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Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

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    [Graphic images!!] Updates about the invasion of gaza (OP)

    After killing one of hamas top commanders israel is launching frequent airstrikes now in the Gaza strip, and if sending troops to the border, which means that there is a chance that we might see a new invasion soon. Hamas said that it is in open-war with israel and promised to open the gates of hell now for the zionists insha'Allah

    Israel Kills Hamas Commander in Airstrike, Considers Ground Invasion of Gaza

    Israeli Brigadier-General Yoav Mordechai said preparations are being made and "the option of a entry by ground is available."

    Israel killed the military commander of Hamas in an airstrike on the Gaza Strip on Wednesday following days of exchanging fire in a confrontation that could lead Israel to invade the Palestinian enclave.
    Israel5 1 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy nowThe attack, which represented a restart of Israel’s campaign of targeted assassinations in Gaza, came despite the fact that Hamas proposed a ceasefire days ago and despite signs that Egypt had managed to broker a truce. Israel ignored both overtures.
    This latest surge of violence between Israel and Gaza militants occurred after Israel shot and killed at least two Gazans and intruded into Gaza with tanks and bulldozers. In response, Gaza militants fired a missile at an Israeli army jeep, wounding four soldiers – to which Israel responded with an extended bombardment of airstrikes that killed at least 7 people and wounded dozens. Hamas then began firing missiles into southern Israel.
    The Israeli leadership is now reportedly considering an expanded war with Gaza, potentially including a ground invasion.
    “The days we face in the south will, in my estimation, prove protracted,” Brigadier-General Yoav Mordechai told Israeli media. ”There are preparations, and if we are required to, the option of a entry by ground is available.”
    Hamas confirmed that Ahmed Al-Jaabari, who ran the organization’s armed wing, was killed along with a passenger after their car was hit by an Israeli missile. Israel’s Shin Bet domestic intelligence service the killing was because of his “decade-long terrorist activity”.
    Last edited by Jedi_Mindset; 11-18-2012 at 08:27 PM.
    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    I will not calm down until I will put one cheek of a tyrant on the ground and the other under my feet, and for the poor and weak, I will put my cheek on the ground.
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    wwwislamicboardcom - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    Al-Imran (The Family of Imran)[3:175]attention 2 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now [RECITE] 3 175 1 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now
    Innama thalikumu alshshaytanu yukhawwifu awliyaahu fala takhafoohum wakhafooni in kuntum mumineena
    3:175 It is only the Evil One that suggests to you the fear of his votaries: Be ye not afraid of them, but fear Me, if ye have Faith.

    ndeed Allah swt knows best, but we have to do our part, and those who can do nothing but mock any effort and are frightened little cowards need to shut up and get back to their hole!
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    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

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  5. #43
    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now


    format_quote Originally Posted by Mustafa2012 View Post
    I'm all for patriotism and supporting our fellow brothers and sisters but you also have to be realistic. This resistance is not just about acting on emotion.

    I don't question or doubt any of the ayaat of the Qur'aan but let's look at the facts on the ground.

    Hizbullaah are much more organized and have better resources than the Palestinians. As a result they were able to inflict much more damage than the Palestinians have done so far.

    Ok so Hamas killed 3 Israelis but the Israeli's have killed 25 Palestinians so far including so senior Hamas members?

    And how many of the senior Israeli army have they managed to target?

    Ok so the Amir of Qatar has pledged his support. That doesn't mean anything. They still need more manpower and support from the other arab countries as well as finances right now. That's one area where they're lacking.

    The other area is that they are not very organized. You've got various groups acting independently which are not working together with Hamas. Until they work together they are not going to be a force to be reckoned with.
    This is really poor analysis. In fact its dreadful.

    Look at the two sides. How on earth can you compare them?

    Israel the 4th (or 5th?) most powerful army in the world, has access the most sophisticated weaponry imaginable (mainly American) and has spent decades perfecting the art of torturing and humiliating the Palestinian people. Not to mention its access to resources and its backing by western powers.

    Contrast this with the people of the Gaza strip. Due to the Israeli occupation it has become one of the poorest and densely populated areas on earth. And contrary to the usual deceit it is still under occupation. Israel controls its borders, its seas and its airspace. It tightly controls what goes in and out. If you want a simple example of how depraved they are at trying to control the Gazans try this article

    Israel used 'calorie count' to limit Gaza food during blockade, critics claim

    Defence ministry files on 'avoiding' civilian malnutrition are proof Israel used food restrictions to hit Hamas, says Palestine group


    So its sealed shut, Gazans can’t develop their economy because they have severely limited access to the outside world. This isn’t helped by the regular bombardment from sea, air, land from the Israeli army almost terminally damaging any attempts to develop the economy, or for people to lead semi decent existence. To top it off they assassinate whoever they find inconvenient whenever they like regardless of the circumstances.

    Now remember why Hamas came to power in Gaza, (US backed) Fatah launched a coup to remove Hamas. Didn’t turn out how they wanted and Hamas countered taking control of Gaza. Then the whole strip was put under siege, backed by Western powers and Mubarak.

    So under the circumstance that they are in

    How on earth are they meant to survive? Let alone build up their economy and military of the Gaza strip that is (a) under blockade and (b) regularly attacked by the Israeli army.

    How on earth do you expect them to match Israel’s military might, that's an insane question to ask. Given the disparity between the two sides I just cannot understand how you can even contemplate this question

    And you cant compare Hamas with Hezbollah, Hezbollah have had decades of experience fighting the Israel occupation of southern Lebanon and had far, far more favourable circumstances than the people of Gaza. (eg. Freedom of movement, ability to build infrastructure economy, access to the outside world, access to weaponry etc)

    Its amazing that the people of Gaza and the Hamas government have survived this long and should be an inspiration to all, that despite the horrendous punishment they are taking they still exist.

    That’s what matters.

    On a personal note it’s very disappointing that Muslims brothers and sisters have attitudes displayed in the above quote, if we are to get anywhere we have to do better.
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now


    This is relevant

    Who is doing the killing in Gaza? Noam Chomsky and others challenge world's media

    The degree of terror felt by ordinary Palestinian civilians in Gaza is barely noticed in the media, in stark contrast to the world's awareness of terrorised and shock-treated Israeli citizens.

    gaza women mourners funeral 400 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    WHILE COUNTRIES across Europe and North America commemorated military casualties of past and present wars on November 11, Israel was targeting civilians.

    On November 12, waking up to a new week, readers at breakfast were flooded with heart rending accounts of past and current military casualties.

    There was, however, no or little mention of the fact that the majority of casualties of modern day wars are civilians.

    There was also hardly any mention on the morning of November 12 of military attacks on Gaza that continued throughout the weekend.

    A cursory scan confirms this for Canada's CBC, Globe and Mail, Montreal's Gazette, and the Toronto Star. Equally, for the New York Times and for the BBC.

    According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) report on Sunday November 11, five Palestinian civilians including three children had been killed in the Gaza strip in the previous 72 hours, in addition to two Palestinian security personnel. Four of the deaths occurred as a result of Israeli military firing artillery shells on youngsters playing soccer. Moreover, 52 civilians had been wounded, of which six were women and 12 were children. (Since we began composing this text, the Palestinian death toll has risen, and continues to rise.)

    Articles that do report on the killings overwhelmingly focus on the killing of Palestinian security personnel. For example, an Associated Press article published in the CBC world news on November 13, entitled 'Israel mulls resuming targeted killings of Gaza militants,' mentions absolutely nothing of civilian deaths and injuries. It portrays the killings as 'targeted assassinations.' The fact that casualties have overwhelmingly been civilians indicates that Israel is not so much engaged in "targeted" killings, as in "collective" killings, thus once again committing the crime of collective punishment.

    Another AP item on CBC news from November 12 reads 'Gaza rocket fire raises pressure on Israel government.' It features a photo of an Israeli woman gazing on a hole in her living room ceiling. Again, no images, nor mention of the numerous bleeding casualties or corpses in Gaza. Along the same lines, a BBC headline on November 12 reads 'Israel hit by fresh volley of rockets from Gaza.' Similar trends can be illustrated for European mainstream papers. News items overwhelmingly focus on the rockets that have been fired from Gaza, none of which have caused human casualties. What is not in focus are the shellings and bombardments on Gaza, which have resulted in numerous severe and fatal casualties. It doesn't take an expert in media science to understand that what we are facing is at best shoddy and skewed reporting, and at worst willfully dishonest manipulation of the readership.

    Furthermore, articles that do mention the Palestinian casualties in Gaza consistently report that Israeli operations are in response to rockets from Gaza and to the injuring of Israeli soldiers. However, the chronology of events of the recent flare-up began on November 5, when an innocent, apparently mentally unfit, 20-year old man, Ahmad al-Nabaheen, was shot when he wandered close to the border. Medics had to wait for six hours to be permitted to pick him up and they suspect that he may have died because of that delay. Then, on November 8, a 13-year-old boy playing football in front of his house was killed by fire from the IOF that had moved into Gazan territory with tanks as well as helicopters. The wounding of four Israeli soldiers at the border on November 10 was therefore already part of a chain of events where Gazan civilians had been killed, and not the triggering event.

    We, the signatories, have recently returned from a visit to the Gaza strip. Some among us are now connected to Palestinians living in Gaza through social media. For two nights in a row Palestinians in Gaza were prevented from sleeping through continued engagement of drones, F16s, and indiscriminate bombings of various targets inside the densely populated Gaza strip. The intent of this is clearly to terrorise the population, successfully so, as we can ascertain from our friends' reports. If it was not for Facebook postings, we would not be aware of the degree of terror felt by ordinary Palestinian civilians in Gaza. This stands in stark contrast to the world's awareness of terrorised and shock-treated Israeli citizens.

    An extract of a report sent by a Canadian medic who happened to be in Gaza and helped out in Shifa hospital ER over the weekend says: "the wounded were all civilians with multiple puncture wounds from shrapnel: brain injuries, neck injuries, hemo-pneumo thorax, pericardial tamponade, splenic rupture, intestinal perforations, slatted limbs, traumatic amputations. All of this with no monitors, few stethoscopes, one ultrasound machine. …. Many people with serious but non life threatening injuries were sent home to be re-assessed in the morning due to the sheer volume of casualties. The penetrating shrapnel injuries were spooky. Tiny wounds with massive internal injuries. … There was very little morphine for analgesia."

    Apparently such scenes are not newsworthy for the New York Times, the CBC, or the BBC.

    Bias and dishonesty with respect to the oppression of Palestinians is nothing new in Western media and has been widely documented. Nevertheless, Israel continues its crimes against humanity with full acquiescence and financial, military and moral support from our governments, the U.S., Canada and the EU. Netanyahu is currently garnering Western diplomatic support for additional operations in Gaza, which makes us worry that another Cast Lead may be on the horizon. In fact, the very recent events are confirming such an escalation has already begun, as today's death-count climbs. The lack of widespread public outrage at these crimes is a direct consequence of the systematic way in which the facts are withheld and/or of the skewed way these crimes are portrayed.

    We wish to express our outrage at the reprehensible media coverage of these acts in the mainstream (corporate) media. We call on journalists around the world working for corporate media outlets to refuse to be instruments of this systematic policy of disguise. We call on citizens to inform themselves through independent media, and to voice their conscience by whichever means is accessible to them.

    Hagit Borer, U.K.
    Antoine Bustros, Canada
    Noam Chomsky, U.S.
    David Heap, Canada
    Stephanie Kelly, Canada
    Máire Noonan, Canada
    Philippe Prévost, France
    Verena Stresing, France
    Laurie Tuller, France

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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    By the way, any of you have some time to spare and like a good fight of words with bigots pls do come support me on the comment section of this CNN article about the recent Israeli and Palestinian conflict. I hit a few nerves over there... I go by the name of "Zain Dar"...


    Oh yeah, choose best and scroll down and you shall see the heated conversations...
    Last edited by Roasted Cashew; 11-17-2012 at 01:08 AM.
    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

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  9. #46
    Mustafa2012's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    format_quote Originally Posted by شَادِنُ View Post
    indeed Allah swt knows best, but we have to do our part, and those who can do nothing but mock any effort and are frightened little cowards need to shut up and get back to their hole!
    As I said, Allaah knows best.

    Emotion doesn't achieve anything except get people into trouble.

    If it sounded like I was mocking anyone, then you're seriously mistaken. I was just calling it like it is.

    There's no point trying to act over-confident when the reality is far from what some people are trying to portray.

    Sometimes it's good to admit your weaknesses so that you can work on strengthening them. Being un-realistic and over-confident will not get anyone anywhere.

    If someone is able to help and they don't then of course they will be answerable for that.
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post

    This is really poor analysis. In fact its dreadful.

    Look at the two sides. How on earth can you compare them?

    Israel the 4th (or 5th?) most powerful army in the world, has access the most sophisticated weaponry imaginable (mainly American) and has spent decades perfecting the art of torturing and humiliating the Palestinian people. Not to mention its access to resources and its backing by western powers.

    Contrast this with the people of the Gaza strip. Due to the Israeli occupation it has become one of the poorest and densely populated areas on earth. And contrary to the usual deceit it is still under occupation. Israel controls its borders, its seas and its airspace. It tightly controls what goes in and out. If you want a simple example of how depraved they are at trying to control the Gazans try this article

    Israel used 'calorie count' to limit Gaza food during blockade, critics claim

    Defence ministry files on 'avoiding' civilian malnutrition are proof Israel used food restrictions to hit Hamas, says Palestine group


    So its sealed shut, Gazans can’t develop their economy because they have severely limited access to the outside world. This isn’t helped by the regular bombardment from sea, air, land from the Israeli army almost terminally damaging any attempts to develop the economy, or for people to lead semi decent existence. To top it off they assassinate whoever they find inconvenient whenever they like regardless of the circumstances.

    Now remember why Hamas came to power in Gaza, (US backed) Fatah launched a coup to remove Hamas. Didn’t turn out how they wanted and Hamas countered taking control of Gaza. Then the whole strip was put under siege, backed by Western powers and Mubarak.

    So under the circumstance that they are in

    How on earth are they meant to survive? Let alone build up their economy and military of the Gaza strip that is (a) under blockade and (b) regularly attacked by the Israeli army.

    How on earth do you expect them to match Israel’s military might, that's an insane question to ask. Given the disparity between the two sides I just cannot understand how you can even contemplate this question

    And you cant compare Hamas with Hezbollah, Hezbollah have had decades of experience fighting the Israel occupation of southern Lebanon and had far, far more favourable circumstances than the people of Gaza. (eg. Freedom of movement, ability to build infrastructure economy, access to the outside world, access to weaponry etc)

    Its amazing that the people of Gaza and the Hamas government have survived this long and should be an inspiration to all, that despite the horrendous punishment they are taking they still exist.

    That’s what matters.

    On a personal note it’s very disappointing that Muslims brothers and sisters have attitudes displayed in the above quote, if we are to get anywhere we have to do better.

    I disagree. It's a realistic view of the capabilities of each side.

    I know a lot about the history of the conflict.

    Everything you said just confirmed what I said.

    How does any of your post make a difference to what I've said?
    Last edited by Mustafa2012; 11-17-2012 at 01:24 AM.
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mustafa2012 View Post
    There's no point trying to act over-confident when the reality is far from what some people are trying to portray.
    The reality is only known to the people who are there fighting and it isn't up to us to say back off you're unprepared, the very least we can do is loan our support and du3a. It isn't a matter of over confidence, it is a matter of what we're required to do in Islam which is already listed for us in our families, our money, our homes, our honor and our lands!
    You were not my objective with my comment on cowardice it is the ones who so gleefully cheer for the IDF, I am not really sure what their standards or even creed is for that matter!
    It is so vile to read some of the comments here sometimes, utterly disappointing and disgusting!
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    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    format_quote Originally Posted by شَادِنُ View Post

    The secret I found is that every time it gets really heated and ugly and I gauge it, I come out learning something new and it goes into my armamentarium for the next thing.. for what it is worth I am very glad to have you here

    I can see where you are coming from but sometimes arguing with such people who have a fixed notion and belief of something and close minds is like arguing with bible thumpers who think they have the truth while it is we who have it. Thank you dear, it is a relief to talk to one who isn't a sheeple

    May Allah swt hasten their demise and make us steadfast.. We've been through worse, Shiites inside during the Fatimid, Hulago on one side and the crusades on the other.. we may not have another Salah Ad'din but we should all strive to be that not wait for one brave soul from our midst to unite us. I believe whole heartedly that Allah swt will take care of the rest.. Look how a hurricane crippled us for nearly three weeks.
    Ameen. I concur, we don't need another savior to unite us. Rather Allah is preparing us for him so when he comes, he will have strong able Muslim body to fight, not fat lazy couch potatoes.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Roasted Cashew View Post
    They are gonna get a real bad ass whopping, that's what's gonna happen. Primitive rockets vs IDF...it's a no brainer. Yet, there is a side of me hoping for some miracle to happen that these IDFs get a real real bad beat down...Ya Allah, give guidance to both sides and let justice prevail.
    The Americans and their allies thought the same thing when going in to Afghan. What do these simpletons know, we'll bein and out in a month. Today 70% of Afgha is owned and ruled by those simpletons and the mightest nation and its allies are dieing like rats, desperately looking for a way to get out and save face. These same simpletons took out Russia. The kuffars have advanced weapons, the believers have Allah. WHo do you think will win?

    A beautiful duaa from the Afghans

    Oh Allah, make them and their weaponry a booty for the mujahideen.
    Oh Allah, you are our support and our only victor, by your order we attack, by your order we retreat, and by your order do we fight.
    Oh Allah, the sky is yours, the earth is yours, the sea is yours, so whatever forces they have in the sky, drop them. Destroy all their forces in the earth and sink all their forces in the sea.
    Oh Allah, deal with them for verily they can never disable you,
    Oh Allah, retaliate upon them, afflict them like you did Pharoah and his nation.
    Oh Allah, afflict their country with floods, make them in need of money and food and persons,
    Oh Allah, defeat them, destroy them Oh the All Strong, the Almighty, Allahu Akbar.

    "Honor, power and glory belong to Allah, his Messenger and the believers, but the hypocrites know not."

    format_quote Originally Posted by Roasted Cashew View Post
    By the way, any of you have some time to spare and like a good fight of words with bigots pls do come support me on the comment section of this CNN article about the recent Israeli and Palestinian conflict. I hit a few nerves over there... I go by the name of "Zain Dar"...

    If not register then go and click on Vote+ or vote ^. That's what i did
    Last edited by islamica; 11-17-2012 at 06:13 AM.
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    What I have thought... Israel has so called Iron Dome system what should stop missiles and rockets from Gaza (paid by tax payers from the USA) but why it didn´t stop missiles to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem?

    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    From Occupied Palestine:

    We have suffered too much for too long. We will not accept apartheid masked as peace. We will settle for no less than our freedom.

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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb View Post
    What I have thought... Israel has so called Iron Dome system what should stop missiles and rockets from Gaza (paid by tax payers from the USA) but why it didn´t stop missiles to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem?

    Because it was the will of Allah.. Allah is just and always is on the side with the oppressed.
    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    I will not calm down until I will put one cheek of a tyrant on the ground and the other under my feet, and for the poor and weak, I will put my cheek on the ground.
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    jew 1 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now
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    glocandle ani 1 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

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    Come, let us worship and bow down •
    and kneel before the Lord our Maker

    [Psalm 95]

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    Please consider signing this petition:

    "To: Israeli government, Hamas and Palestinian leaders, USA government, European leaders
    We, Israeli civilians living along the border with Gaza, civilians in Gaza and citizens from all around the world call to end the violence!
    Every few weeks violence across the Gaza/Israel border surges. Israel air raids in Gaza, kill and injure innocent civilians, and rockets fired from Gaza into civilian populations in Israel, cause trauma, chaos and physical harm.

    We have lived through this long enough, and will no longer sit by quietly.

    We are people on both sides of the border who deserve the right to live normal lives. That’s it!

    We call upon the Israeli and Hamas governments to end this violence once and for all. Find the ways to sit down and talk, end the attacks and the siege on Gaza, and stop playing with our lives."

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    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    glocandle ani 1 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    Here I stand.
    I can do no other.
    May God help me.

    Come, let us worship and bow down •
    and kneel before the Lord our Maker

    [Psalm 95]

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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post
    jew 1 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now
    These orphan posters are irrelevant, they don't represent Israelis nor do they make it all better, it is not time for petitions and meaningless drivel to placate and stay like this oppressed far worse than south Africa which is what Desmond tutu himself said. It is time to Muslims to unite and rid us of the opportunistic cancer in our midst!
    Hamas isn't to blame, they're not the ones who started the aggression so there's nothing to call upon. They've every right to protect themselves and their citizens. It is enough they've already given a good 70% of their homeland to these insects. What else is left? hmmm? pray do tell.
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    Israel is at it again.

    "Oh My Crying Mothers In AFGHANISTAN, To My Dead Brothers In SYRIA, To My Screaming Sisters In IRAQ, To My Shot Fathers In IRAN, To My Impaled Aunts In PAKISTAN, To My Beaten Uncles In CHECHNYA , To My Burned && Hanged Cousins In BURMA, To My Tortured Grandparents In BOSNIA, To My Crying Children Of PALESTINE, && To My Forgotten People In SOMALIA I Forever Beg Of The Almighty To Recompense You With Firdous Al-Ala!!!"
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    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    70:28 Lo! the doom of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    Not a war against Islam or Muslims at all!
    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    format_quote Originally Posted by شَادِنُ View Post

    These orphan posters are irrelevant, they don't represent Israelis nor do they make it all better, it is not time for petitions and meaningless drivel to placate and stay like this oppressed far worse than south Africa which is what Desmond tutu himself said.
    You may think so, but I disagree.

    I find the whole situation in Gaza unbearable and it is hard to feel helpless.
    But we are neither helpless nor hopeless.

    So whilst there is something I can do, I will! I will unite with other pro-Palestinian people. I will pray for a peaceful solution for all parties involved - Muslims, Christians and Jews. I will speak out, inform others and sign petitions. I will support charities. It may not be much, but it is all I can do.

    I will hold on to the knowledge that not all Jews are Zionists supported by like-minded Christians, and to the hope that more of more of those who are will turn away from their thinking!

    It is time to Muslims to unite and rid us of the opportunistic cancer in our midst!
    And how do you suggest?

    Do you hope and pray for peaceful solutions or do you think there is no chance of that?
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    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    glocandle ani 1 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    Here I stand.
    I can do no other.
    May God help me.

    Come, let us worship and bow down •
    and kneel before the Lord our Maker

    [Psalm 95]

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  23. #58
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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post
    You may think so, but I disagree.
    It isn't a thought it is a fact!
    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post
    I find the whole situation in Gaza unbearable and it is hard to feel helpless.
    But we are neither helpless nor hopeless.
    Oh, what can you do besides finding the lone ranger?
    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post
    So whilst there is something I can do, I will! I will unite with other pro-Palestinian people. I will pray for a peaceful solution for all parties involved - Muslims, Christians and Jews. I will speak out, inform others and sign petitions. I will support charities. It may not be much, but it is all I can do.
    There are no peaceful solutions learn a little history. Israel didn't even start the so-called 'peace talks' seriously until 1993 when there was absolutely no reversal in policies stop living in lala land!
    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post
    I will hold on to the knowledge that not all Jews are Zionists supported by like-minded Christians, and to the hope that more of more of those who are will turn away from their thinking!
    It doesn't matter of an all or none, it has nothing to do with it whatsoever. It is about illegal occupation which continues and will continue unless something is done about it!
    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post
    And how do you suggest?
    Turn on your TV, have a looksy
    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post
    Do you hope and pray for peaceful solutions or do you think there is no chance of that?
    No, there's no chance of that I pray for an end to the colonial settler cockroach state and may Allah swt hasten their demise!

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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    how is that for both physical and psychological warfare? Can your cowards do that? Yeah I didn't think so.. War is more than state of the art weapons! and we're the birth place of religion and civilization if the blood libel pigs saw the mountains it is because they stood on the shoulders of giants.
    Glad for all that state of the art stuff for we shall be its inheritors by God's will!
    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

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    Re: Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    I know this is an emotive issue, but the verbal abuses and insults thrown around in this thread are getting beyond belief.
    Mods? Can you please clean up/close this thread?
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    Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    glocandle ani 1 - Breaking news: Israel plans to invade gaza officialy now

    Here I stand.
    I can do no other.
    May God help me.

    Come, let us worship and bow down •
    and kneel before the Lord our Maker

    [Psalm 95]

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