By Kasha

Bandar Seri Begawan - Three Dusun siblings embraced Islam yesterday in a conversion ceremony at No.1 Kampong Bukit in Ulu Tutong.

The ceremony was conducted in front of officers from the Tutong District Dakwah Unit. Marisah bte Apol, 16, is now known as Nursabrina Nabilah bte Abdullah Apol; Massrullizah bte Apol, 14, is now known as Nursyafiqah Nabilah bte Abdullah Apol; and Mira Aswanni bte Apol, 8, is now known as Nursyakirah Nabilah bte Abdullah Apol.

The three sisters later received a memento from the guest of honour at the ceremony, Hjh Hasnah bte Hj Omar, the Head of Administration Section, Islamic Dakwah Centre.

The event also saw the reading of 'Dikir Marhaban' and sprinkling of 'Bunga Rampai'. The Penghulu of Mukim Ukong, Hj Omar bin Abd Aziz, was also present to witness the ceremony. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin