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Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

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    Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

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    The latest article posted by Shaykh Imran hosein on MuslimVillage.

    Check it out.

    This essay was written more than four months ago. I do believe that Iran should remain on high alert during this final phase of the World Cup Football competition in Germany.

    Imran N. Hosein


    Imran N. Hosein

    ([email protected]; www.imranhosein.org)

    They are a people whose wickedness and godlessness are without parallel in history. Yet they succeed in constantly replicating themselves amongst the peoples of the world, who then become the people of Gog and Magog. They started with the medieval crusades, which were so-called holy wars that Europe fought against Islam. And now, in the last stage of their unholy mission, they wage war on Iran in order to steal, in broad daylight, Iran’s oil and gas.

    Their mastermind, who is an imposter, creates very clever diversions (such as world-cup football) to mask their wicked deeds, and to divert attention from his ominously unfolding master-plan to eventually rule the world from Jerusalem, and to then declare himself to be the true Messiah. He seeks to mask this evil attack on Iran by resorting to the greatest diversion of all. That is the explanation for the nuclear ‘scarecrow’, and for the surfacing of utterly despicable cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him).

    But they cannot defeat the Prophet’s religion since Allah Most High will answer the prayer of Jesus, the true Messiah, when he returns, and destroy them. They cannot silence even Nelson Mandela and Harry Belafonte who continue to courageously denounce them for their terrorism, arrogance and evil deeds.

    But for now we continue to watch in amazement as they deliberately antagonize Muslims around the world with these cartoons and, in the process, cleverly create opportunities for their many clients, so-called Muslim leaders who serve them as house-slaves, to now seek to rebuild their tattered credentials as champions of Islam, and to capitalize on growing Muslim rage around the world. These clients will now organize massive demonstrations of protest even though they never shed a teardrop for Haiti, and never lifted even a little finger when Iraq and Afghanistan were attacked and occupied. But they will now beat the drums of war in a fearsome display of hypocrisy.

    And as the secularized world recoils from the crescendo of such Muslim protest, and yet another massive terrorist attack on some holy western target conveniently occurs, Israel would seek to convert public opinion to her cause of waging war on Iran in order to save the world from Islam. Smart, isn’t it? but quite unworthy of the so-called “chosen people” of Almighty God!

    They plan their plans, and He plans His plans, and He is the best of planners!


    It now seems certain that an unjust western war on Iran would be launched as soon as the managed formalities are over, and even while the equally unjust wars on Iraq and Afghanistan are still being waged. We analyze possible consequences of that war and suggest that this time it might not be yet another Anglo-American war waged on Israel’s behalf. Rather, Israel could step out from behind the curtains that have hitherto cleverly concealed her, and assume her pre-planned leadership role in waging her own war in her own interest. USA and Britain would then play uncomfortably new supporting roles in this final stage of their unholy triple alliance. Such an Israeli-led war could witness the introduction of new weapons of warfare never used or even seen before.

    Despite western calculations that paint a rosy picture of such a war delivering to the west, and hence to Israel, control over Iran’s oil, in addition to the rest of the Gulf oil already under their direct and indirect control, the several uncertainties that attend such a war could precipitate events with calamitous consequences for USA in particular. Israel, on the other hand, would ‘appear’ to succeed in that war while oblivious of the fact that an attack on Islamic Iran would trigger a much bigger war that would last for another fifty years.

    War on Iran would certainly impact on the price of oil and that, in turn, could function as the catalyst that would cause the rapid meltdown of the utterly fraudulent US dollar, and culminate with USA losing its dominant position as the ruling State in the world. In a surprise of all surprises, Israel could then replace USA as the new ruling State in the world, while controlling the new electronic money-system of the world that would then totally replace paper-money.

    If and when Israel does achieve such a status it would appear to take the Euro-Jewish State one step closer to realizing her so-called Biblical messianic destiny. But the view from Islam is that the reality of such a development would be quite the opposite. And as Islam’s view is finally confirmed it would be proof enough of Truth in Islam.

    Experts of strategic affairs, as well as political analysts of events now rapidly unfolding in the world, usually shy away from this topic for fear of loss of earnings and prestige, and because of an even greater fear of the charge of "anti-Semitism". They should no longer resist the compelling evidence that there is a crucially important religious (scriptural and eschatological) dimension to this subject which, if not embraced and carefully studied, would result in woefully inadequate understanding of those events. And unless one understands the ominously unfolding world in this, the last stage of history, one can never hope to respond correctly to its many challenges.

    When this subject is adequately explained, on the other hand, it boosts the morale of those Muslims, few as they may be, who have the courage and integrity to proclaim the words of the Qur’an: “Verily my prayer, and my service of sacrifice, and my very living and dying are all for Allah – the Lord-God of all the worlds.” And they respond, come what may, by courageously resisting the oppressor!

    There are multitudes today, however, who are embraced by Gog and Magog. They have eyes and yet do not see, ears and yet do not hear, hearts and yet do not understand. They are usually led by those who worship at the altar of a US visa. They are just like cattle, and they have a status that is less than a footnote on this momentous page of the book of history. They are like the people of Noah. The few who were with Noah in the Ark looked down as that multitude perished in the water and left behind a grim divine warning that it could be the fire next time.

    This is not the Biblical Israel of David and Solomon (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) but, rather, an imposter. Truth is incompatible with blasphemy, decadence, lies, deception, oppression, State-sponsored terrorism, etc. This Israel is taking its people, their friends and supporters, down a road that would culminate with the greatest Divine punishment ever. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prophesied that awesome end of history more than a thousand years ago.

    Preparing for War

    The deceptive Western-dominated international news media is now busy supporting a western diplomacy of intimidation and blackmail that targets Iran, and consequently prepares the world for an attack on Iran’s nuclear plants (and other related facilities). They must have made a secret deal with Russia, China and India, perhaps offering to share with them Iran’s oil after they grab it, in order to win their support for referring Iran to the UN Security Council. There are many others who today vote with fear of the oppressor and are intimidated to reluctantly support him in his oppression. And then there is my Venezuelan neighbor, Hugo Chavez, who, like Malcolm X, has no fear and cannot be bought!

    They are craftily laying the foundation for justifying blatant aggression on the grounds that they exhausted all possible peaceful responses to what is made to appear a grave potential Iranian/Muslim nuclear threat to Israel and to the world. Consider the following four quotes of misinformation randomly selected:

    "We should see that we use and exhaust to the best of our powers the diplomatic solutions that remain available," said German Foreign Minister Franz-Walter Steinmeier last week.

    The International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, today reported Iran to the U.N. Security Council in a resolution expressing concern that Tehran's nuclear program may not be "exclusively for peaceful purposes."

    “Iran is determined to have nuclear weapons, especially under the administration of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who's angered Europeans by calling for Israel to be "wiped off the map" and saying that the Holocaust was "a myth."

    "Iran has been pursuing nuclear weapons for years, but now, in the framework of President Ahmadinejad's second Islamic revolution, they fit perfectly." "He not only wants them, he wants to use them as a threat to expand Islamic influence."

    But Jewish Israel, in fact, faces no nuclear threat at all from a Muslim country whose strict Islamic government has not only chosen to maintain Iran’s membership in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, as well as to strictly comply with its obligation under that Treaty not to acquire nuclear weapons, but has also gone on public record in its opposition, on Islamic religious grounds, to the use of nuclear weapons in warfare.

    In addition, and as in the previous case of Iraq, there is no evidence at all that Iran is even remotely close to being even ‘capable’ of acquiring nuclear weapons, – that is in the unlikely event that Iran has chosen to secretly pursue such an unethical effort.

    Implications of Iran secretly pursuing a nuclear weapons program

    If Iran were to secretly seek to develop nuclear weapons while publicly denying such, then whenever that is confirmed it would result in a devastating and irreparable loss of the regime’s Islamic credentials. After all, the Qur’an has firmly commanded Muslims to honor treaty obligations. (Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:1) Islamic Iran therefore has a religious duty to honor its obligation under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to refrain from the development and acquisition of nuclear weapons. In addition to its moral and religious obligation to adhere to the command of Allah Most High in the Qur’an, as well as to the Sunnah of the blessed Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) in respect of negotiating in “good faith” and in honoring treaty obligations, Iran’s leadership position of the Shia Islamic world and its continuing rivalry with Sunni Islam should be sufficient to convince the sane world that Shia Iran would never commit such an act of religious suicide (i.e., violating its solemn treaty obligations). But there are some who question the sanity of those who waged war on Iraq while hiding behind a mountain of lies.

    The problem that we now face is that today’s Judeo-Christian Euro-world-order is incapable of trusting anyone at all. They have established a record of deceit, cunning, double standards and lies in the conduct of their affairs with the non-European world. They have given their word and then broken that word time and again. They have repudiated and violated solemn treaty obligations time and again. They have planned and executed terrorist attacks upon innocent people in many parts of the world, including their own cities, and then blamed it on others in order to justify war on Afghanistan, Iraq and Islam. The nuclear impasse with Iran, and the dubious justification that it provides for war on that country appear, in this context, to be deliberately and maliciously contrived.

    The western world has established an immoral new norm in the ethics of warfare in which war can now be waged on the basis of maliciously conceived presumption. This has truly ominous implications for mankind. Only Gog, Magog, bandits and scoundrels wage wars of aggression based on lies in order to seize other peoples’ oil resources. Malcolm X would have warned them that “chickens do come home to roost”.

    Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the other hand, set a lofty standard for the conduct of State in respect of the ethics of war. His Sunnah, or example, is that war is to be waged only in response to aggression, or in order to liberate the oppressed (on the condition that they, the oppressed, themselves cry out for help to be liberated from oppression). The Qur’anic revelation itself recognized that the blessed Prophet disliked war. But Allah Most High warned that “if some men did not stand up to others the earth would be overtaken by oppression”. (Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:251)

    The modern essentially godless western man is incapable of conceiving that Iran can be speaking the truth in this matter, and is acting in accordance with a moral standard which precludes the possibility of any acquisition of nuclear weapons. Hence the west is preparing the world for yet another Judeo-Christian western war of aggression against a non-European Muslim people, - waged on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel. The Crusades, it would appear, would only end when Israel replaces USA as the ruling State in the world, and the false Messiah (Anti-Christ) proclaims himself to be the Messiah to the adoring applause of all those who now support Israel, and who journey to Jerusalem to pay homage to her and to thus confirm that support.

    Let them know that the Qur’an has declared that this world is a moral order in which the oppressor will one day come face to face with the truly terrible consequences of his oppression. Muslims are confident that the return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) would result in the triumph of Truth in Islam.

    Who will attack Iran?

    Even as the case for Western war on Iran is being built with the same lies, deception and fanatical resolve which attended the commencement of the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, it is quite clear that a US President who faces increasing difficulties at home in defending an unpopular war on Iraq cannot readily or easily embark upon another war on Iran. There would be serious political risks for hi, and for his party, in such a dangerous and misguided military adventure. Indeed if USA launches war on Iran, and occupies Iran’s oil belt, and then faces an immensely strengthened armed resistance to its occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, and if the US dollar and, consequently, the US economy, were to meltdown, President Bush would surly be impeached. And if USA cannot lead the war on Iran then it is impossible for Britain to do so.

    Whether it is by design or by chance, that leaves only one European nation capable of taking the lead in that war on Iran, and that is the Euro-Jewish State of Israel.

    Iran neither wants war with Israel, nor is preparing to commence one. Iran would suffer immensely from war with Israel, while Israel would hardly suffer any significant losses from such a war for which she is more than adequately prepared. Israel would not wage war on a Muslim people at this time by invading and occupying their territory. The armies of the western world as well as their client-State allies have been used as cannon-fodder for such ground combat. Israel has been waging war on the Palestinian people with awesome firepower from the air, as well as with small fast-moving commando teams infiltrating their territory in hit-and-run missions. Israeli conventional wars have also been of very short duration (six days, for example) so that they do not allow the Muslim world sufficient time to mobilize for Jihad.

    If western troops hesitate to face the horrendously dangerous mission of physically occupying Iran’s oil belt, then the alternative would have to be a lightening Israeli aerial attack so powerful and destructive that it would pulverize and incapacitate Iran. Only nuclear warfare can deliver such a result. We can now understand the French President’s helping hand in preparing public opinion to accept such an eventuality. He recently warned that France would not hesitate to respond with nuclear weapons, if necessary, in the event that France was to become the target of a terrorist attack.

    The lightning Israeli attack on Iraq’s Osiraq nuclear reactor in June 1981, shortly before the reactor was scheduled to go into operation, resulted in its complete destruction. Yet Israel has not faced any significant retaliation or suffered any loss at all from that blatant act of aggression. US-led attacks on Iraq in 1991, and again ten years later, made it impossible for that country to ever respond effectively to the Israeli aggression.

    If and when she does attack Iran, Israel would want to so cripple that country as to make it impossible for Iran, as well, to ever mount an effective armed response. Israel is therefore likely to expand her military targets beyond the Iranian nuclear sites, and while it is certain that fighter aircraft with guided missiles would be used to attack a host of targets scattered all over Iran, it is not unthinkable that Israel could resort to such a use of nuclear weapons that would leave Iran nursing many Hiroshimas and Nagasakis.

    Nuclear weapons could be used, for example, to so destroy Iran’s oil installations that it would be impossible to restore the export of Iranian oil for years to come. The consequence for the Iranian economy, which is largely dependent on oil revenues, would be disastrous. Indeed the economy would grind to a halt, and in the economic chaos that would follow, it would be unthinkable for Iran to launch any kind of conventional or nuclear war on Israel for many years to come.

    It is more likely, however, that Israel would seek to seize control of Iran’s oil-belt in an Israeli bid to so control the world’s oil resources at a time when the price of oil has been deliberately driven up, that the world can be held to ransom by an Israel in quest of rule over the whole world. For that reason the use of nuclear weapons could be restricted to so incapacitating Iran that it would be impossible for that country’s armed forces to defend the oil-belt that the unholy triple alliance wants to seize.

    Real reasons for War on Iran

    It should be clear that the primary purpose of an Israeli attack on Iran would be political, economic and strategic (grabbing Iran’s oil and getting rid of a hostile Islamic regime) rather than strictly military, since Iran poses no significant military threat to either Israel or the west. What are the likely political, economic and strategic objectives of a war on Iran and how do they relate to Euro-Jewish State’s ultimate destiny?

    The use of nuclear weapons against a weaker non-nuclear-weapons State would clearly represent a manifestly disproportionate, unjust and immoral response to a presumed distant potential threat.

    But Israel’s use of nuclear weapons in an attack on Iran would advance her strategic objective of replacing USA as the ‘ruling State’ in the world since a ruling State must not only be a nuclear-weapons State but must also demonstrate its preparedness to use that nuclear power.

    It is only when religious scholarship is combined with scholarship in international affairs that one can discover that ultimate Israeli strategic objective that is linked with the Jewish belief in the advent of “a Messiah who would rule the world from the throne of David, i.e., the Holy State of Israel”. The Messiah would thus restore the golden age of David and Solomon (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) when the believers (in the One true God) ruled the world from the Holy Land. This is precisely what Jesus would do when he returns. But they rejected him as the true Messiah and are hence now condemned to be complicit in the nuclear adventure that the false Messiah is about to unleash upon an unsuspecting mankind.

    Implications for Christians

    If Israel succeeds in replacing USA as the ruling State in the world, such a spectacular success would certainly be used to validate the Jewish claim to ‘truth’. Christians need to be reminded, however, that the Jewish version of truth is one in which Jesus, the son of the virgin Mary, is considered to be a ‘-------’ and an ‘imposter’ whose death “by hanging” (crucifixion is considered to be a form of hanging) confirmed him as “the cursed of the Lord-God”. (Deuteronomy, 21:23) This can hardly be expected to give comfort to the large number of Christians who have been duped into supporting the Euro-Jewish State willy-nilly on the grounds that such support fulfills Biblical prophecy.

    It seems likely that Christian blindness of that true Israeli goal would persist until the true Messiah, the son of Mary, himself returns and kills the false Messiah or Anti-Christ. When, at that time, they finally wake up to the grand deception, it would be too late to change course and avert the awesome punishment which awaits those who persisted in their solidarity with Israel despite its awesome godlessness, wickedness and oppression.

    Christians should now carefully consider the fact that Muslims share with them common beliefs such as:

    • Jesus was born of a virgin mother;
    • he was the true Messiah;
    • he performed many miracles;
    • the Israelites were denounced for their wickedness;
    • they conspired to crucify him;
    • Allah Most High raised him unto Himself;
    • Jesus will one day return to rule the world with justice (from Jerusalem);
    • his return would result in the triumph of truth over falsehood and justice over injustice in the world;
    • his return would bring an end to history; and most Muslims as well as Christians believe that his triumphant Messianic return is now imminent.

    It remains now for Christians to come to Islam where they will find a Jesus who is not God, nor son of God, but His Messenger or Prophet; where the One God neither begets nor is begotten, and none is like unto Him; and where God Himself declares that He made it appear unto the Jews that Jesus was crucified whereas he was not!

    Iran would withdraw from NPT and begin the quest for Nuclear Weapons Deterrent

    Whether or not nuclear weapons are used in an Israeli attack on Iran, the fact remains that such an attack would almost certainly result in an Iranian withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and in the Iranian people and government solemnly committing themselves to struggle, by any means necessary, to acquire an Iranian nuclear weapons deterrent with which to protect themselves from the bandits who now rule the world. Such a response would find significant support from the Qur’an itself which has ordered Muslims to build power to the maximum extent possible so that such power might function as deterrence. (Qur’an, al-Anfal, 8:60; 73, etc.)

    Indeed Mohammed-Nabi Rudaki, deputy chairman of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, has already warned that his country might resign its membership in the International Atomic Energy Agency and withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    The Iranians would also be following in the example of Pakistan whose then leader, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, responded to the carefully-timed intimidation of the Indian nuclear explosion in April 1974 (India’s response to the Lahore Islamic Summit Conference of February 1974) with a national commitment to develop a Pakistani nuclear deterrent “even if we have to eat grass”. Pakistan eventually succeeded in that effort and there is no reason to doubt that the Iranians would eventually do likewise. It would only be a matter of time. An attack on Iran would thus set the world up for an Armageddon that Christians already expect. Only the deaf, dumb and blind would fail to distinguish the aggressor from the victims of aggression in that final war of all wars, and only those devoid of faith would fail to recognize that justice and truth must triumph over oppression and falsehood when the true Messiah returns. Those who have eyes and can see the truth here explained, should embrace Islam (and get on board the Ark) before the deluge comes it is too late to do so.

    Attack on Iran can destabilize Pakistan’s pro-American and pro-Israeli Regime

    An Israeli attack on Iran can result in even more ominous consequences for the Euro-Jewish State since it could provoke an already agitated Muslim people in Pakistan to such a boiling-point of resentment and anger that could threaten the very survival of the pro-American and pro-Israeli Musharraf regime in Pakistan. That regime is already universally despised in Pakistan.

    If the present client-regime in Pakistan were to be replaced through a military coup, or a bloody insurrection, by a leader with credentials of opposition to American and Israeli oppression and aggression against Muslims, Israel would certainly reverse her current ‘blind-eye’ towards Pakistan’s nuclear-weapons capability and argue that those weapons pose a threat to her very survival. The world would then witness yet another Judeo-Christian Euro-crusade against a non-European Muslim people.

    Already it is clear that Muslim public opinion around the world is firmly in favor of such leaders who can resist western and Israeli oppression and their dirty war on Islam. It was because an opportunity presented itself for such that the last presidential election in Iran resulted in a maverick and diplomatically immature but anti-American and anti-Israeli Mayor of Teheran soundly defeating ex-President Rafsanjani who was mature and diplomatically astute but whose credentials of standing up to the oppressor were less than impressive.

    It was again precisely such an opportunity which explains the electoral victory of the Palestinian Hamas Islamic resistance movement that has courageously resisted Israeli oppression, over a secular Fatah with a tarnished record of resisting the oppressor in the occupied Holy Land. Indeed a western attack on Iran would almost certainly inflame Muslim public opinion around the world to such an extent that at least some pro-American leaders and regimes in the Muslim world may fall. Such a development would be a tremendous loss of face for the US administration.

    Attack on Iran would cause a dramatic rise in price of both Oil and Gold with ominous implications for the US $

    It is certain that an attack on Iran would result in an instantaneous and dramatic rise in oil prices as well as the price of gold. Few people seem to realize that when the price of gold ‘goes up” it actually amounts to the value of the US dollar ‘going down’. In September 1971 the US government, having solemnly pledged its word, broke its word and scrapped the Breton Woods Accord. Britain had acted in September 1971 in accordance with her rights under the Breton Woods Accord in demanding that the US government redeem for gold (at $35. per ounce of gold) a few billion dollars of British-held US dollars. USA was legally obliged to do so under international law, but did not have the gold to redeem all the dollars it had printed and put in circulation both domestically and overseas. That was fraud. It should have led to war. But all that happened was that US simply broke her word, reneged from her treaty obligations and scrapped the Breton Woods Accord.

    The value of the US dollar has been generally based since then on market demand around the world. Specifically, however, the US dollar has kept its strength because of imperial America’s control over its oil-exporting client-States -- ensuring that the dollar be the currency that must be used for the purchase of oil.

    USA was clever enough to get the world to accept that it could take any amount of paper and make money with it, and so long as mankind accepted that paper-money, and there was demand for it, USA did not have to worry about where it would find the money to pay for imports, goods, services, etc. It would simply print the paper. But USA was clever and wicked enough to ensure that there would be a substantial and significant demand for US paper dollars by imposing upon oil exporting countries the obligation to sell their oil for that US paper-money. The result was that the demand for US dollars remained forever strong, indeed stronger by far than the demand for any other paper money.

    But war on Iran would certainly disrupt oil supplies from that country and could, conceivably, also result in a shut-down of the strategic Straits of Hormuz through which tankers laden with Gulf oil must pass to get to the open seas.

    "If Europe does not act wisely with the Iranian nuclear portfolio and it is referred to the U.N. Security Council and economic or air travel restrictions are imposed unjustly, we have the power to halt oil supply to the last drop from the shores of the Persian Gulf via the Straits of Hormuz," said Mohammed-Nabi Rudaki, deputy chairman of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission.

    Twenty-five percent of the world's oil production passes through the Straits of Hormuz, which connects the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean. If Iran were to carry out such a threat, other big oil producers in the region, such as the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, would be unable to export oil.

    Oil prices could conceivably increase to $200. a barrel or more, and as the price of gold also escalates as it did in January 1980 ($850. an oz.) the US dollar would so lose value as to become a very significant liability. If some Central Banks and large corporations respond to the falling value of the dollar by turning away from the US dollar in search of a more stable currency which could store value with greater reliability, and if the proposed Iranian oil bourse succeeds in offering an alternative to the dollar for the purchase of oil, this would have disastrous consequences for the dollar. If the US dollar loses its current status as the international currency such could doom the dollar to a collapse that would bring down with it all the paper-money in the world. It would also mark the end of the era of American dominance over the rest of the world as the ruling State in the world. That would be an entirely positive development for an Israel that is just biding its time to replace USA as the ruling State in the world.

    Stab in the Back for US Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan but opportunity for Israel

    An Israeli attack on Iran and a western occupation of Iran’s oil belt would provoke an instantaneous and dramatic increase in the size and power of the armed Muslim resistance to US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Even more ominously, both Sunni and Shia Muslims would now jointly wage the armed struggle to liberate these territories from US occupation. Anti-war public opinion in USA would force a repetition of the US withdrawal from Vietnam. In addition US troops in places such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey and so many other Muslim countries would either have to withdraw or go into hiding. This would imply both military and political disaster for USA and would precipitate her rapid decline as the ruling State in the world.

    A nuclear attack on Iran would also expose US troops in Iraq to dangerous nuclear radio-active fallout.

    But it would also present to the world a carefully engineered spectacle of an Israel bereft of US protective security, hemmed in by the so-called rising tide of militant Islam, and threatened with destruction. Thus the necessary conditions would have been cleverly and deliberately created for Israel to claim a causus bellum that would justify Israel’s great war that would deliver, in turn, a dramatic territorial expansion of the State (“from the river of Egypt to the great river – the river Euphrates”). Israel would seize control of the Suez Canal as well as all the oil in the Persian Gulf while finally embracing the fraudulent Biblical frontiers of Holy Israel.

    And so, an Israeli attack on Iran would lay the foundations for, and create the conditions that would eventually justify, Israel’s greater war that is to come which, in turn, would confirm her status as the new ruling State in the world. This is no conspiracy theory but, rather, the truth about a monstrously evil plan that continues to be confirmed as events unfold in the world.


    PS. This writer would welcome comments on this essay. You may write to him at [email protected]
    HERE is another article written by Shaykh Imran Hosein.
    Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    wwwislamicboardcom - Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    Israel doesn't care to 'wipe Iran off the map'...

    It is Iran that cares to 'wipe Israel off the map'.
    Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    wwwislamicboardcom - Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs
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    SirZubair's Avatar Full Member
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    Lost in translation.

    Lost in translation

    A little something posted by my Ustad / Teacher.

    format_quote Originally Posted by afroz,Jun 26 2006, 03:55 PM
    Assalaam Alaikum,

    I received this email, and thought will be good for you all to know about. Whilst I am not aware of who is behind this rather clever way of distributing truth, there is an email you can send queries to: [email protected]

    Was Salaam


    Welcome to a new Australian media information service. The name is self-explanatory.

    After decades of deceit surrounding events in the Middle East, ACTME believes it is time for enlightenment. This service goes to about 100 media and political contacts.

    21 June 2006

    It Ain't Necessarily So

    Remember how the Iranian President, Ahmadinejad, was supposed to have said/called for/declared/explicitly threatened etc, etc:-

    "Israel must be wiped off the map": Leanne Piggott, The Australian, 1/11/05

    "wiping Israel from the face of the earth": Michael Costello, The Australian, 20/1/06

    "Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth": Barry Cohen, The Australian, 17/2/06

    "to wipe Israel off the map": Editorial, The Australian, 11/4/06

    "the destruction of Israel": Editorial, The Australian, 13/3/06
    Well, it's now transpired that something got Lost in Translation ( http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/jonath...6/post_155.html ). Or, if you want an Israeli site, go to http://www.kibush.co.il/show_file.asp?num=14290

    The Guardian's Jonathon Steele tells the whole sorry story (14/6/06) about how what should have been translated as "The regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time" became "Israel should be wiped off the map." In other words, how a call for regime change has, with active misinformation from the Zionist propaganda machine, been transformed by some sections of the media into a call for mass destruction and genocide.

    We in ACTME, however, won't be holding our collective breath until The Australian and others issue a clarification. Instead, given the staying power of that other golden oldie - Barak's generous offer to Arafat - we expect there's heaps more mileage in Ahmadinejad's 'call' to wipe Israel off the map. We'll bring these to your attention as they crop up.

    "What other democracy in the world would treat the enemy like that?"

    ACTME draws your attention to an inspiring piece in The Australian by its intrepid Middle East correspondent, Martin Chulov: Hamas cell where would-be martyrs nurture hope for peace (15/6/06). Martin ventures inside a "maximum security terrorist jail" in Beersheba. Hmm - "terrorist jail"?

    Stress positions, hoods, womens undies, leashes, dogs - that's sooo Abu Ghraib. In Israeli prisons they do things differently: brand new TV's, Korans on tap, and "Food is prepared in line with cultural demands. All meat is halal and there are few complaints about the standard".

    A Hamas prisoner, "doing 12 life terms", denies he'd ever again send "a bomber to Tel Aviv" [but, ACTME asks, can you trust him...maybe after he's served his 12th term?], saying " 'No, things are different now'...as he affectionately slaps the back of Israeli prison officer Yuval Biton, who many inmates address in fluent Hebrew...'They treat us reasonably'..." The prisoners are "allowed family visits twice a month and can phone home on important family occasions."

    "As...Yuval Biton escorts us out, he says: 'It is not our job to add to their punishment...we are here to make sure they serve their time with dignity. What other democracy in the world would treat the enemy like that?’ "

    Hey, Martin? You don’t think Yuval has been pulling your leg?

    ACTME reminds its readers that in August 2004, 7,500 Palestinian political prisoners went on hunger strike against the denial of visits by family members, humiliating strip searches, solitary confinement for prolonged periods, and denial of access to adequate health care. The then Minister for Internal Security, Tzahi Hanegbi, declared at the time: "For all I care, they can starve to death!"

    ACTME has received the following email from one of our three stalwart Liberal Senators whom, you may remember, had been engaged in "three years of forensic questioning of ABC executives" (The Australian 26/5/06) over some perception that the ABC is not following the Government's script when reporting affairs Middle Eastern:
    Dear ACTME,

    I refer to your recent e-mails and references to myself and my colleagues, Senator Santoro and Senator Ronaldson.

    Who are you? Your efforts to hide behind an acronym clearly demonstrate that you are unwilling to disclose your true identity to the receipients of your missives. Indeed, it reinforces the lack of credibility of your pro-terrorist propaganda.

    In fairness to your alleged distribution, you should have the courage of your convictions and distribute material under your true identity.

    Concetta Fierravanti-Wells
    Liberal Senator for New South Wales
    ACTME thanks the senator for her response and asks of her, on behalf of the Australian taxpayer, the following somewhat more relevant questions:

    What has it cost in Senate and ABC resources to hound the ABC at such length?

    How specifically do Australian taxpayers benefit from the said hounding?

    And, assuming that the Middle East constitutes vital Senate business, would Australia's (and the world's) interests not be better served by our hard-working senators getting behind what has been identified as the international consensus on the Israel/Palestine conflict, ie an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the creation of a Palestinian state?
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    We all know what he is thinking in his head... his PR department is doing great though.
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    We all know what he is thinking in his head...
    No offence bro but Speak for yourself.

    God didnt give me the 'special powers' that he has given you
    Last edited by SirZubair; 07-01-2006 at 10:03 AM.
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    format_quote Originally Posted by SirZubair View Post
    No offence bro but Speak for yourself.

    God forgot to give me the special powers that he has given you
    Me too. lol.
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    format_quote Originally Posted by ganeshsikkim View Post
    Me too. lol.
    Maybe lavikor has a special magic potion?

    (no offence lavikor,im just kidding )
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    I cant see that happening easily.
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    The Orthodox Jewish response to the criticism of the Iranian President
    (statement for Al Q'uds Day)

    28 October 2005
    With the help of the Almighty.

    Orthodox Jews the world over, are saddened by the hysteria which has greeted the recent stated desire of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to see a world free of Zionism. This desire is nothing more than a yearning for a better, more peaceful world. It is a hope that with the elimination of Zionism, Jews and Muslims will live in harmony as they have throughout the ages, in Palestine and throughout the world.

    It is a dangerous distortion, to see the Presidents words, as indicative of anti-Jewish sentiments. The President was simply re-stating the beliefs and statements of Ayatollah Khomeini, who always emphasized and practiced the respect and protection of Jews and Judaism. The political ideology of Zionism alone was rejected. President Ahmadinejad stressed this distinction by referring only to Zionism, not Judaism or the Jewish people, regardless of whether they reside in Palestine or else were.

    We concur!! Orthodox Jews have always prayed and till today, continually pray for the speedy and peaceful dismantling of the Zionist state. As per the teachings of the Torah, the Jewish law, the Jewish people are required to be loyal, upstanding citizens, in all of the countries where-in they reside. They are expressly forbidden to have their own entity or state in any form or configuration, in this Heavenly decreed exile. Furthermore, the exemplification of one-self, with acts of compassion and goodness, is of the essence of Judaism. To subjugate and oppress a people, to steal their land, homes and orchards etc. is of the cardinal sins, of the basics crimes, forbidden by the Torah.

    We have long stood together with the suffering Palestinian people in their struggle for self determination and respect. Based on our religious teachings, we believe it is impossible that any lasting peace can be achieved, for so long as the state of Israel exists. It is towards this goal of true reconciliation that religious Jews strive; via Palestinian statehood, so that we can once again reside in harmony and brotherhood.

    May we merit to see the fruition of our prayers. Ultimately we pray for the day when all mankind will recognize the One G-d and serve Him in harmony. May this come upon us in the near future. Amen.

    Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
    Neturei Karta International
    Jews United Against Zionism
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    Jazakallah akhi
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    It is Iran that cares to 'wipe Israel off the map'.
    statements like these were made years and years ago.
    I doubt Iran will do it.Iran is smart ,Ahmadinejad said that to make himself look like a boss.IMO.
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    format_quote Originally Posted by Emir Aziz View Post
    statements like these were made years and years ago.
    I doubt Iran will do it.Iran is smart ,Ahmadinejad said that to make himself look like a boss.IMO.
    160x iran 060115 - Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairsb1 418 - Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    He is one of the only politicians out there that i have any respect for.Trust me,it is not an easy task to earn my respect.
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    They are a people whose wickedness and godlessness are without parallel in history. Yet they succeed in constantly replicating themselves amongst the peoples of the world, who then become the people of Gog and Magog. They started with the medieval crusades, which were so-called holy wars that Europe fought against Islam. And now, in the last stage of their unholy mission, they wage war on Iran in order to steal, in broad daylight, Iran’s oil and gas.
    I almost gave up reading after that. With the opening being such utter drivel, what's the point?

    Their mastermind, who is an imposter, creates very clever diversions (such as world-cup football) to mask their wicked deeds, and to divert attention from his ominously unfolding master-plan to eventually rule the world from Jerusalem, and to then declare himself to be the true Messiah.
    You could write a PhD thesis about that guy's paranoia!

    ....another article written by Shaykh Imran Hosein
    I'll book mark that for the next time I need a good laugh.
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    format_quote Originally Posted by SirZubair View Post
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    He is one of the only politicians out there that i have any respect for.Trust me,it is not an easy task to earn my respect.
    Don't we all know it!
    Lol. J/k
    Great thread. Reps coming your way!
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    format_quote Originally Posted by Trumble View Post
    I almost gave up reading after that. With the opening being such utter drivel, what's the point?

    You could write a PhD thesis about that guy's paranoia!

    I'll book mark that for the next time I need a good laugh.
    At the end of the article,shaykh imran wrote...

    PS. This writer would welcome comments on this essay. You may write to him at [email protected]
    Go on

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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    if Isreal attacks Iran it will be from the US, with cruise missles.
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    Israel and Iran are buddies... Why would they fight each other?
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    Re: Will Israel Attack Iran?, Islam and International Affairs

    If you wish to read more of Shaykh Imran's work, click :


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