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The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

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    ahmetsecer's Avatar
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    Exclamation The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

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    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is the Elimination of the Darwinist Mindset and the Establishment of Islamic Union

    The uprising in Egypt, following on the heels of the events in Tunisia, shows that changes are going to take place in both the region and the Islamic world as a whole. It is an evident fact that the non-democratic regimes in several Islamic countries, not just Tunisia and Egypt, have for years repressed their peoples. These regimes’ unjust policies are also known to have inflicted hunger and poverty on their peoples. The need to alter this mindset, that prohibits the public from expressing its opinions, freely living by its faith and openly discussing Islam and that represses those who fail to heed these prohibitions by means of torture, imprisonment and even death is equally apparent.

    However, this change cannot come about by way of street conflict, looting and violence. No change brought about through violence will bring the peace, security and well-being that people need and long for. Some partial successes and progress may be achieved, but permanent and satisfying solutions are impossible. A permanent and realistic solution is only possible by adhering to the path shown by Allah and our Prophet (saas).

    For that reason, while our brothers living in Tunisia, Egypt and other Islamic countries express their legitimate grievances and strive for their fundamental human rights, they must do this in a manner compatible with the Qur’an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas). Allah will not bestow the desired success if the path revealed by Him and shown by our Prophet (saas) is ignored.

    Another important matter that must not be forgotten in evaluating these events in the Arab world is the damage caused by the Darwinist materialist mindset with which the Arab world has been indoctrinated for the last 100 years or so.

    Darwinism has inflicted terrible suffering on the Arab world

    The events that began in Tunisia and spread to Egypt and the disorder and conflict that has begun in the Islamic world is a sign that we are living in a very significant time. Our Prophet (saas) has described in detail how such events will take place in the End Times. The anger stemming from Muslims being disunited and from some Muslims not adopting a conception of Islam based on love, peace and friendship has led Muslims to be fragmented among themselves.

    The most important reason for this disorder and division is the survival in Tunisia and especially in Egypt of this Darwinist and materialist mindset that has been around for such a long time, and the resulting failure to live fully by the spirit of peace and love bestowed by the Qur’an. Darwinist education has for long been emphasized in Egypt and young people have been brought up to be Darwinists and materialists. The conference on evolution in Alexandria some 14 months ago and the Darwinist education that still persists there are clear proof of the scale of the Darwinist hypnosis in Egypt. (You can read a detailed piece on the subject here.) The oppression of Islamic communities and groups, the ban on freedom of religion, the lack of equality of income and the attacks on Christians are all the results of the Darwinist materialist mindset in question, a total violation of the moral values of the Qur’an. The way that recent protests that should have been democratic but have sometimes turned into aggression, looting and violence are the fruit of the same mindset.

    Arab socialism, which is based on Darwinism, emerged as a movement that combined extreme nationalism and a fanatical third world leftism and was essentially supported by the old Soviet Union, as is well known. (For further detail on Arab socialism, see here.) Arab socialism combined a slightly milder version of Soviet-type communism with a strict Arab nationalism and first came to power in Egypt. Gamal Abdel Nasser, one of the military officers who overthrew the king of Egypt, exhibited a concept of power that soon came to inflict repression on Muslims. One of the main features of the Nasser regime, under which Islamic scholars such as Sayyid Qutb, Muhammad Qutb and Hassan-al Banna were executed and thousands of Muslims were tortured and killed, is the way that it made Darwinist education obligatory. This led to generations described as Muslims on their identity documents but who had nothing to do with the true values of Islam. Young people brought up under Darwinist, materialist and socialist indoctrination turned out to be ruthless, selfish and violent, rather than displaying the love, compassion, reason and moderation commanded in the Qur’an. The result was whole masses of people who believed that the way to obtain their rights was through violence and conflict.

    However, it must not be forgotten that the mindset that seeks conflict between Muslims and Christians and Jews is that of the dajjal. At this time, the End Times, when the corruption of the dajjal is most widespread, the greatest blow that can be dealt the dajjal is to put an end to the Darwinist, materialist mindset and seek Islamic Union.

    So long as the fragmentation of Muslims persists and the Darwinist, materialist mindset does not come to an end, no protest or conflict in Egypt, nor any measure brought in to oppose them nor any other policy or prohibition will bring a solution with it. On the contrary, the Muslim populace has always suffered and been the loser because of such events. They have always led to the Muslim populace suffering and being oppressed. Therefore, the solution to oppression, suffering and injustice lies not in pouring onto the streets, fighting the police and army, looting museums and generally terrifying the civilian population, but in abandoning the Darwinist mindset and calling on Muslims to be brothers. Almighty Allah is sending Muslims an important message through such events, showing them the results of fragmentation and reminding them of the need to abandon the mindset that the Darwinist, materialist perspective brings with it.

    Therefore, the Darwinist, materialist mindset has to be opposed through knowledge, learning and science if this conflict, pain, suffering and oppressive system is to come to an end. The best thing to that end is to concentrate on the scientific evidence that proves the fact of Creation, and to keep broadcasting the fact that Darwinism is the worst fraud in history and that it has only survived through fraud and deception, as well as the bloodshed, war, cruelty, instability, division and lovelessness for which it is responsible.

    The theory of evolution, under the global protection of the Darwinist dictatorship, has been spread by the same dictatorial methods in Egypt, too, and Darwinist publications and the education system still operate under the influence of the Darwinist dictatorship. There must be an intellectual campaign against this, and the Muslim people of Egypt must be freed from the corruption of the dajjal. The Darwinist mindset that led to the slaughter of more than 350 million people in the time of the First and Second world wars in several countries is today the main reason for the strife, terror, wars, disagreements and anarchy in the world. This scourge of Darwinism must be put to an end as a matter of urgency, using intellectual methods, and the Egyptian public must be told of the spirit of peace and love bestowed by the moral values of the Qur’an. There is no doubt that the great majority of the Egyptian public live by the morals of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (saas) in the finest manner, but it is a matter of urgency for those still under the influence of Darwinism to be saved, as well.

    The solution to problems is Islamic Union under the leadership of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)

    It is an obvious fact needing to be kept before the public eye that Darwinist, materialist and various bigoted and fanatical circles are trying to divide Muslims in particular and also to inculcate them with a spirit of hostility toward Christians and Jews. These circles have for years been conspiring against Muslim countries and populaces.

    The only way of putting an end to this, to eliminating the influence of these circles and ensuring that Muslims can live in peace and union is the establishment of Islamic Union under Turkish leadership. It is essential that people insistently demand Turkish-Islamic Union rather than street protests and artificial solutions. To that end, the way of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) must constantly be kept on the agenda. If the spirit of union and unity of the Age of Bliss is to be rebuilt, then we must strive for Turkish-Islamic Union under Turkish leadership. Only through unity under the leadership of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), as described by our Prophet (saas), can the whole Islamic world be liberated and live in peace, love and happiness, and at the same time can Christians and Jews also enjoy ease, peace, and security within that spirit of friendship.

    It is vitally important for Christians and Jews to be honored by the radiance of the Qur’an
    What Muslims must do is to base their activities on the warm and peaceful spirit of the Qur’an, rid themselves of the conditioning and nonsense of bigots and seek to establish a climate of unity and security by embracing all Muslims, and at the same time Jews and Christians. They must tell people of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and demand Turkish-Islamic Union everywhere and at every opportunity. Christians and Jews must not forget that they are under Muslims’ protection and entrusted to them. Muslims must call them to Islam with kindness and affection. It is vitally important for all Christians and Jews to achieve happiness and for them to become followers of the Prophet Muhammad (saas) and be honored by the radiance of the Qur’an. Since the Turkish-Islamic Union will also include them in its protection, the Islamic world must strive together for that purpose and treat Christians and Jews with love and affection. Writers, leading members of all communities and all Muslims, with or without means, must all spread the glad tidings of Turkish-Islamic Union and spread these tidings across the world. It is most urgent that they tell of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and keep the subject constantly on the agenda. There is no doubt that Almighty Allah will never bestow success on those who oppose the way of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). But those who demand and strive for his way will be victorious, and will enjoy the material and spiritual rule and victory promised by Almighty Allah.

    It is wrong to say “What good can my efforts do?”

    Almighty Allah created the whole universe to be metaphysical. Everything happens by the will of Almighty Allah, Lord of the worlds. Even if events appear to be dependent on natural causes, Allah actually creates those causes and they are all under His control. Therefore, even if conditions and means suggest the opposite, Allah has the power to change all conditions and environments in the manner that He wills and in a single moment. Muslims must never forget this fact.

    Almighty Allah has told us that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will appear in the climate of disorder and corruption in the End Times and will strive against that corruption that enfolds the world. By our Lord’s leave, the corruption of the dajjal will be eliminated from the world as a result of this activity by the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), all superstitious systems will collapse and the world will witness a Golden Age that enjoys all the delights of the Age of Bliss and when the moral values of Islam spread right across the Earth. This holy victory at such a difficult time is promised by Allah in the Qur’an, and Allah’s promise will certainly come true.

    The dimension and scale of corruption is no measure in this universe created to be metaphysical by Allah. Our Lord will respond to sincere prayer and heed the requests of all those who desire Turkish-Islamic Union. Any effort made for the sake of the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), no matter how small it may seem, will definitely be rewarded most finely by our Lord.

    However, this must not be forgotten: Muslims must trust in Allah and believe that the solution, unity and happiness can come from Allah alone. They must honestly have faith that Allah will change everything in this metaphysical world and cause it to all work out for the best. If they say, “We can do it on our own and find our own solutions” then their pain and suffering will never end. They must submit to whatever our Almighty Lord ordains and sincerely believe that He will liberate the whole world by way of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). That submission will open the door to an immaculate world of peace, security and brotherhood, not just for our brothers in Egypt, but for all Muslims.

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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Considering the majority of Egyptians say they do not want Sharia I don't see how this is a viable solution.
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    Zafran's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    Considering the majority of Egyptians say they do not want Sharia I don't see how this is a viable solution.
    Thats odd because the Gallop poll says otherwise.
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Have a link to that poll?

    Here are links to polls I have seen that show otherwise.


    But doing some more research I see the polls that you refer to. Those polls also say that the majority want democracy, which won't exactly work with Sharia.

    Who knows.
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    Zafran's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    Have a link to that poll?

    Here are links to polls I have seen that show otherwise.


    But doing some more research I see the polls that you refer to. Those polls also say that the majority want democracy, which won't exactly work with Sharia.

    Who knows.
    Yes it will democracy means the people have a voice and if they want sharia to be part of the law system (or atleats a source) then its democracy at work.


    The muslim brotherhood is not sharia.
    Last edited by Zafran; 02-10-2011 at 07:40 PM.
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Democracy in which an authoritarian leader, or group of leaders, is elected is not really democracy either.
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  9. #7
    Zafran's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    Democracy in which an authoritarian leader, or group of leaders, is elected is not really democracy either.
    what the????

    If the people want to vote Person A in then thats democracy - it doesnt matter if anyone likes it or not. democracy is Not when one culture imposes there values on another like Iraq and afghanistan. Its actually when people have a say on who should run the country.
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    Dagless's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran View Post
    what the????

    If the people want to vote Person A in then thats democracy - it doesnt matter if anyone likes it or not. democracy is Not when one culture imposes there values on another like Iraq and afghanistan. Its actually when people have a say on who should run the country.
    If the people vote someone or a group of people in then that's democracy. Good or bad makes no difference. Democracy is the choice.
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

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    titus's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    what the????

    If the people want to vote Person A in then thats democracy - it doesnt matter if anyone likes it or not. democracy is Not when one culture imposes there values on another like Iraq and afghanistan. Its actually when people have a say on who should run the country.
    Democracy is a system of government. It not simply voting one time then never again.

    So, if the people vote for Sharia they are voting against democracy. If they vote for a dictatorship they are voting against democracy. If they vote for a king they are voting against democracy.

    The people say they want democracy, but if they simply want to vote in a Sharia government or another autocratic leader then they do not want democracy, they simply want to vote one time.

    Do you see the difference?
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    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    Considering the majority of Egyptians say they do not want Sharia I don't see how this is a viable solution.

    please don't speak on the majority of Egyptians. 90% are Muslims and want shari3a law.. they're simply playing it low for the moment until this turbulent time is over!

    all the best
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    Democracy is a system of government. It not simply voting one time then never again.

    So, if the people vote for Sharia they are voting against democracy. If they vote for a dictatorship they are voting against democracy. If they vote for a king they are voting against democracy.

    The people say they want democracy, but if they simply want to vote in a Sharia government or another autocratic leader then they do not want democracy, they simply want to vote one time.

    Do you see the difference?

    An Islamic shura system far supersede democracy for there is NO 50+1 usurping the opinion of 50-1.. and Islamic shura system means EVERYONE in the country gets a voice.. the law and democracy are two separate things!

    No one sees the difference in what you're describing because let's face it, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.. and as an Egyptian and quite familiar with Egypt, I'd ask you again to refrain from speaking on their behalf!
    all the best
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    What is democracy in the first place?

    Someone define it for us.
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    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    these are the protesters at tahrir square feast your eyes on those who don't want sharia.

    pb110204egyptprayerps8aphotoblog900 1 - The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    a picture is worth a thousand word isn't it?
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

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    Zafran's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    Democracy is a system of government. It not simply voting one time then never again.

    So, if the people vote for Sharia they are voting against democracy. If they vote for a dictatorship they are voting against democracy. If they vote for a king they are voting against democracy.

    The people say they want democracy, but if they simply want to vote in a Sharia government or another autocratic leader then they do not want democracy, they simply want to vote one time.

    Do you see the difference?
    Thats not democrcay at all and your understanding of sharia isnt sound. Democracy is having a say (fair elections) from the people to represent themselves - they can vote in anyone they like.

    sharia is a law system like any other law system. Its seperate from the government - the government should be under the law. The rest about Kings and dictators is realy the choice of the people.

    whats sharia government??
    Last edited by Zafran; 02-10-2011 at 08:42 PM.
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii View Post
    What is democracy in the first place?

    Someone define it for us.

    you should ask those in south Africa and Israel to define it for you.. they seem to believe that they're the true democratic places in the region..

    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

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    Zafran's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ View Post

    An Islamic shura system far supersede democracy for there is NO 50+1 usurping the opinion of 50-1.. and Islamic shura system means EVERYONE in the country gets a voice.. the law and democracy are two separate things!

    No one sees the difference in what you're describing because let's face it, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.. and as an Egyptian and quite familiar with Egypt, I'd ask you again to refrain from speaking on their behalf!
    all the best

    Yep Law and democracy are 2 different things.

    Last edited by Zafran; 02-10-2011 at 08:43 PM.
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Democracy is democracy when a western style government is chosen

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    titus's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Thats not democrcay at all and your understanding of sharia isnt sound. Democracy is having a say (fair elections) from the people to represent themselves - they can vote in anyone they like.

    sharia is a law system like any other law system. The rest about Kings and dictators is realy the choice of the people.

    whats sharia governement??
    For one thing there are different interpretations of what Sharia is. Different scholars would tell you different things about what Sharia is.

    One thing I can tell you that under Sharia Muslims and non-Muslims would not have the same power to vote. Think about it, would you let Jews and Hindus and atheists vote on who is to be the Khalifah? That is not democracy.
    Scholars would decide the laws. That is not democracy.
    No non-Muslim could be the leader. That is not democracy.
    The laws of Sharia treat Muslims different than non-Muslims. This is not democracy.
    The Khalifa rules for life, along with scholars. This is not democracy.
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  23. #19
    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    For one thing there are different interpretations of what Sharia is. Different scholars would tell you different things about what Sharia is.
    Really? perhaps you can show us how that differs from democrats vs. republicans, those who push for death penalty vs. those who believe in life imprisonment.. in fact even if there are minor nuances, the final decision should be a consensus not a group usurping or overthrowing the laws of another!
    One thing I can tell you that under Sharia Muslims and non-Muslims would not have the same power to vote. Think about it, would you let Jews and Hindus and atheists vote on who is to be the Khalifah? That is not democracy.
    They can indeed vote on the matters that matter to them!

    Scholars would decide the laws. That is not democracy.
    Who decides the laws in a 'democracy' 12 idiots from the street with no knowledge of the law?

    No non-Muslim could be the leader. That is not democracy.
    That isn't an exception to sharia'a would a country like America ever have a Muslim president? democracy isn't built on the exception!
    The laws of Sharia treat Muslims different than non-Muslims. This is not democracy.
    In fact Non-Muslims are treated far better under sharia'a law than Muslims under so-called democracy..

    here is what the so-called only democracy in the middle east has given us:

    The Khalifa rules for life, along with scholars. This is not democracy.
    The khalifa rules for as long as his appointed term as chosen by the people!

    all the best
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

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    Re: The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    format_quote Originally Posted by titus View Post
    For one thing there are different interpretations of what Sharia is. Different scholars would tell you different things about what Sharia is.

    One thing I can tell you that under Sharia Muslims and non-Muslims would not have the same power to vote. Think about it, would you let Jews and Hindus and atheists vote on who is to be the Khalifah? That is not democracy.
    Scholars would decide the laws. That is not democracy.
    No non-Muslim could be the leader. That is not democracy.
    The laws of Sharia treat Muslims different than non-Muslims. This is not democracy.
    The Khalifa rules for life, along with scholars. This is not democracy.
    It wouldnt matter if Jews or christains can vote as they are the minority - they would have very little impact in a democracy anyway - they will have there own courts and sytem of governance anyway.
    The Majlis ashura would decide the laws similar to the "parliment" (this has nothing to do with democracy) as the law and democracy are 2 different things
    He could if he was willing to uphold the sharia and protect the people - but that would be up to the people like a democracy
    Nothing to do with democracy - the minority will be able to govern themselves and handle there own affairs anway - they should be protected by the government and the law.
    No idea where you got this idea from. The khalifa rules as long as he upholds the rights of the people and the law.
    The Only Solution to the Upheaval in Egypt Is!

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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