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Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'

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    Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution' (OP)


    With Trump in power, Netanyahu has a free hand.

    Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'

    Land grab law 'allows theft, stalls peace process'

    Law that retroactively legalises settler homes on private Palestinian land widely condemned as legitimising theft.

    Israel's land grab law that retroactively legalises thousands of settlement homes in the occupied West Bank legitimises theft, violates international law and ends the prospect of a two-state solution, according to politicians, legal experts and human rights groups.

    The so-called "Regulation Bill" instantly drew wide condemnation as it was voted in by members of the Knesset late on Monday with a 60 to 52 majority.

    The law applies to about 4,000 settlement homes in the West Bank for which settlers could prove ignorance that they had built on privately owned Palestinian land and had received encouragement from the Israeli state to do so.

    Three Israeli NGOs - Peace Now, Yesh Din and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel - and numerous Palestinians said they intend to petition the Supreme Court to cancel the law.

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Tuesday in a statement: "This bill is in contravention of international law and will have far reaching legal consequences for Israel."

    The EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said in a statement that the bloc "condemns" the law and urges against its implementation "to avoid measures that further raise tensions and endanger the prospects for a peaceful solution to the conflict".

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the law was an aggression against the Palestinian people.

    "That bill is contrary to international law," Abbas said following a meeting with French President Francois Hollande in Paris. "This is an aggression against our people that we will be opposing in international organisations.

    "What we want is peace ... but what Israel does is to work toward one state based on apartheid."

    Hollande called on Israel to go back on the law, saying it would "pave the way for an annexation, de-facto, of the occupied territories, which would be contrary to the two-state solution".

    Hours before Abbas' meeting with Hollande, Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, told the Associated Press news agency that the law puts "the last nail in the coffin of the two-state solution".

    Calling the move "theft", Erekat said the ruling showed "the Israeli government trying to legalise looting Palestinian land".

    The Arab League also accused Israel of "stealing the land" from Palestinians.

    "The law in question is only a cover for stealing the land and appropriating the property of Palestinians," said the head of the Cairo-based organisation, Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

    Palestinian owners will be compensated financially or with other land, but cannot negotiate their terms.

    The law is a continuation of "Israeli policies aimed at eliminating any possibility of a two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state", Aboul Gheit said.

    Jordan, one of the few Arab states to have diplomatic ties with Israel, also denounced what it called "a provocative law likely to kill any hope of a two-state solution".

    According to the UN envoy for the Middle East peace process, Nickolay Mladenov, the law crosses a "very thick red line" towards annexation of the occupied West Bank, and sets a "very dangerous precedent".

    Speaking to the AFP news agency, he said: "This is the first time the Israeli Knesset legislates in the occupied Palestinian lands and particularly on property issues."

    He also raised the possibility the law could open Israel up to potential prosecution at the International Criminal Court, a threat Israel's own top government lawyer, attorney general Avichai Mandelblit, has also warned of.

    Mladenov called for strong international condemnation of the legislation but declined to criticise the US after President Donald Trump's administration refused to comment on it.

    Trump is more sympathetic to Israel's settlement policies than previous US presidents; the Israeli government has approved plans to build thousands of new homes on occupied territory since the far-right leader settled into the White House.

    "I think that is a very preliminary statement," Mladenov said. "Obviously they do need to consult, this is a new administration that has just come into office and they should be given the time and the space to find their policies."

    White House spokesman Sean Spicer said the US was likely to discuss the law with Netanyahu when the Israeli prime minister visits on February 15, but did not comment further in a press briefing on Tuesday.

    David Harris, head of AJC, the global Jewish advocacy organisation, said that "Israel's High Court can and should reverse this misguided legislation" ahead of Netanyahu's meeting with Trump in February.

    That was also the message from Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who said last week: "The chance that it will be struck down by the Supreme Court is 100 percent."

    'Against all international laws'

    International law considers all settlements to be illegal, but Israel distinguishes between those it sanctions and those it does not, dubbed outposts.

    A Palestinian Cabinet minister also called on the international community for support.

    "Nobody can legalise the theft of the Palestinian lands. Building settlements is a crime, building settlements is against all international laws," said Palestinian Tourism and Antiquities Minister Rula Maayaa. "I think it is time now for the international community to act concretely to stop the Israelis from these crimes."

    Nabil Abu Rdeneh, a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, called the law "unacceptable" and urged the international community to act immediately.

    "This is an escalation that would only lead to more instability and chaos," Rdeneh said.

    Palestinians want the occupied West Bank, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip - territories Israel occupied in the 1967 Middle East war - for their future state.

    The international community views settlements as illegal and an obstacle to reaching peace.

    Shortly before leaving office, US President Barack Obama allowed the UN Security Council to pass a resolution declaring settlements illegal.

    Tobias Ellwood, Britain's Middle East minister, also condemned the land grab bill, saying it "is of great concern that the bill paves the way for significant growth in settlements deep in the West Bank".

    Yuval Shany, an international law professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said the law violates basic rights, interferes with property rights and is discriminatory because it regulates only the transfer of land from Palestinians to Jews.

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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'

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    Israel’s New ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy Towards Gaza Protesters Denounced as ‘Deeply Alarming’

    “Given Israeli forces’ horrific track record of using deadly force against Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza, as well as journalists, medics, and others, the announcement of a ‘zero tolerance’ policy is deeply alarming.”

    Ahead of Great March of Return protests slated to continue at the fenced border of the Gaza Strip on Friday, Amnesty International condemned Israel’s reported “zero tolerance” policy toward such demonstrations, warning it likely will lead to more bloodshed after more than six months of confrontations during which Israeli forces have killed more than 150 Palestinians and injured thousands more.

    “Given Israeli forces’ horrific track record of using deadly force against Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza, as well as journalists, medics, and others, the announcement of a ‘zero tolerance’ policy is deeply alarming,” declared Saleh Higazi, deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.

    Noting that “Israel has repeatedly used lethal force unnecessarily and excessively against unarmed protesters in shameless violation of international law,” Higazi emphasized that “there are serious fears that this policy will further sanction the use of deadly force against unarmed protesters during today’s demonstrations, and that Israeli forces will be given carte blanche authorization to carry out large-scale, unlawful killings escalating the bloodshed.”

    While the details of the policy have not yet been publicly disclosed, Higazi called on world leaders to pressure the Israeli government to scale back its response to the ongoing protests of the decades-long Israeli occupation and 11-year blockade of Gaza. He concluded, “It is now time the international community shows ‘zero tolerance’ towards Israel’s flagrant contempt for Palestinian lives and disregard for its obligations under international law.”

    Since the series of weekly demonstrations began on March 30, foreign leaders and human rights advocates have fiercely denounced the Israeli government for authorizing the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to use live ammunition on unarmed protesters and demanded an immediate end to the blockade that Israel and Egypt have imposed since Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007.

    Hagai El-Ad of the Israeli human rights group B’Tsalem addressed the United Nations Security Council on Thursday to call for international action against Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, and appeared on Democracy Now! Friday morning to discuss the uprising and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza that’s resulted from the blockade:

    As Amnesty International’s six-month report on the protests noted, “While some protesters have engaged in some forms of violence including by burning tires, flying incendiary kites, or throwing stones and Molotov cocktails in the direction of Israeli soldiers, social media videos, as well as eyewitness testimonies gathered by Amnesty International, Palestinian, and Israeli human rights groups show that Israeli soldiers shot unarmed protesters, bystanders, journalists, and medical staff approximately 150-400 m. (492-1,312 ft.) from the fence, where they did not pose any threat.”

    Human rights groups, including Amnesty, have urged Palestinian protesters to respect the intention of the march organizers and remain peaceful during the Friday demonstrations. Israel, meanwhile, has claimed the protesters’ actions justify allowing the IDF to fire at them—just last week, soldiers fatally shot at least seven Gazans and wounded hundreds more—as well as the development of its new zero-tolerance policy.

    Citing Hebrew-language media, the Times of Israel reported:

    On Thursday, Israel’s top-level security cabinet instructed the army to take a wait-and-see approach to allow mediation efforts to succeed, but also ordered the military to step up reprisal attacks should there be border violence.

    Ministers said the IDF should ultimately adopt a zero-tolerance policy toward rocket attacks, arson balloons, and rioting along the Israeli border.

    According to a statement from Amnesty, Israel’s Housing Minister and former Commander of the Israeli army’s Southern Command, Yoav Gallant, told Israeli media that “the rules of the game are about to change.”

    The implication of an intensified response from Israeli soldiers, and even a full-blown military conflict, concerned Higazi, who pointed out that “the three armed conflicts between Israel and Hamas have had catastrophic consequences for the population of Gaza, which continues to suffer from 11 years of living under a brutal blockade.”

    As expected, “Israel ramped up its military presence along the fence” on Friday, the Middle East Eye reported. “A Reuters photographer counted some 60 tanks and armored personnel carriers at a deployment area near the strip, calling it the largest number he has seen there since the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas.”

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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


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    ‘A Cruel Choice’

    Several Palestinian students, along with teachers and officials, were wounded in the Israeli army attack on a school south of Nablus in the West Bank on October 15. The students of Al- Sawiya Al-Lebban Mixed School were challenging an Israeli military order to shut down their school based on the ever-versatile accusation of the school being a “site of popular terror and rioting.”

    “Popular terror,” is an Israeli army code for protests. The students, of course, have every right to protest, not just the Israeli military Occupation but also the encroaching colonization of the settlements of Alie and Ma’ale Levona. These two illegal Jewish settlements have unlawfully confiscated thousands of dunams of land belonging to the villages of As-Sawiya and Al-Lebban.

    “The Israeli citizens”, that the Occupation army is set to protect by shutting down the school, are, in fact, the very armed Jewish settlers who have been terrorizing this West Bank region for years.

    According to a 2016 study commissioned by the United Nations, at least 2,500 Palestinian students from 35 West Bank communities must cross through Israeli military checkpoints to reach their schools every day. About half of these students have reported army harassment and violence for merely attempting to get to their classes or back home.

    However, this is only half of the story, as violent Jewish settlers are always on the lookout for Palestinian kids. These settlers, who “also set up their own checkpoints”, engage in regular violence as well, by “throwing stones” at children, or “physically pushing (Palestinian children) around.”

    “UNICEF’s protective presence teams have reported that their volunteers have been subjected to physical attacks, harassment, arrest and detention, and death threats,” according to the same UN report.

    In other words, even the ‘protectors’ themselves often fall victim to the army and Jewish settler terror tactics.

    Add to this that Area C – a major part of the West Bank that is under full Israeli military control – represents the pinnacle of Palestinian suffering. An estimated 50,000 children face numerous hurdles, including the lack of facilities, access, violence, closure and unjustified demolition orders.

    The school of Al Sawiya Al Lebban located in Area C is, therefore, under the total mercy of the Israeli military, which has no tolerance for any form of resistance, including non-violent popular protests by school children.

    What is truly uplifting, however, is that, despite the Israeli military Occupation and ongoing restrictions on Palestinian freedom, the Palestinian population remains one of the most educated in the Middle East.

    According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the literacy rate in Palestine (estimated at 96.3%) is one of the highest in the Middle East and the illiteracy rate (3.7% among individuals over the age of 15) is one of the lowest in the world.

    If these statistics are not heartening enough, bearing in mind the ongoing Israeli war on Palestinian school and curricula, consider this: the besieged and war-stricken Gaza Strip has an even higher literacy rate than the West Bank, as they both stand at 96.6% and 96% respectively.

    In truth, this should not come as a total surprise. The first wave of Palestinian refugees that were ethnically-cleansed from historic Palestine were so keen on ensuring their children strive to continue their education, they established school tents, operated by volunteer teachers as early as 1948.

    Palestinians understand well that education is their greatest weapon to obtain their long-denied freedom. Israel, too, is aware of this dichotomy, knowing that an empowered Palestinian population is far more capable of challenging Israeli dominance than a subdued one, thus the relentless and systematic targeting of the Palestinian educational system.

    Israel’s strategy in destroying the infrastructure of Palestinian schooling system is centered on the allegation of ‘terror’: that is, Palestinians teach ‘terror’ in their schools; Palestinian school books celebrate ‘terrorists’; schools are sites for ‘popular terror’ and various other accusations that, per Israeli logic, compels the army to seal off schools, demolish facilities, arrest and shoot students.

    Take for example, the recent comments made by the Israeli mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, who is now leading a government campaign aimed at shutting down operations by the UN organization that caters for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA.

    “It is time to remove UNRWA from Jerusalem,” Barkat announced early October.

    Without any evidence whatsoever, Barkat claimed that “UNRWA is strengthening terror,” and that “the children of Jerusalem are taught under their auspices, terror, and this must be stopped.”

    Of course, Barkat is being dishonest. The jibe at UNRWA in Jerusalem is part of a larger Israeli-US campaign aimed at shutting down an organization that proved central to the status and welfare of Palestinian refugees.

    According to this skewed thinking, without UNRWA, Palestinian refugees would have no legal platform, thus closing down UNRWA is closing down the chapter of Palestinian refugees and their Right of Return altogether.

    The link between the shutting down of Al Sawiya Al Lebban, the targeting of UNRWA by Israel and the US, the numerous checkpoints separating students from their schools in the West Bank and more, have more in common than Israel’s false allegation of ‘terror.’

    Israeli writer, Orly Noy, summed up the Israeli logic in one sentence. “By destroying schools in Palestinian villages in Area C and elsewhere, Israel is forcing Palestinians to make a cruel choice — between their land and their children’s futures,” she wrote earlier this year.

    It is this brutal logic that has guided the Israeli government strategy regarding Palestinian education for 70 years. It is a war that cannot be discussed or understood outside the larger war on Palestinian identity, freedom, and, in fact, the very existence of the Palestinian people.

    The students’ fight for their right to education in Al Sawiya Al Lebban Mixed School is by no means an isolated skirmish involving Palestinian school kids and trigger-happy Israeli soldiers. Rather, it is at the heart of the Palestinian people’s fight for their freedom.

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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post

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    This pitcure will be remembered as the expression of courage and standing against oppresion by the generations.
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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


    Good news Jake Morphonios is back in the USA safe and sound.

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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'



    After an enlightening trip to Palestine, investigative journalist Jake Morphonios begins a new documentary series of the systematic oppression of the Palestinian people by the brutal Zionist regime of Israel.

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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


    Another update.


    Anya Parampil reports on Al Jazeera’s censored four-part investigation series on the Israel lobby in the U.S., which was leaked by the Electronic Intifada. She explains why the Qatari network opted to censor their investigation series after years of production. Co-Founder of the Electronic Intifada, Ali Abunimah, explains why Americans must see the films to understand the full scope of Israel Lobby interference.

    Later, former member of UK Parliament, George Galloway, joins the show to discuss the Israel Lobby’s influence on Al Jazeera’s decision to censor the investigation.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 11-03-2018 at 09:28 AM.
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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


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    Last edited by سيف الله; 11-05-2018 at 11:26 PM.
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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post

    Another update.


    Anya Parampil reports on Al Jazeera’s censored four-part investigation series on the Israel lobby in the U.S., which was leaked by the Electronic Intifada. She explains why the Qatari network opted to censor their investigation series after years of production. Co-Founder of the Electronic Intifada, Ali Abunimah, explains why Americans must see the films to understand the full scope of Israel Lobby interference.

    Later, former member of UK Parliament, George Galloway, joins the show to discuss the Israel Lobby’s influence on Al Jazeera’s decision to censor the investigation.

    Has this series been fully leaked to the public? I'd love to get a hold of it. Never knew it was even being produced.
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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


    You can watch it on


    Ill try and upload it later on.


    Heres part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt View Post

    Well worth watching in my opinion.

    Watch the Film the Israel Lobby Didn’t Want You To See
    How Israel and its lobbyists spy on, smear and intimidate US citizens who support Palestinian human rights...
    Yes its a good watch!
    Last edited by سيف الله; 11-06-2018 at 07:41 PM.
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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


    Another update.

    Zios taking down content they disapprove of.

    More antisemitism.

    Settlers in action

    Movie Celebrity support for the IDF, I wonder why Hollywood is so supportive?

    Last edited by سيف الله; 11-10-2018 at 04:10 AM.
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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


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    PA, Turkey closer than ever

    Relations between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Turkey have been growing significantly, both politically and economically. In recent months, Ankara has become the regional capital that Palestinians visit most — for political or tourism purposes. Recent statements by officials from either side have shown that warmer ties have now replaced cold diplomatic niceties.

    Most recently, on Oct. 29, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas congratulated his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the anniversary of the declaration of the Republic of Turkey, expressing deep appreciation for the brotherly relations between the two peoples.

    On Oct. 25, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki paid an official visit to Ankara, met with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu and held a press conference on the same day, in which Cavusoglu said, “We always stand by our Palestinian brothers, because Palestine and Jerusalem are a red line that should never be crossed. We will continue to defend them even if the entire world gives up.”

    Malki stressed “the importance of Turkish support to Palestine in various fields, because it gives us the strength to deal with all risks, and after the US decision to cut aid for UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East] Turkey has worked on helping us fill the gap.”

    On Sept. 26, Abbas met with Erdogan in New York on the sidelines of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, briefed him on the latest developments in the political process and the US decisions linked to the peace process, thanking him for his unwavering support for the Palestinian cause.

    Palestinian Ambassador in Ankara Fayed Mustafa told Al-Monitor, “The PA is keen on maintaining permanent contact with Turkey as a large, influential regional state. We find Turkey is also keen to establish a special relationship with the Palestinians; our bilateral relations are growing. This year, we signed 15 joint government agreements. We formed bilateral bodies such as the Turkey-Palestine Economic Cooperation Council and the Turkish-Palestinian Joint Governmental Committee because Turkey is an important trading partner for Palestine.”

    The Turks have made the Palestinian cause their main issue, both at the official and popular levels. This increases the common points between the two and boosts their mutual interest in strengthening bilateral relations, as evidenced by the significant progress in Turkish support for the Palestinians.

    Two economic developments are indicative of the development of Palestinian-Turkish relations. First, in January, Ankara provided $10 million in cash to the PA for the first time ever, while previously Turkish financial aid was allocated to carry out field projects only.

    The second development is the increase in the Turkish financial allocations to UNRWA since Turkey took over the chairmanship of UNRWA's Advisory Commission in July. The commission advises UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krahenbuhl on policy and operational matters. In May, UNRWA announced that it had received financial support from Turkey worth $10 million, in addition to 26,000 tons of wheat flour to help 1 million Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.

    Mahmoud al-Rantissi, deputy editor of Rouya Turkiyyah magazine in Istanbul, told Al-Monitor, “Palestinian relations with Turkey increased as soon as the United States began talking about the 'deal of the century.' Turkey felt that the Palestinians need its political and financial support. The Palestinians gained strength with this support because they believe Turkey is a powerful regional state and its support gives them the momentum they need. Financial support — despite its importance — is not the only link keeping the Turks and the Palestinians at each other’s side, but there are also political and diplomatic ties.”

    On Oct. 30, the Palestinian government praised the results of the Oct. 25 meeting of the Turkish-Palestinian Joint Committee in Ankara that led to signing several agreements in the areas of agriculture, security, crime, civil defense, communications and technology, all of which were seen as a culmination of distinct bilateral relations.

    Issam al-Dhalis, a Hamas leader and deputy head of its political department in the Gaza Strip, told Al-Monitor, “Hamas is present in Turkey and is coordinating with its institutions in full swing to organize its humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza, and to treat those injured during the marches of return in Turkish hospitals. Hamas welcomes any rapprochement between the PA and Turkey if it serves the Palestinian cause; we have no issue with that.”

    On Oct. 12, Istanbul held a conference in support of Jerusalem, with the participation of Hamas leaders, most notably former head of its political bureau Khaled Meshaal and current head Ismail Haniyeh.

    Meshaal called on formulating an Arab and Islamic plan for the liberation of Palestine. Via video conference call, Haniyeh said the "deal of the century" aims to quash the Palestinian cause.

    However, Rantissi noted, “Turkey's relationship with Hamas is declining for several reasons, most importantly since Hamas has not been part of the Palestinian government since 2014 when Ismail Haniyeh resigned as prime minister, after reconciliation with Fatah. In addition, the movement now has close ties with Egypt and Palestinian leader Mohammed Dahlan, and both oppose Turkey. Further pulling the two apart are the changes in the Hamas leadership following its internal elections in 2017 and the fact that Haniyeh is yet to visit Turkey.”

    The growing Turkish-Palestinian relations coincide with the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul Oct. 2, which led to successive developments.

    The Palestinians believe that Saudi Arabia is facing mounting US and Western pressure over suspicions of the role high-level Saudi officials played in the killing of Khashoggi. Meanwhile, Ankara is taking advantage of this to improve relations with Washington and ask it to reduce pressure on the Palestinians.

    “Maintaining and strengthening our relationship with Turkey is a strategic goal of ours. We are also working on tightening our ties with the rest of the region. Despite regional strife, we hope it would not reflect negatively on our case. We seek to maintain our relationships with all different parties,” Mustafa noted.

    It seems that Khashoggi's death has strengthened Turkey's position in the regional competition with Saudi Arabia, especially in raising its position in the Muslim world, and showing it as a state interested in finding solutions to the Palestinian cause, as Saudi Arabia is no longer able to contain the negative consequences of Khashoggi's death, thus shifting its attention away from the Palestinian cause.

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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


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    Washington fuels tension in Lebanon’s Palestinian camps to pave way for ‘Deal of Century’

    Hamas Representative in Lebanon Ali Baraka warned against the US’ attempts to fuel the tension in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon in order to pave the way for the ‘Deal of the Century’.

    In a press release, Baraka condemned the latest “regrettable clashes” erupted in Mieh Mieh refugee camp in southern Lebanon last month.

    Baraka confirmed that such “security incidents harm the Palestinian cause and in line with the US-drafted ‘Deal of the Century’ which aims at liquidating the Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homeland.”

    Following the US decisions on Jerusalem, Baraka said, the Trump’s administration moved to the second phase of the ‘Deal of the Century’, which involves liquidating the Palestinian refugees’ issue.

    After Washington had halted all its aid to UNRWA, it fueled tensions among the Palestinian factions in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, Baraka added.

    Baraka called on all Palestinian factions to be aware of the US schemes aiming to serve the Israeli occupation’s interests.

    The Hamas leader urged the Lebanese government to boost the Lebanese-Palestinian coordination in order to prevent the eruption of new clashes.

    Baraka noted that the Palestinian factions took several measures, including enforcing the ceasefire agreement and activating coordination with the Lebanese side, to avoid similar “regrettable incidents”.

    Baraka reiterated that Hamas is keen on preserving the stability in Lebanon and improving the mutual relations Hamas and Lebanon maintain.

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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


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    Anya Parampil updates us on news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently endorsed legislation which will enable Israeli courts to more easily sentence Palestinians to death. Former UK MP George Galloway joins In Question to tell us why he believes Israel is alienating itself from the rest of the world as it further enshrines a system of apartheid.

    The word is getting out.

    This is becoming routine

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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


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    Hebron is braving a storm of Judaisation

    The ongoing and intense settlement activity in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron confirms Israel’s deliberate policy to empty it of its Arab inhabitants and Judaise it. The Palestinian city remains the second most targeted area for illegal Jewish settlements after Jerusalem. The first settlement activity in the West Bank was the establishment of the Kfar Etzion kibbutz in the strategic area bordering Hebron.

    We can say with certainty that Israel’s plans for the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron are no less dangerous than its Judaisation plans for Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Over the years, the Israeli settlers have turned a major section of the mosque into a synagogue. We do not doubt that the settlers intend to take over completely in the months and years ahead.

    Perhaps it was precisely for that reason that the Israeli government announced recently a new settlement plan targeting the heart of Hebron in order to link the settlements built across the city by means of new illegal blocs. The government is funding the construction of a settlement on Al-Shuhada Street in the old city, taking advantage of Donald Trump’s Presidency in the US to adopt and “legitimise” its settlement policy in Palestine, even though all Jewish settlements across the occupied Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem, are illegal under international law. This is especially the case in Hebron and Jerusalem, which are both earmarked for even more Judaisation.

    The purpose of the latest settlement outpost in Hebron is to create a new military checkpoint to harass and increase the suffering of the Palestinians prior to their eventual expulsion. The site on Al-Shuhada Street belongs to the Hebron municipality. The occupation authorities confiscated it for use as an army base and a location for settlers’ caravans. Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman made the announcement of the 31 settlement units to be built in the heart of Al-Shuhada Street, approved by the so-called Civil Administration and Israeli government, and funded by the latter.

    A few months ago Lieberman ordered the establishment of an authority to manage the municipal affairs of the settlement bloc located in the centre of Hebron. This is a Judaisation measure taken against the city’s Palestinian inhabitants with the purpose of strengthening the powers of the settlers who had previously managed their daily affairs by means of a council, which had no “legal” status.

    Israel has portrayed this as being necessary to strengthen the Jewish community in the city and as a very important move in order to continue and develop settlement expansion in the West Bank, despite the existence of Palestinian-Israeli arrangements agreed in 1997 that divided Hebron into two parts. The first was the 80 per cent of the city under the complete jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority while the remaining 20 per cent was supposed to be under Israeli security control and Palestinian civil control. Since then, the entire city was supposed to have been under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Hebron municipality (with a population of 260,000 Palestinians and 800 Jewish settlers).

    For the purpose of Judaising Hebron and displacing its indigenous Palestinian people, there have been non-stop attacks since the city’s occupation in 1967. There is a consensus among all Israeli parties to establish an administration to manage settler affairs in the city and to promote settlement activity. This explains Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s practical support for intensifying settlement activity in the West Bank, which is basically an execution of the project to annex Palestinian areas to Israel by means of “legitimate” demarcation and recognition of illegal settlements, along with granting them sovereignty.

    It is a well-known fact that the establishment of settlements violates all international principles and customs, as well as the UN Charter, which outlines a long series of restrictions imposed on any occupying forces, including Israel’s. The essence of this bans occupiers from settling their own citizens in areas under occupation. This has been reiterated by UN Resolutions which deny any legal status to the Jewish settlements and ban their annexation by Israel. Indeed, the resolutions call for the dismantling of the settlements, not simply “freezing” settlement activity. The settlements in Jerusalem and Hebron are covered by this requirement.

    Israel’s construction of additional settlements, and expansion of existing sites, violate Palestinian rights and international laws and conventions. The decision to build settlement blocs in Hebron and establish a council to manage Jewish settler affairs in the city breaches UN Security Council Resolution 2334. Israel should be condemned for treating international law with such contempt.


    Last edited by سيف الله; 11-11-2018 at 11:40 PM.
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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'

    Ah, Trump's Deal of the Century. For how long has it now been in the making, been just about to be revealed?

    Perhaps Trump has found out that his usual bullying tactics in the business world don't work in international diplomacy, and his attempts to get Arab dictators to fall in line behind the Deal of the Century are falling flat.
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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


    Major escalation in Gaza.

    Facts emerge as Gazans scupper Israeli ‘Special Forces’ operation

    In another episode of Israeli provocation and unilateral escalation against the besieged Gaza strip, Sunday night recorded an embarrassing covert attempt by an Israeli ‘Special Force’ to infiltrate Gaza tucked up in civilian vehicles.

    In the thick of the night, a dressed vehicle drove three kilometres into Eastern Khan Younis, Gaza, anticipating that a besieged community or resistance accustomed to summary executions, sniper fire and airstrikes would be slumbered.

    To its surprise, the vehicle, laden with military supplies reportedly akin to an ‘operations room’[1] was spotted by Gazan soldiers on patrol. A fire fight ensued in which Commander Nour Barakah and colleague Majed al-Qara were killed. According to Gazan sources, the vehicle belonging to the Israeli occupation force had not targeted Barakeh but was preparing for a more major operation inside Gaza.[2] In a rare public address, Israeli military chief of Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Tal Rousso also denied the failed operation was an attempt to assassinate Barakeh.[3]

    Soldiers continued pursuing the fleeing vehicle until reaching the border fence with the occupation despite “all types of Israeli aircraft” interjecting to provide cover. Up to 40 rockets targeted the trailing Gazans and in the fire fight at least one Israeli fighter, a lieutenant colonel was killed and another wounded whilst their vehicle was all but obliterated. According to Gaza’s authorities, even the helicopter frantically trying to provide cover for the Israeli fighters was hit at close range.[4]

    The incursion and resulting airstrikes resulted in the killing of seven Palestinians: five of whom were members of Gaza’s military—four from the Qassam Brigades and another from the Al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance committee that operates under Gaza’s administration—along with two civilians. According to the Gazan Health Ministry, those that were killed are: Commander Nour Barakah, 37; Mohammed Majed al-Qara, 23; Ala Adin Kwidar, 22; Mustafa Hassan Abu Odeh, 23; Mahmoud Atallah Masabkh, 25; Ala Fasikas, 24; and Omar Jani Abu Khatar. Seven others were also reportedly wounded.[5]

    According to a spokesman for the Palestinian resistance, “the resistance taught the (Zionist) enemy a lesson and proved that their intelligence services have become a laughing stock.” Activists added that the fighter killed in the ‘special’ operation identified by Israeli spokespeople as ‘M’ is in fact Mahmoud Khair ad-Din of the Israeli Druze denomination, of the Sayeret Maglan commando unit designed “to operate behind enemy lines.”[6]

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut short a visit to Paris to mark the World War One centenary of the Armistice, signed 30 years before Israel’s formal existence. Who and what the Israeli militants’ infiltration was seeking to assassinate or capture remains dubious, but they clearly did not intend to disrupt another of Netanyahu’s PR exhibits and endorsements as an accomplice of world peace ahead of his “defence” force’s escalation.

    The Prime Minister told reporters in Paris hours before the operation that he was “doing everything I can to prevent an unnecessary war…first, we aim for calm, then an agreement. We’re not there yet.” In what many saw as another wave of irony, the Zionist government earmarks 100 years since the end of WW1 whilst possibly igniting another addition to its repertoire of onslaughts on the besieged strip.

    The Gaza strip has been referred to as the world’s largest “open-air prison camp” by many, including former Prime Minister David Cameron.[7] In recent months the resistance from within its walls has been mounting with more than 230 killed and 24,000 injured in recent “March of Return” protests.[8] The sustained poisoning of its resources is making it increasingly difficult to sustain life, with even its routinely-polluted water source estimated to be “irreversibly-depleted” in 2020,[9] forcing Gazans to pay private enterprises six-times the standard rate for water they can drink.[10]

    The operation comes during international efforts to reach a long-term cease-fire in Gaza that is intended to ease the over a decade long blockade on the strip. Some have reasoned that the Zionist occupation is actively scuppering a deal that would potentially see the release of thousands of Palestinian captives in exchange for two Israeli fighters, Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin, taken prisoner in 2014 following a confrontation which led to a massacre of over 100 civilians in “Gaza’s bloodiest day” in the Israeli onslaught that year.[11] Years of negotiations and constant pressure by the families of the two fighters, who insist that their political classes can reach a deal with Hamas ‘within a week’ if they wanted to, have been suggested by some as possibly linked to Sunday’s botched operation.[12]

    According to Palestinian Activist Ibrahim Hamami, the Israeli operation was not to kill Commander Nour Barakah, but was an attempt to kidnap him. An assassination could have taken place aerially, for which using ground soldiers would have been an unnecessary risk. By cutting his Paris visit short, Netanyahu showed that the operation was an utter failure and the use of extremely frantic cover fire shows how hell-bent the occupation is on preventing more of their fighters being caught. The Gazans’ ability to uncover the identity of the attacking force while keeping it at bay with force reveals both its preparedness, and the fact that Gaza’s need for aid and the very basics for life does not mean it has become completely unable to defend itself. [13]

    Who is Commander Nour Barakah?

    Both Arab and Hebrew media have been vying for information on Nour Barakah, the Qassam Brigades commander in Khan Younis. According to activists, Nour Barakah holds a Masters degree in Comparative Islamic Fiqh and Islamic certification (Ijāzah) in the ten recitations of the Qur’ān.[14] Very few knew about his activities in the Palestinian resistance. In a Facebook post, his sister Iman Barakah wrote:

    “Allāh witnesses that you were the more righteous and truthful. Words cannot describe you…you were my love and my friend… even on the day you graduated; you did not allow anyone to take a single picture of you my beloved brother.

    I will continue to tell others about you, about your heroism, about your sincerity about your excessive care for us and for me specifically… For your soul may there be peace.”[15]


    Ceasefire announced

    The 'liberal' Guardian at its best.

    Some Israelis aren't happy with the ceasefire.


    Fortunately, a ceasefire has been brokered between Israel and the Gaza resistance fighters. But the agreement has infuriated the highly militant Israeli population of Sderot. They do not want a ceasefire and are calling for more warfare against the Palestinians.

    These Israeli citizens have taken to the streets to demand more violence, shutting down roads, harassing drivers, burning tires in the street and chanting "death to arabs". We must be peacemakers.

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    Re: Israel land grab law 'ends hope of two-state solution'


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    Botched Gaza mission sheds light on Israel’s elite Maglan unit

    On Sunday evening, a civilian car pulled up at a Hamas checkpoint set up among the warren of streets in Khan Younis, a town in the Gaza Strip close to the Israeli border. Inside were Israeli soldiers, including presumed members of the elite Maglan unit renowned for slipping behind enemy lines to collect intelligence or destroy targets. Some, according to a local resident, were dressed as women.

    What happened next is unclear. But within hours, seven Palestinians were dead, including a Hamas commander, along with an Israeli lieutenant colonel. The soldiers were extracted under cover of Israeli jets and helicopters, taking with them the dead soldier and an injured comrade. They left behind the wrecked car and, according to images in local media, electronics equipment that they had attempted to destroy.

    The episode triggered the worst violence between Israel and Hamas for several years before an uneasy truce was agreed. It also exposed a rare failure of an Israeli covert operation, the most public since its Mossad foreign intelligence service was implicated in the 2010 killing in a Dubai hotel of the founder of a lethal Hamas affiliate.

    “Israel is [regularly] doing low-key operations to maintain our intelligence awareness,” said Israel Ziv, a former Israeli commander in Gaza. “This is something that usually never gets to the public.”

    Most strikingly, the botched mission has brought-attention to the Maglan unit, a covert and high-risk component of Israel’s military.-Maglan is the Hebrew word for Ibis, a bird not native to Israel but one that has adapted to thrive there. Some, if not all, of those stopped at the Hamas checkpoint are thought to have belonged to the unit.

    The sensitive operation went ahead when prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was abroad in Paris — a clear sign of its urgency, said retired Major General Uzi Dayan, who once ran an elite military unit dedicated to killing Yasser Arafat, the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation. Decisions on approving such missions take into consideration whether the prime minister would be embarrassed by their failure or unveiling, he said. Mr Netanyahu cut short his trip as news of the raid broke.

    “The main reason they went forward with [the operation] is because many, many people were sure it would succeed,” said Mr Dayan, who headed Israel’s National Security Council. “It’s risky, but it’s less risky than sending in an entire company [of soldiers]. But if there is a mess, then there is a big problem.”

    Mr Netanyahu would have been acutely aware of the risks of the mission, Mr Dayan said. In the 1970s he rescued the prime minister, who was then a soldier, from an operation deep inside Syria.

    The Maglan unit was formed in the 1980s when Israel was fighting in Lebanon and needed to install listening devices in Hizbollah territory. As such it was designed to operate in challenging environments, said a retired military official. Because of Israeli wiretapping and drone surveillance, Gaza militants rarely use phones and often travel via a network of underground tunnels. Such tactics have blunted the effectiveness of Israel’s electronic surveillance, making missions such as Sunday’s necessary.

    These operations add to a mystique that already shrouds Israel’s intelligence gathering and overseas assassinations operations. The deeds of the Mista’arvim — which roughly means “those who live among the Arabs” — have been celebrated in the hit Netflix TV show Fauda. In real life they are reported to use cinematic make-up and disguises, speak idiomatic Arabic, and sometimes pose as women to deflect attention when operating in Palestinian territories.

    The New York Post reported in July that a fundraising event at a kosher steak house in Manhattan raised $250,000 for Israeli undercover missions.-

    The soldier killed in Sunday’s operation belonged to Israel’s Arab Druze minority, according to local media reports. The Druze, who serve in Israel’s army, are highly prized in undercover units because they can more easily pass as Palestinians. He was identified only as M, in accordance with an army censorship order, and his funeral, attended by Israeli president Reuven Rivlin, was held privately.

    In response to Sunday’s incursion, Hamas hurled more than 450 projectiles into Israel, killing a Palestinian guest worker in the town of Ashkelon. Israel responded by destroying 150 targets inside Gaza. Tuesday’s truce prompted the resignation of Israel’s hardline defence minister Avigdor Lieberman, who described the ceasefire as a “capitulation to terror”.

    A senior Hamas official said that the group was initially furious following news of Sunday’s incursion, even to the point of risking war, because it was convinced that the unit was a hit squad.-Israel is suspected of assassinating many Hamas and Palestinian Liberation Organisation leaders in the past 30 years but it has refrained from killing senior Hamas leaders more recently and an assassination would be seen by Hamas as a huge escalation.

    While the Palestinian military leader killed in the raid was identified as Nour Barakah, commander for Khan Younis in Hamas, it is not clear if he was the target or simply caught in the checkpoint shootout. He reportedly lives not far from where the car was stopped. The home of Yahyah Sinwar, Hamas’ top leader in Gaza, is a few minutes drive away.

    Following the extraction, Israel took the unusual step of clarifying that the mission had not been to kill or capture any Hamas leadership.

    “This operation that Israel carried out, one that was not [meant to be] lethal . . . went wrong, and the Palestinians are trying to send a message that they will not tolerate these sort of operations in the future,” said Yossi Kupperwaser, a former head of the Israeli Army’s Intelligence Research and Assessment Division.

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    More analysis.

    his resignation could spark a crises in the Israeli government.

    More perspectives.

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