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Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

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    Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons (OP)


    Americans strategic patience with North Korea has come to an end. We all know what that means.

    Good video on the coming crises.

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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

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    Junon, don't buy into Western media hype and demonization of North Korea.

    A peace treaty where the USA and South Korea recognize North Korea and let it exist as it is, Juche regime and all, is what the North Korean government has been trying to achieve since the Cold War ended. It knows it's the best it can hope for, given the balance of power in the foreseeable future. Belligerent rhetoric aside, its militarization has been about deterring any attempts by the USA to pull off a regime change, by making sure it has the ability to retaliate massively. Which it has, in the form of a massive amount of artillery spread along the entire border, in fortified mountain positions. All of it within firing range of Seoul, which it could turn into blood-soaked rubble in a matter of hours.

    More often than not, it is the US government which has refused to make such a peace, instead having taken the line that North Korea is evil and the only acceptable outcome is that North Korea surrenders. Trump hasn't coerced Kim into giving in, he's in fact about to give Kim what Kims #1 to #3 have tried to achieve for near three decades by now. Trump would, being Trump, very much though want everyone to believe that he has forced Kim to it and sealed the deal through his negotiation genius. Kim probably won't contradict him, he'll let Trump spin the whole thing for his own aggrandizement as long as it means he'll be more likely to go through with and honour the agreement.
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    JustTime's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

    North Korea Has Been Sending Chemical Weapons Supplies to Syria, U.N. Report Finds

    Experts from the United Nations have found that North Korea has been providing Syria with supplies that could be used to make chemical weapons.
    The as-yet-unreleased U.N. report details that items including acid-resistant tiles, valves and thermometers were shipped from North Korea to the Syrian government, the New York Times reports. U.N. investigators also say Pyongyang missile experts were seen working in Syrian chemical weapons and missile facilities.
    The United States and other nations have long accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons on civilians. The U.N. report comes as Syrian forces have been accused of attacks on civilians in the Damascus suburb of eastern Ghouta with what is believed to be chlorine gas.
    Trade between North Korea and Syria poses a serious risk, allowing Syria to maintain chemical weapons and North Korea to fund its nuclear program, the 200 page report highlights.
    At least 40 unreported shipments from North Korea to Syria between 2012 and 2017 included prohibited ballistic missile parts and supplies, according the report. It remains unclear whether the report will be released.
    “I think the overarching message is that all member states have a duty and responsibility to abide by the sanctions that are in place.”Stéphane Dujarric, a United Nations spokesperson, told reporters on Tuesday, according to the Times.
    The investigating panel comprised of eight experts in various fields including weapons of mass destruction, maritime transport and customs controls. The Security Council has commissioned the group since 2010 to investigate the circumvention of sanctions.
    Read More: A Photographer Bears Witness to a Suspected Chlorine Attack in Syria
    While the report does not necessarily prove ongoing collaboration between the two countries, it marks “an important breakthrough,” William Newcomb, who was a member of the U.N. panel of experts on North Korea from 2011 to 2014, told the Times. The report also highlights the shortcomings of international sanctions, and criticizes Russia and China for failing to enforce sanctions.
    Though Syria signed the Chemical Weapons Convention in 2013 and vowed to destroy its stock of chemical weapons, Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad has repeatedly been accused of using banned chemical weapons throughout the Syrian civil war.
    Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

    يا قافلة الخير
    "The Persian aggression against Iraq was a result of the arrogant, racialist and evil attitudes of the ruling clique in Iran."
    -Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid at-Tikriti -
    العراق جمجمة العرب ورمح الله في الأرض

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  5. #63
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons


    Looks like it happend, Kim and Trump meet in Singapore.

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  6. #64
    Silas's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

    When they are talking, they aren't shooting at each other. let's hope this develops into a long-term agreement
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  8. #65
    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

    For a long time (since around 2008-2009) the feeling that the red, white, and blue north korean regime has been working with the American regime in keeping a controlled competition going before the global audience with the explicit aim of justifying ongoing expenditure on nuclear weapons - has been returning on and off. They (secularist extremists) all work under the same usurious banking system against the people of the planet.

    As long as these crooks are able to keep people taking sides whilst forgetting truth and justice by Allah's measure - they'll keep the cheering "us-or-them "game" " going.

    It doesn't make much difference who you vote for if you don't vote for Allah, since you'll inevitably vote for at least partial enslavement to the dupes of satan.

    I recall the day when my cousin asked me to help fund some players for his cricket team - and after the match they were taking photos of holding the winner trophy in the courtyard.
    It was only when they put the trophy up on the showcase and then went back to the courtyard to take photos of the "runner up" trophy that my older brother asked what on earth was going on ...... simple, we'd funded the runner up team too......

    14. And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake; and the people wondered.
    15. But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils.
    16. And others, tempting him, sought of him a sign from heaven.
    17. But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.
    18. If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub.
    19. And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges.
    20. But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.
    21. When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:
    22. But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.
    23. He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.
    24. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out. 25. And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.
    26. Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
    27. And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked.
    28. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.

    From Luke 11

    Another version:
    21. And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself.
    22. And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
    23. And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?
    24. And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
    25. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
    26. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
    27. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
    28. Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
    29. But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
    30. Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.
    We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of apostles; We gave Jesus the son of Mary Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Is it that whenever there comes to you a messenger with what ye yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with pride?- Some ye called impostors, and others ye slay! Quran 2:87
    31. There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.
    32. And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
    33. And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren?
    34. And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!
    35. For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

    From Mark 3

    Last edited by Abz2000; 06-13-2018 at 04:38 PM.
    Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

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  9. #66
    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons


    format_quote Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    When they are talking, they aren't shooting at each other. let's hope this develops into a long-term agreement
    Yes, looks like I underestimated Trump, maybe for all his bombast (among many reasons to misdirect his enemies in the deep state) he wanted a a deal all along. Lets not forget when Trump was elected the North Korean leadership were initially happy with the result, thinking he was a man they could do business with.

    They would be foolish to trust Trump given his record, mind you we will see how this plays, its early days yet,

    Hah nice comment

    Last edited by سيف الله; 06-15-2018 at 09:43 AM.
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  10. #67
    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post

    Yes, looks like I underestimated Trump, maybe for all his bombast (among many reasons to misdirect his enemies in the deep state) he wanted a a deal all along. Lets not forget when Trump was elected the North Korean leadership were initially happy with the result, thinking he was a man they could do business with.

    They would be foolish to trust Trump given his record, mind you we will see how this plays, its early days yet,

    Dajjāl (Arabic: دجال) is an adjective of Syriac origin.[2] It is also a common Arabic superlative form of the root word dajl meaning "lie" or "deception".[3] Al-Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl, with the definite article al- ("the"), refers to "the deceiving Messiah", a specific end times deceiver.
    The Dajjāl is an evil being who will seek to impersonate the true Messiah.

    The name Dajjal also is rooted in an Arabic word dajel, which means "to gold plate" or "to coat in gold". It is derived from word meaning "to mix".


    Verily in the presence of the Last Hour, there would be … false testimony and concealing evidence.
    (Ahmad and Hakim)
    There will be false accusation of unchastity and slander.

    In the End Times, people will be carrying out their trade but hardly will there be a trustworthy person.
    (Bukhari and Muslim)

    The day of Judgment will not come until the very lowest people are the happiest.

    There will be years of deceit, in which a truthful person will be disbelieved and a liar will be believed
    (Ibn Kathir)

    The time will be years of confusion. People will believe a liar, and disbelieve one who tells the truth. People will distrust one who is trustworthy, and trust one who is treacherous.


    I am not the destroyer.



    The Date Palms of Baisan - and the Destroyer
    Last edited by Abz2000; 06-13-2018 at 01:27 PM.
    Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

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  11. #68
    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons


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    Putting the Trump-Kim Summit in Perspective

    With great fanfare, the much-touted Trump-Kim summit took place in Singapore on June 11th. Considered the greatest handshake in history the meeting resulted in a joint statement by US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Just 4 months ago US president was hurling insults at his counterpart calling him “Little Rocket Man” and a “deranged dotard.” The global media went into overdrive as Trump is the first sitting US president to meet any North Korea dictator. This event is the latest move by the US to regain the initiative on the Korean peninsula, but with many of the thorny details, yet to be worked out, there is plenty of room for the US-North Korea dialogue to break down.

    The origins of the tensions go back to the manner in which the victorious allies determined the division of the Korean Peninsula. After Japan’s defeat in World War II, the UN constructed the administration of Korea. The UN divided the peninsula into two zones of administration: the Soviet Union to the North and the US to the South. North Korea refused to participate in a UN supervised election held in the South in 1948, which led to the creation of separate Korean governments for the two occupation zones. Both North and South Korea claimed sovereignty over the Korean Peninsula as a whole, which led to the Korean War.

    North Korea invaded the South, using Soviet tanks and weaponry, China also joined the war on the side of Communist North Korea, the threat of communist expansion led to the US defending South Korea and by 1953 the US ended the war in a ceasefire agreement. The two countries never signed a peace treaty. Today the Korean Peninsula remains divided, the Korean Demilitarized Zone acts as the de facto border. With North Korea remaining in poverty and dominated by a ruling family, North Korea thereafter began a uranium enrichment program in order to possess nuclear weapons which have exacerbated tension between South Korea and the North and the US ever since.

    The US did not have formal diplomatic relations with North Korea. But despite this the US in 1986 demanded detailed information on North Korea’s nuclear programme, which North Korea refused to hand over to the US, instead it gave those detailed documents running into 19,000 pages to China. An agreement was reached between the US and North Korea in 1994 regarding North Korea’s nuclear reactors. This agreement called for North Korea to bring to halt its nuclear programme and shut down its Yongbyon reactors. This was in exchange for the US supplying two light-water type reactors. But the US failed to honor its part of the promise and hence North Korea resumed its nuclear activities. This has been the case ever since, the US offers a range of promises which do not materialize so North Korea continues with its nuclear programme. For North Korea nuclear weapons is its only bargaining tool.

    It has now become a regular occurrence for there to be an incident at least once a year between North Korea and the US, where we see the military movement of both nations; nuclear tests by North Korea and US long range bombers and aircraft carriers moving into the region. The outcome in all these cases is the same, escalation turns into talks which de-escalate matters. This cycle usually repeats itself on an annual basis. When Trump took office like all his predecessors he used plenty of bluster and rhetoric against North Korea, but this time matters were different.

    Today the US has exhausted most options in dealing with North Korea, whilst other options are not realistic anymore. One of the options for US is to use its military to conduct surgical strikes on North Korea’s nuclear sites. The problem with such a strategy is that North Korea would be certain to hit back hard, using its own large arsenal of artillery to strike at America’s allies, South Korea and Japan. That would likely kill tens or even hundreds of thousands of people — including the 28,000 US troops stationed in South Korea and thousands of others in Japan — even before nuclear weapons were dropped. So, Trump faced the unenviable reality that using America’s military has huge costs and not just immense consequences but also potentially catastrophic consequences. The other option was to impose economic sanctions on North Korea, so it would conclude that the costs of continuing its nuclear programs were too high. But many items the country wants and needs, like weapons and fuel, are already highly sanctioned by the US. Despite all this, North Korea hasn’t changed its course.

    Where Trump changed his posture was when the US was caught off-guard by South Korean President Moon Jae-In’s aggressive normalisation efforts with North Korea. This even led to the North Korean dictator’s sister attending the Winter Games in South Korea as an official guest. This came on the back of Kim Jong Un turning up in China unexpectedly and showed a political process was taking place without the US. It was in this context Trump completely changed his aggressive posture and worked to retake the initiative by agreeing to a summit meeting with Kim Jong-Un.

    The summit joint statement talks of lofty issues of denuclearization, establishing new bilateral relations, making a joint effort to establish lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula etc but had no details, framework or timeline.

    But the underlying strategic reality remains, America’s engagement with North Korea, as with its aggression in Vietnam 50 years ago, is part of a broader strategy directed against the rise of China. North Korea provides America with the justification to strongly militarise directly on the Chinese border. The crisis also serves to keep the Chinese leadership preoccupied and engaged. It follows that American actions against North Korea form part of a strategy of political manoeuvring in pursuit of a grander aim, China.

    http://www.khilafah.com/putting-the-trump-kim-summit-in-perspective/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=twitter&utm_s ource=socialnetwork
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  12. #69
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

    The global fiat economy is approaching a massive downturn and the method being used to mask it and keep government coffers filled despite the low trade is via both secular governments milking more from the predicted reduced imports.

    All of these secularist economies are tied together through the usury system so there's no real conflict - the usurers plan to do what they normally do too - and that is: increase usury rates, but this time - force in the secular government regulated digital currencies after milking and imploding the current "alternative" digital currencies which the usury barons were behind anyway.


    Rothschilds at work - and i saw that seven fat lions were devouring seven starved tigers....




    The Cabinet cited other causes of the famine rarely mentioned in latter-day denunciations of Churchill:
    ....the shortages were “partly political in character, caused by Marwari supporters of Congress [Gandhi’s party] in an effort to embarrass the existing Muslim Government of Bengal.”
    Another cause, they added, was corrupt local officials: “The Government of India were unduly tender with speculators and hoarders.”.....




    The first, the Bengal famine of 1770, is estimated to have taken the lives of nearly one-third of the population of the region—about 10 million people.[25] The impact of the famine caused East India Company revenues from Bengal to decline to £174,300 in 1770–71. The stock price of the East India Company fell sharply as a result. The company was forced to obtain a loan of £1 million from the Bank of England to fund the annual military budget of between £60,000–1 million.[26] Attempts were later made to show that net revenue was unaffected by the famine, but this was possible only because the collection had been "violently kept up to its former standard".[27][fn 4] The 1901 Famine Commission found that twelve famines and four "severe scarcities" took place between 1765 and 1858.



    Bengal Famine of 1770
    The Bengal famine of 1770 was a catastrophic famine that between 1769 and 1773 affected the lower Gangetic plain of India. The famine is supposed to have caused the deaths of an estimated 10 million people, approximately one-third of the population at the time.
    The famine occurred in the territory which was called Bengal, then ruled by the British East India Company. This territory included modern West Bengal, Bangladesh, and parts of Assam, Orissa, Bihar, and Jharkhand. It was originally a province of the Mughal empire, from the 16th century, and was ruled by a Nawab, or governor. The Nawab had become effectively independent by the beginning of the 18th century, though in theory was still a tributary power of the Great Mughal in Delhi.
    In the 17th century, the British East India Company had been given a grant on the town of Calcutta, by the Mughal emperor Akbar. At this time the Company was effectively another tributary power of the Mughal. During the following century, the Company obtained sole trading rights for the province, and went on to become the dominant power in Bengal. In 1757, at the battle of Plassey, the British defeated the then Nawab, Siraj Ud Daulah, and plundered the Bengali treasury. In 1764 their military control was reaffirmed at Buxar. The subsequent treaty gained them the Diwani, that is the taxation rights: in effect, the Company became the ruler of Bengal.

    The famine
    About 10 million people, approximately one third of the population of the affected area, are thought to have died in the famine. The regions in which the famine occurred included especially the modern Indian states of Bihar and West Bengal, but the famine also extended into Orissa and Jharkhand, as well as modern Bangladesh. Among the worst affected areas were Birbhum and Murshidabad, in Bengal, and Tirhut, Champaran and Bettiah, in Bihar.
    A partial shortfall in crops, considered nothing out of the ordinary, occurred in 1768 and was followed in late 1769 by more severe conditions. By September 1769 there was a severe drought, and alarming reports were coming in of rural distress. These were, however, ignored by Company officers.
    By early 1770 there was starvation, and, by mid 1770, deaths from starvation were occurring on a large scale. There were also reports of the living feeding on the bodies of the dead in the middle of that year. Smallpox and other diseases further took their toll of the population
    . Later in 1770, good rainfall resulted in a good harvest and the famine abated. However, other shortfalls occurred in the following years, raising the total death toll.
    As a result of the famine large areas were depopulated and returned to jungle for decades to come, as the survivors migrated in mass in a search for food. Many cultivated lands were abandoned: much of Birbhum, for instance, returned to jungle and was virtually impassable for decades afterwards. From 1772, bands of bandits and thugs became an established feature of Bengal, and these were only controlled by punitive actions in the 1780s.

    East India Company responsibilities
    Fault for the famine is now often ascribed to the British East India Company policies in Bengal. As a trading body, its first remit was to maximise its profits and with taxation rights the profits to be obtained from Bengal came from land tax as well as trade tariffs. As lands came under company control, the land tax was typically raised by 3 to 4 times what it had been – from 10-15% up to 50% of the value of the agricultural produce. In the first years of the rule of the British East India Company, the total land tax income was doubled and most of this revenue flowed out of the country. As the famine approached its height, in April of 1770, the Company announced that land tax for the following year was to be increased by 10%.
    The company is also criticised for forbidding the "hoarding" of rice. This prevented traders and dealers from laying in reserves that in other times would have tided the population over lean periods.
    By the time of the famine, monopolies in grain trading had been established by the Company and its agents. The Company had no plan for dealing with the grain shortage, and actions were only taken insofar as they affected the mercantile and trading classes. Land revenue decreased by 14% during the affected year, but recovered rapidly (Kumkum Chatterjee). According to McLane, the first governor-general of British India, Warren Hastings, acknowledged "violent" tax collecting after 1771: revenues earned by the Company were higher in 1771 than in 1768 [1]. Globally, the profit of the Company increased from 15 million rupees in 1765 up to 30 million rupees in 1777.

    Romesh Chunder Dutt, The Economic History of India under early British Rule, Routledge, 2001, ISBN 0-415-24493-5
    John R. McLane, Land and Local Kingship in 18th century Bengal, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-52654-X
    Kumkum Chatterjee, Merchants, Politics and Society in Early Modern India: Bihar: 1733-1820, Brill Academic Publishers, 1996, ISBN 90-04-10303-1
    Brooks Adams, The Laws of Civilizations and Decay. An Essays on History, New York, 1898
    External links
    Section VII from Dharampal, India Before British Rule and the Basis for India's Resurgence, 1998.
    Chapter IX. The famine of 1770 in Bengal in John Fiske, The Unseen World, and other essays
    History of West Bengal & Calcutta
    First World Hegemony and Mass Mortality - from Bengal to Afghanistan and Iraq
    R.C. Dutt, The Economic History of India.
    Bengal Famine of 1770
    October 2006


    The British engineered some of the worst holocausts in world. Of the many that they engineered, the Bengal Famine (actually multiple) were so horrific that even Hitler would hang his head down in shame and even Jews would stop blabbering about their ‘6 Million’ (a figure that they have been historically using long since World War I started). In this article on 1770 Bengal Famine facts, we will walk you through the first major famine engineered by British Empire in Indian subcontinent and we strongly believe that every British should get down on his / her knees and utter just one word to India – SORRY! They cannot give monetary reparations to India because they don’t have the financial power but a simple SORRY will be just fine.

    Let us begin…

    1770 Bengal Famine Facts: 1-5

    1. During the British Raj in India, the subcontinent experienced countless famines and the worst hit was Bengal. The first Bengal Famine came in 1770.

    2. The other ones that had hit Bengal were in the years 1783, 1866, 1873, 1892, 1897 and finally in 1943. All of them were severe but the one that stands out is the famine of 1943.

    3. The first Bengal Famine of 1770 was ghastly brutal. The signs of the onslaught started showing a year before in 1769 and Bengal was hit by the disaster in 1770, which continued till 1773.

    4. An estimated 10 million people in Bengal province died – that’s 4 million more than the claimed 6 million Jews being incarcerated during World War II.

    5. John Fiske – American historian and philosopher wrote in his book titled ‘The Unseen World’ that the Bengal Famine of 1770 was way deadlier than Black Death that took whole of Europe in its embrace during the 14th century.

    1770 Bengal Famine Facts: 6-10

    6. Before the advent of the British, the Mughals had a simple policy. The peasants were made to pay 10% to 15% of the cash harvest to the Emperor. The tribute (taxes) thus paid created a massive treasury for Mughal rulers.

    7. The treasury was a fall back option just in case the weather in following years didn’t permit proper harvest. The treasury would then be diverted to peasants and general populace.

    8. It wasn’t unusual for peasants to face what is called ‘Partial Crop Failure’. After paying 10% to 15% tribute to the emperor, peasants would still have surplus stock at their hands to help them during times of partial crop failure. This method worked just fine.

    9. Then things changed in 1765. That was the year when Treaty of Allahabad was signed between British East India Company and Shah Alam II – the Mughal Emperor.

    10. The Treaty of Allahabad shifted the tax collecting power to the hands of British East India Company. The company suddenly increased the tribute (as they preferred to call it instead of taxes) were increased to 50%. The peasants had no idea that the money had changed hands and that the taxes were now going to British East India Company and not the emperor.

    1770 Bengal Famine Facts: 11-15

    11. Partial crop failure occurred in 1768. It was nothing out of the ordinary. But in 1769, the rain was dismal. Alarming reports started to float around from rural areas of Bengal Province that was now under British control.

    12. The province consisted mainly of modern day West Bengal and Bangladesh and even parts of Orissa, Bihar, Assam and Jharkhand. These were the worst hit areas. Dismal rain resulted in loss of harvest.

    13. Peasants in these areas were by this time in serious condition. The surplus was gone because of extra taxation. By early 1770 starvation had already set it. By middle of the year, the starvation of so severe and large scale that people who lived were reported to be eating the dead.

    14. In Bengal, the worst hit areas were Murshidabad and Birbhum. Thousands of peasants and common populace decided to migrate to other places hoping to find better conditions. Things didn’t work out the way they thought. They died and those who stayed behind, died as well.

    15. Farmers abandoned huge tracts of farmlands and the British did nothing to revert the conditions. The farmlands became inhabitable jungles over time.

    1770 Bengal Famine Facts: 16-20

    16. Unlike the Mughal rulers, the British were totally blind the effects of the famine. The Indian rulers, at times of famines, would take measures like:

    Waiving off the taxes completely.
    Using treasury to provide food the affected people.
    Implement irrigation projects to provide as much relief they could to the peasants.

    17. Diametrically opposite to what the Mughals did, the British actually went on to increase the taxation to 60% in 1771 when the famine was at its peak and killing people left and right.

    18. By increasing the taxes to 60%, the British wanted to make up for their losses in terms of tax collection and intended to fill up their treasury.

    19. Because many peasants died, there were only a few left to cultivate. This resulted in fewer crops. Fewer crops meant less revenue for the surviving peasants and in turn, increased taxation meant more pressure on surviving peasants.

    20. To make things worse, the British had, after taking over from the Mughals, ordered cultivation of cash crops like poppy, indigo and other items that had high market value.

    1770 Bengal Famine Facts: 21-25

    21. The farmers used to grow vegetables and paddy and this sudden change in crops led to shortage of edible crops. Absence of back up of edible crops killed more people.

    22. The rice that was already produced before the onset of the famine was deliberately hoarded by the British and not released. The revenue collected from land taxation mainly flowed out of India to Britain.......

    Churchill was actually diverting food to soldiery in his war games - and making the resultant famine out to be a nuisance, and using the catastrophe as a tool to get the locals who had been set on each other to accept crooked british banker and government solutions.

    Peace, order and a high condition of war-time well-being among the masses of the people constitute the essential foundation of the forward thrust against the enemy….The hard pressures of world-war have for the first time for many years brought conditions of scarcity, verging in some localities into actual famine, upon India. Every effort must be made, even by the diversion of shipping urgently needed for war purposes, to deal with local shortages….Every effort should be made by you to assuage the strife between the Hindus and Moslems and to induce them to work together for the common good.6
    Last edited by Abz2000; 06-16-2018 at 08:55 PM.
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons

    I wonder where Kim is going to stash his nukes.
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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons


    Another update


    BAKU - The demilitarized zone that runs across the Korean Peninsula seems like the outcome of the armed conflict that devastated the area in the 1950s. However, an in-depth examination of Korea’s modern history reveals how the peninsula was caught in a tug of war between regional and Western powers. Thereby, planting the seeds that would ultimately result in the division of the Korean nation into north and south.

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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons


    A little old but like to share. A different perspective.


    North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un is a rational mastermind who does anything and everything to stay in power, even with most of the world against him.

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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons


    Hmmm seems progress towards peace is being made.


    South Korean President Moon Jae-in and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have signed a joint statement following their bilateral talks in Pyongyang. The countries’ defense chiefs have meanwhile signed a separate military pact.

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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons


    Another update, Trump and Kim have met again. Taking place in Hanoi Vietnam.

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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons


    Hmmm the summit didnt go to well.

    North Korea 'restoring' rocket site after Trump nuclear talks collapse

    Satellite imagery appears to show that the rebuilding work began in recent weeks.

    North Korea is reportedly rebuilding facilities at a long-range rocket launch site that was recently dismantled as part of peace talks with the US.

    Roofs, walls and doors have been put up again at the Tongchang-ri complex, where several satellites have been launched over recent years.

    It has been dormant since August 2018 and used to use intercontinental ballistic missile technology banned by the UN, the Centre for Strategic and International Studies said.

    The development comes after a high-stakes nuclear summit between leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump broke down.

    outh Korean politicians were briefed about the site's restoration by the country's spy agency, according to the JoongAng Ilbo newspaper.

    National Intelligence Service director Suh Hoon believes the move could be a ploy by Pyongyang to restart long-range missile test launches in the event nuclear disarmament talks completely collapse.

    Alternatively, he suggested that North Korea may be adding new structures to blow up the site in dramatic fashion. This could be regarded as a commitment to denuclearisation when US inspectors visit if negotiations with Washington go well.

    Representatives for South Korean politicians who took part in the briefing could not immediately confirm the claims.

    An article from 38 North, a website specialising in North Korea studies, cited commercial satellite imagery as suggesting the rebuild started sometime between 16 February and 2 March.

    It captured two cranes and images which appear to show the rail-mounted transfer building being reassembled.

    At the engine test stand, the website said it appears that the engine support structure is being reassembled.

    The UN imposed sanctions on North Korea after performing satellite launches from the site, which were regarded as a disguised test of missile technology.

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    Re: Why North Korea wants nuclear weapons


    Trump and Kim meet again.


    Donald Trump became the first sitting American president to set foot in North Korea, briefly crossing the border in the Demilitarized Zone after meeting the country’s leader Kim Jong Un for the third time. The two leaders shook hands and then spoke with reporters before entering a building on the South Korean side of the border. Trump hailed ties with Kim and invited him to the White House.

    “Stepping across that line was a great honor,” Trump said.

    “It’s a very courageous and determined act,” Kim said through a translator.


    US President Donald Trump has met Kim Jong-un at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which separates South and North Korea, for a handshake.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 07-02-2019 at 10:05 PM.
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