way of God. They follow nothing but opinion and they only guess.

    Quran 6:116
    Last edited by Abz2000; 06-07-2018 at 05:39 PM.
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  6. #24
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    Re: Company of the people affects

    The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whoever lives in a jungle will have his heart harden. And he who runs after game (in hunting) will become unmindful (of Allah). And he who goes to the door of the ruler will become embroiled in Fitnah. And the more one cultivates closeness to the ruler the farther he will move away from Allah.” [Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad]

    The things a person does, the place where he lives, the company he keeps, and his profession, all leave a distinct mark on his character. He is affected by each of these. They mould his behaviour and condition him to think and feel a certain way.
    Thus, this hadith cautions us against living in jungles, chasing after prey (at least on a regular basis), approaching rulers, and trying to keep company with them or gain closeness to them.

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